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...they're trying a new tactic of patenting things...

That's the point, not the rest of the fluff. The patent system, which all companies use, is hardly fit for purpose. They'd all say @well if we don't patent our new invention, which is called "a square thing" [or whatever] then microsoft/apple/Samsung/google will patent it and we'll have to pay them.

It's the system that's at fault

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Well it's Apple doing all the litigation and others defending themselves with their own patents. The system is broken, but it's the vile Company that is Apple that's using the system to crush any competition.

That's because Apple are fearful that they are no longer innovating. It got so bad they sacked their sofware guy Forstall, iOS is that dated they need to fix the problem or be in big trouble with regards protecting their extortionate revenue soon.

iPad mini is a 7.9inch iPad 2. It's a reaction to the 7 inch tablet market. 4 inch iphone 5 is a reaction to Androids utter dominance of the Smartphone market.

2 years down the line, where is Apple going to be when 70% of it's revenue comes from the iPhone 5. Will the iPhone 5S really entice people?? Like Microsoft before them, they're too big to change quickly enough.

Their rivals have tiny or in the case of Google and Amazon zero profit margins on device sales. Take the Nexus 4, almost half the price of an iPhone 5 and a far more powerful and innovative OS.

It's all changing too quick for Apple and so they are tying to abuse the patent system to stop rivals innovating past them. Crush innovation and save our profits. That's the new plan.

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It really isn't Apple doing all the litigation. Dunno where you got that from. You only have to use Google to see that's utter tripe, Connor.

On your other points, I agree with some of it, but not the overall gist of your point which is that they are "vile" and everyone else is much better and Android's better... You're welcome to your opinion, of course.

Personally I think Apple has got to the stage Microsoft was at - as big as it can get, and slow to adapt - you're dead right. Apple's started changing from what it was justr 2 or so years ago - It's not as "perfectionist" as it was, the Maps app is pants, Lion and Mountain Lion are worse than Snow Leopard, they're less innovative than they were, and less "different". They do use their size to their advantage, and the disadvantage of others. (As do Samsung, for example, too).

It still makes excellent kit that people want to use and own, and that is well built and designed and (IMO) better to use than much other stuff. Not all other stuff, perhaps, but most.

They make the best computers, they make the Ipad which is the best larger tablet, the iphone and iOS is competitive and rakes in fortunes. Their kit is costly, often and they are in danger of losing customers if they make a bad next phone or tablet, because the competition has caught up and even overtaken in some areas.

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Motorola are suing for FRAND licencing from Apple. That is different to Apple suing competitors like Samsung for vague UI and very broad design patents. The iPhone and iPad could not exist if it wasn't for the devices they copied like tablet pcs etc.. No device manufacturer has sued a rival in the mobile industry because they made a similar competitive device. This litigation by Apple is Apple attempting to stop a rival from making a competitive device. Plain and simple.

You need to understand the difference between Standard Essential Patents and Apples vague design patent cases against Samsung. I don't think you do.

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Isn't the Motorola (i.e. Google) case about Apple suing them for breach of contract over licensing?

Regardless, what about all the cases against apple by the likes of Samsung? for extremely similar things apple has sued for - various uses of technology or features that they have patented.

All these tech companies have been gathering up portfolios of patents and then suing each other over use of those patents - basically patent trolling.




The list is almost endless

I think you miss my point, I'm not defending Apple as some kind of good force, and I do understand the difference between the one case where Apple claimed (and won) that Samsung had copied their product (the phone/iPad) and other cases where companies claim that some bit of particular patented tech that they own, has been used without license in another's product.

As I said in the thread about the Samsung copying Apple case, it's pretty clear that they were. Google told Samsung they were, Samsung's own notes showed they were. Their business plan was to copy and undercut. It worked, they're big enough to handle the defeat and the lawyers will keep raking in the cash. And as I also said, it ended up with a better range of products for us too choose from. It's a variation of what Apple has done - taking someone else's ideas and making them "better/more appealing or accessible". They're all at it. Defending and litigating and trying to grow and control and so on. ALL of them.

