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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


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It is dawning on me that this is a hundred hour game, minimum, isnt it? I am some 22 hours in at the moment, I am level 17 and I have done two quests in the main story arc. I have only completed one of the side quest lines and a handful of miscellaneous quests. I feel like I have barely started the game when I would have finished most others before now. The world is amazing, I am posting some screenshots but the jpeg compression and lack of dynamic lighting means they dont do the game justice at all.

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So I did the quest in the dwemer city under Markarth, and that guy gave me a key to the Museum. I went and had a look round, and then continued into his lab. In his lab there was a lever thing on the wall, so of course I had to activate it. It caused a thing in the ceiling to shoot a kind of exploding rocket behind me, sending all of the bits and bobs around the room I was in flying. Got a message saying Bounty Added (5), thought 'oh', and then a guard starts attacking me. I couldn't talk to him to pay off the bounty, or bride him, or anything. So I go back into the city proper and every **** guard in the place is after me! I am currently pegging it away from Markarth with my tail between my legs for the sake of a 5 **** gold bounty! :lol: I'm not really sure how to stop them, as I don't really want to kill them as I guess that will count as a murder. Then again, if I can't get them to stop attacking me I can't go back to Markarth :| Guess I'll have to try attacking them, and see what happens...

Normally if you leave and come back you will get a text option to pay the bounty or get off if you have been made a thane. Just make sure your weapon is holstered.

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Sorry for my, what will seem to most of you, a nooby question but I've tried getting into this game between phases of COD and Fifa and the only thing niggling me is the whole weapon set-up thing. If say, I wanted to be a warrior (use melee; sword, shield etc) would that be my priority and mean I wouldn't need to worry about Magic, Archery and everything else? I began using melee and knocked my talent points in that but then realized NPC's are offering me Magic advice and boosts. Do I just ignore it and focus on one weapon priority?

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If you want, yes. It might be worth taking a healing spell for between fights but if you want to be a warrior then just focus on Health and Stamina and start rocking melee weapons. I guess you have to decide whether you want to be a barbarian with a big fuckoff two handed axe (or sword/mace) somebody who dual wields one handed weapons or a defensive tank with a sword & board. You can probably be all three at the same time if truth be told though you will need to decide which tree you want to put your perks in. Wear heavy armour. Take up smithing. I guess you should be a Redguard, a Nord or an Orc to get the most out of your racial abilities but that will make less of a difference every time you level up.


Oh, and an update on the continuing adventures of Radion Automatic; he just bought a horse! :D

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Cheers mate. The only problem is I read people are enjoying using magics or archery so it feels as if I'm missing out playing the 'normal' warrior class. The best way to decide is play all of them I suppose. Thanks for the response.

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Got shadowmere last night, cant really be arsed with a horse but its nice that whenever i fast travel, its there when i arrive.

Dual casting fireballs is pretty much raping anything i come into contact with, focusing on my destruction so i can max it out asap. I figure that if things get harder as you level then it would sort of be prudent to keep my level down, while i max out destruction. Dropped 10k on destruction training last night, up to 71, only 4 more till i can cast the next level cheaper.

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I don't think I'm gonna bother with a horse.

Had a couple of days off it, may drop back in later to continue my quest to become smith extraordinaire and kit myself out in top class armour.

Then go **** up some dragons, which have gotten away largely Scott free on my playthrough thus far... I will have their bones.

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I'm all over the place when it comes to my spec. I'm around 50 destro/45 resto/35 one-handed/40 two-handed. I'm trying to have options when it comes to taking things on.

Also just went from level 16-21 in the past few hours due to crafting. Hopefully it won't make things too difficult, although I have heard the enemies don't level up with you like they did in Oblivion.

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Horses are a waste of time, I never bothered with them. Anyway I completed the main quest, the final boss was incredibly easy and a bit of a let down. I have some amazing shouts now though which I can't wait to try out when I carry on with all the side-quests.

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the best thing is im only level 12 and still have 38 levels to do, and i've barely touched the main questline. im doing the companion quests at the moment

i havent started crafting yet, need to spend an hour or two tonight getting into them

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There is no level cap, 50 is just where most players will be by the time they have done everything. It is also something of a "soft cap" from where levels require much more XP to progress through, but there are loads of people who are way beyond level 50 now.


More pretty scenery

I think I am going to go along the main quest for a while and earn some cool shouts. Then I will start working my way through the towns and guilds.

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I started as a Redguard and will be going ahead with Melee! Not sure what yet though, probably a typical sword and shield! Just wandering, I know many probably won't remember, but I've just finished the starting zone and free in Skyrim. I've been told to join a certain group but I haven't a clue where they are, if I should join them or what each group offers. I've told it to locate their location on the map but it hasn't for some reason? Again, it's probably down to personal preference but any advice in a certain direction would be appreciated.

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should i buy a house or is it a waste of 6k?

i only want it to store everything as i'm carrying too much all the time

Definitely buy the one in Whiterun as it pays for itself in no time at all. Once you do that, buy all the furniture for it too and never again worry about ditching valuable items you think might be of use later on. Just truck em home and stick them in your house. It's also good for keeping your alchemy organised.

Since doing that, I've gone from constantly battling with over-encumbrance to carrying nothing but essentials. Any time I need extra cash, I nip home and sell all the valuable loot stored there.

Rasputin taking a breather by the fire.


And just outside the front door, the Northern Lights over Whiterun.


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