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The All Things Apple (Only) Topic


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The things that iOS does well, it does very very well. It is simple, (My 4 year old has had the iPad sussed out from about 18 months old)  and does what you want it to do at the push of a button. For those who want a beautiful looking premium handset, that does what it is told when it is told to do it, it is great. I don't like the menu layout -  lack of customisation, lack of widgets and folders, the fact that NFC is only just available and is locked down so stringently.... the fact that the opportunities to customise the handset is limited to what case I put on it and that fundamentally, everyone's iPhone looks and behaves identically.  But what I also know is that if someone offered me an Anroid smartphone in an iPhone 6 or 6 plus body, I would snap their hands off for it.

That is basically the gun metal HTC one m8.

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I upgraded my 5S to ios8 today, which means that at long last I can now access 4G!    In the office today I got a download speed of 69Mbps, which strikes me as being pretty bloody nippy.

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I haven't bothered with downloading ios8 onto my 5 yet. Is it worthwhile 


It was for me, as I couldn't get 4G until I did.  Other than that I can't say I've noticed a big change from 7, other than getting a few free apps.

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Had a little hold of a 6 today. I honestly thought it was a Samsung Galaxy Note at first, I was looking where the iPhone was. It looks exactly like one.


The edges are really round and stick out quite a lot but are far too slippy for me. I think they'll be dropped a lot.

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On Android about

three four years ago.  :ph34r:




It's excellent once you get used to it. Miles faster than traditional keyboards. 

Edited by The_Rev
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I can upgrade in Jan or Feb but to be honest I am sick of phones, I have got the Iphone 5 at the moment and would happily swap back to my Iphone 3 if you could still get standard apps like SSN on it, the 3 was one of my favourite phones ever, perfect size worked well and the 4 and 5's are just bigger versions of it.


I am thinking of just scrapping my contract and going sim only to save a few quid

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So it appears that in an effort to make the Iphone 6 & 6 plus slim and light Apple have not taken into account the fact the people will put them in jean pockets and there are plenty of upset owners who have bent their iphone.


I used to own an iphone and with the 6 plus they have finally brought to market a handset I would consider as an upgrade but I might pass on this one.

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Apparently my new paymasters have seemingly (and to my mind, erroneously) deemed me important enough to warrant a business phone in the form of an iPhone "5c".


I am not exaggerating when I say I've never so much as touched a smartphone in my life (I yearn for simpler times when the most coveted feature of a mobile was being able to slide open like what they use in them there Matrix films).  Is this a good or bad thing?

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