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Apple doesn't have the standard essential patents like the other companies who have been involved in the mobile industry for decades. They developed tech to do with 3G and LTE etc.. Microsoft are the worlds biggest patent tolls. But Apple, they are sueing because a Rival made a device that looks similar to theirs, they went and patented things they should never be allowed patent, like rectangles with rounded edges. Pinch to **** zoom which was demoed to them by Sony ffs. They then went after their biggest rival with this flimsy very broad design patent and let 9 joe soaps rule on local company Apple vs Asian company Samsung.

Apple vs Samsung is unique in the patent cases. Apple has nothing but vague UI patents, that there was prior art for and the even vaguer trade dress. Nobody on earth would confuse a 4 inch plastic Galaxy S for an iPhone 4S. What Apple is trying to do is stymie the competition, plain and simple. It's a tactic to sue over patent nobody was ever going to license, because it was a joke to even ask. They are not standard essential patents.

Apple, is such a vile company these days. Even Steve Jobs and his pathetic "I will destroy Android". Pathetic and his company are as pathetic. **** off and go make something new and stop trolling the companies that are. Like Google and Samsung. It your fault they are better together than you are alone Apple.

We'll all enjoy now how iOS' required drastic change will be to copy more of Android whole sale, rather than try make something new ala Microsoft.

We need this first Apple Samsung case to get to the Supreme Court quickly so the court can laugh their ass off at Apple and invalidate thier joke patents, Then this will stop, that or grant Samsungs injunction on the iPhone 5 for it's infringment on Samsungs LTE patents. That'll stop this. Like in Korea where injunctions were granted on both Apple and Samsung devices, that was settled quickly out of court then.

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I'll throw this into the thread again. The Dylan metaphor is a bit wobbly, and all of the relevant stuff is in the second half of the video but it's food for thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Mrs E has asked me to sync some stuff from her iTunes on her laptop to her ipad.

If I do this will it wipe the content from her ipad and replace it with what's on her iTunes or will it add to it?

Apple software is a crock of Shit and being an Android devotee its all a total mystery. As far as I can see the easiest thing would be to do it via iTunes match but I'm **** if I'm paying get an extra £21.99 for the privilidge of moving stuff ive already paid for from one place to another.

So to sync or not to sync?

Thanks gents.

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Is the iPad synched to another computer already? If so then you might have problems

By far the worst part about Apple software, imo

If it's been synched to HER laptop in the past, then you're ok. You just need to make sure it's not set to automatically sync (can't remember where the setting is, google it) and manage music/files manually, and you can add to what's on there by dragging and dropping in iTunes rather than replacing it.

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Is the iPad synched to another computer already? If so then you might have problems

By far the worst part about Apple software, imo

If it's been synched to HER laptop in the past, then you're ok. You just need to make sure it's not set to automatically sync (can't remember where the setting is, google it) and manage music/files manually, and you can add to what's on there by dragging and dropping in iTunes rather than replacing it.

I have no idea tbh.

Don't think its ever been plugged in before. Its all on her iTunes account, but some is stored on the iPad, some on the laptop with a back up on an external hard drive.

Might just drag and drop the files off the pad onto the laptop and then sync it all onto it....

what a **** ball ache - I love Android. :wub:

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if it's all her account then you should be fine.

As I said, just make sure it's not set to automatically sync

I've even googled it for you

Click me

Plug it in, and drag and drop in iTunes to your heart's content.

Problem will arise if it's been synched to another account, but doesn't sound like it has so you'll be ok I reckon.

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if it's all her account then you should be fine.

As I said, just make sure it's not set to automatically sync

I've even googled it for you

Click me

Plug it in, and drag and drop in iTunes to your heart's content.

Problem will arise if it's been synched to another account, but doesn't sound like it has so you'll be ok I reckon.


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Do you have to have a credit card to use the app store? I've decided to get my mother an ipad mini but want to set it up for her before I give her it.

Can I do that without linking a credit card? Or to use the app store will I need to link a card to the account?

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