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The Nintendo 3DS


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The push for these things has begun, what do we all think?

Glasses free 3D, pretty damn good graphics, fully backwards compatable with old DS games, accelerometer, takes 3D pictures, etc etc.

It's also £230(!), and has an 8 hour battery life at best, the 3D tech goes out of whack if you go even a tad off centre with it and it gives you an awful headache in the first few uses, amongst other problems.

I just can't see this continuing the massive hit the DS has been.

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Anybody here remember the original DS?


It was an ugly old thing, overpriced and not really for the mass market. It didnt have the incredibly famous Game Boy branding and nobody really "got" the two screen thing. It did fine though, mostly because Nintendo have tens of millions of fans (mostly in Japan and North America) who grew up on Super Mario and Zelda and Kid Icarus who will buy it. It didnt really go stellar until they redesigned it with the familiar DS Lite shape and cut the price, which was a couple of years into its life. Shit, with the DSi redesign a couple of years Nintendo managed to put the price of the thing back up and it still sold like gangbusters.

I think the same will happen with this. The 3DS will sell plenty of units to the millions of hardcore Nintendo fans that are out there, Nintendo will ride that for a year or so and then come out with a price cut and a sweet redesign and make a killing on it. They are in this for the long haul, dont forget the DS is almost seven years old now and they are still fully supporting it. The 3DS will be a slow burn for Nintendo, it wont do the kind of numbers the DS is doing now in its first couple of years, but it will still be a very profitable thing for them. I cant see it being as spectacularly as successful as the DS has been though, I think the kids want iPhone/Android/iPod touch type devices now and that will eat into the market a bit, but the 3DS will still be doing well in five, six or seven years time.

Will I buy one? Yes. Just not on day one.

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I'm not much for handheld gaming nowadays, but Pilot Wings, Ocarina of Time, and Paper Mario as launch titles have peaked my interest somewhat. I'd say Animal Crossing aswell, but I'm sure it'll be the same game again...

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Ocarina of Time isn't a launch title, in the UK at least. The launch line up is fairly shite, Street Fighter being the main title to get interest atm.

I think the 3DS may sell well eventually but I can't even see the hardcore Nintendo fanbase keeping the thing going over here anyway from an early adopter point of view - the price and problems will see to that. The price verges on obscene, especially when you consider that given Nintendos current business strategy is to make money on consoles, I'd be very keen to see how much profit is in there.

Software prices might nobble it too..

I really dont see it being the raving success the DS was at more or less any point in its life without it becoming immesnely cheaper and improved - better battery life, better viewing angles on the 3D, homogenised 3D optimisation etc etc.

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I'm not much for handheld gaming nowadays, but Pilot Wings, Ocarina of Time, and Paper Mario as launch titles have peaked my interest somewhat. I'd say Animal Crossing aswell, but I'm sure it'll be the same game again...

Sorry, more remakes, Pilot wings, Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario.

Are Nintendo the laziest games developers around?

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I'm not much for handheld gaming nowadays, but Pilot Wings, Ocarina of Time, and Paper Mario as launch titles have peaked my interest somewhat. I'd say Animal Crossing aswell, but I'm sure it'll be the same game again...

Sorry, more remakes, Pilot wings, Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario.

Are Nintendo the laziest games developers around?

Hey, if people keep buying em...

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too expensive IMO and id also read somewhere that its being touted as not good for young kids eyes, seems to be a step away from the main market of the DS, which is probably deliberate, thing is the original DS has been such a huge success it a) puts them in a position where they can afford a dip in sales B) provides them with such a big fan base that even if it is shit the sales will still be ok

the gf's DS gets played once a year when the new professor leyton comes out so i wont be getting one

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First post Dem ;)

Completely backwards compatable with old DS titles. Only things it doesn't work entirely with is anything that used the GBA port on the older DS models, like the Guitar Hero games on it, because it doesn't have that port.

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I'm not much for handheld gaming nowadays, but Pilot Wings, Ocarina of Time, and Paper Mario as launch titles have peaked my interest somewhat. I'd say Animal Crossing aswell, but I'm sure it'll be the same game again...

Sorry, more remakes, Pilot wings, Ocarina of Time and Paper Mario.

Are Nintendo the laziest games developers around?

3D remakes :winkold:

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Just found out I'm working the launch of this. Thankfully I don't think it'll fly off the shelves.

Anyway... my impressions having used one. It's a solidly built machine and feels like it has some quality. It looks a little bit of a hodge pode design, it'll almost certainly be redesigned as a far sleeker machine.

It's got decent power behind it, it's certainly got the potential to have quite impressive titles come out for it. Sadly, the launch lineup doesn't really have anything to absolutely blow the socks off anyway, asides from maybe Street Fighter... which has the trouble of not really being 'for' a handheld. It needs a really top of the line Nintendo game to come out and show what it can really do imo. Zelda may be that title, or the new Mario that's been announced.

The top screen is surprisingly good, clear bright and crisp. The 3d is... alright. The first thing I noticed with it is it makes the screen immediately darker and seems to knock the frame rate a bit, even on comparitively simple things like the AR games. The darkening is really disappointing but an offshoot of 3d thats reasonably unavoidable. It does work though. The sweet spot, for me at least, is tiny however, and going off the sweet spot even a little leads to a visual effect of really heavy harsh ghosting that I actually find offputting to even glance at, the first time I caught a look of it off centre I actually had to turn away as it hurt my eyes. I found that glancing between the screens also strains my eyes very quickly and using the 3d for a length of time is quite tiring and gives a weird headache. Some people also seem to become a little queasy having used it.

It has the same problems as the DS does for me obviously too. I don't really care for the twin screen thing and touch controls for 99% of things are dumb, and it's never been a particularly ergonomic design.

Oh and the battery life on it is **** awful.

All in all it's a decent bit of kit but for now the niggles would stay my hand from buying it. The price certainly doesn't help either, it's far too expensive. And the launch lineup is crap. If you're interested in one, I'd say hold off for sure, until about June at least, which should be the release for Zelda: OOT. Ideally wait until it gets the inevitable 'Lite' redux.

I also would recommend against buying on the basis of the 3d, but rather on it's merits as a souped up DS.

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Cheers for that, Chindie.

All in all it's a decent bit of kit but for now the niggles would stay my hand from buying it. The price certainly doesn't help either, it's far too expensive. And the launch lineup is crap. If you're interested in one, I'd say hold off for sure, until about June at least, which should be the release for Zelda: OOT. Ideally wait until it gets the inevitable 'Lite' redux.

Think I'll take your advice here. Though I'll probably want to give it a try before I buy one anyway, if the straining on your eyes/headache thing is as bad as it sounds then that'd be a major issue. I wouldn't be able to enjoy it.

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