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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


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Not currently playing it. Playing alot of other games, but i did get the latest dlc. While the dlc was alittle short it was still ok. Will probably get the new dlc, which looks like you can ride dragons.

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I'm still playing it on PC. Haven't even finished the main quest storyline either :P

Get sidetracked by other quests too much. Don't know if I'll get the DLC though, got too many other games to play on the back burner.

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I know it's a point of pride for some people to say they have been playing a game for hours and havent touched the main quest, but in Skyrim you really are missing out on a shitload of cool abilities that can only be unlocked by doing the main questline if you constantly avoid it. That said, I dont really consider the dragonborn quest to be a main quest, it's not really any more substantial than any of the other major quest chains like the thieves guild, the dark brotherhood, the mages college (etc) it's just that they clearly needed something to market the game around and as dragons are awesome they got put on the front of the box. But do the main quest, Fus Ro Dah!

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It's not that I'm purposely avoiding the main quest, it's just that I keep thinking 'I'll just clear out these side quests and then finish the main story' but they never seem to end ;) But I take your point. I think I'll have to wrap this baby up sooner rather than later.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I started playing last month, so I haven't

I'll tell you what's seriously getting on my tits though- as a thief character with sneak 100 and with archery approaching 80, I can annilhate pretty much everything with a glass arrow in the face. Dragons? Nightmare. You can only waste them either with help or by sneaking on them, which only works if you're raiding a nest. One blast of anything and my non-existant armour (Cicero's jester clothing) can't handle it.

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I have revived my interest in this game after about 6 months. I had got about 3/4 of the way through the main quest when I had a HDD failure on my PS3 and lost all my data and started again. Starting again is a pain in the nuts in one way, because you have to go back and do stuff again and listen to the same conversations when you just want to get to the next bit, but in other ways it's great, especially using hindsight in terms of investing perks, getting good weapons early through various quests etc and so forth. I only discovered the joys of dual-wielding one-handed weapons late in my previous game.

Going through Draugr hangouts at level 14 with Red Eagle's Bane in one hand and Dawnbreaker in the other is marshmallow-toastingly awesome.

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I finally completed the main quest for this last week at level 52. Kind of easy in the end there.

I'm debating whether to continue playing more side quests or move onto the many other games I have sitting on my shelf which I haven't touched yet.

First world problems ^_^

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I just cant bring myself to play it any more. I bought Dawnguard and stopped playing about half way through. I completed practically all the main story quests and side stuff. I literally have nothing left to do that doesn't involve Dawnguard. Only quests I ever get is from someone in town. I got all the masks, all the shouts, all the spells, maxed out all my stats and I am practically a god at the moment. I restarted once because I ruined the game for myself before. I was able to one hit punch a dragon and I was incapable of dying. If any of you want to know how to get that strong, I can reveal the secret but it will ruin the game for yourself. It was fun for a week because able to kill everything with one punch and jumping off mountains and not being able to die but it got boring fast.

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Played it to death this time last year, and now I've got a decent PC again, it's been bought and installed and now loaded up to it's eyeballs with mods. I fully expect it to keel over when I start it up but either way, I'm going to enjoy this...

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