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The Dark Knight Rises - Spoilers marked please!


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But why end them there? There's no rule that says you can only make 3 consecutive films. Although in some cases it might be a good idea :P

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There has been some talk of the various studios pulling their finger out and knocking out a Justice League movie in the vein of the Avengers, with this film and it's ending of Nolan's time with Batman being a convenient excuse to reboot down the line and have the next Batman film be a part of that project.

A long and difficult road for that though. Not helped by the fact that the Justice League's constituent characters are a bit ropey beyond the obvious.

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There has been some talk of the various studios pulling their finger out and knocking out a Justice League movie in the vein of the Avengers, with this film and it's ending of Nolan's time with Batman being a convenient excuse to reboot down the line and have the next Batman film be a part of that project.

A long and difficult road for that though. Not helped by the fact that the Justice League's constituent characters are a bit ropey beyond the obvious.

I don't want to think about just how bad that films going to be.

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Me neither. Justice League is... just... bad. DC wide issue though really, a lot of characters that just don't lend themselves to popularity like Marvel has been able to. You've got Batman, sure (a strangely cinematic superhero, works far better than many others on film), and Superman (the archetype, really)... and then it all goes wrong.

I mean the traditional line up of the Justice League is

Batman, fine.

Superman, fine (though I'm not a fan)

Green Lantern, stupid and one failed movie already.

Martian Manhunter, a really, really dumb character that you genuinely have to cringe at the thought of on screen.

Wonder Woman, not the greatest

The Flash... yeah, ahem...

And ****' Aquaman.

It just doesn't work somehow. It's somehow just inherently more silly than the Avengers, which isn't exactly serious stuff to begin with.

Thankfully, I don't think they'll do it. I don't think they could manage to do the Avengers style formula as the only characters there anyone is even vaguely going to buy, or care about, in enough numbers, are the ones that already can sell movies on their own, Batman and Superman.

And it'd be a long way off either way. Despite there being constant whispers about writers and scripts being knocked up.

As for the Dark Knight Rises, I'm still convinced that the film is going to leave Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne unable to be Batman again (dead/broken), but he has apparently been quoted this week as saying he'd do another film if needs be. Throwing people off the scent or am I just wrong?

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the last one on your list there *and ****' aquaman*

for som reason he seems insanely popular with kids (I have no **** idea why) but someone was telling me the other day that the only thing that their son is asking for his birthday is an aquaman figure, and after checking online the cheapest they could find was about £50

dont know how true that is but thats what I was told

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Aquaman is a pretty shit character, made worse by DC themselves admittedly. Marvel basically nicked the character and ended up with something much, much cooler, Namor.

I'd struggle to understand him being a popular character amongst kids. Must be the animal thing.

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Superman is shite too. When somebody is that powerful, how can you come up with any kind of dramatic story? The 80s films were as cheesy as hell.

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Yeah thats my problem with Superman. He's incredibly dull - when you need to make up a completely arbitrary weakness, somethings gone wrong with the character.

The idea of Superman basically being so powerful he would surely find it hard to relate to humanity, or even just Earth, is the inspiration for Alan Moore in Watchmen with Dr Manhatten.

(saying that, Superman does provide Batman with one of his most badass moments. Knowing that he might one day have to take on one of the other 'superheroes' in the world, he gets hold of a Kryptonite ring and one shots Superman with it)

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Yeah thats my problem with Superman. He's incredibly dull - when you need to make up a completely arbitrary weakness, somethings gone wrong with the character.

The idea of Superman basically being so powerful he would surely find it hard to relate to humanity, or even just Earth, is the inspiration for Alan Moore in Watchmen with Dr Manhatten.

(saying that, Superman does provide Batman with one of his most badass moments. Knowing that he might one day have to take on one of the other 'superheroes' in the world, he gets hold of a Kryptonite ring and one shots Superman with it)

You say all this, and maybe you are correct, but Dean Cain was such a dreamboat.

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As for the Dark Knight Rises, I'm still convinced that the film is going to leave Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne unable to be Batman again (dead/broken), but he has apparently been quoted this week as saying he'd do another film if needs be. Throwing people off the scent or am I just wrong?

I just can't see it, Nolan has re-iterated this week that this is his last Batman film whilst Bale has always said he'll do it as long as Nolan does and he was contracted for the 3 films.

I do think that it will be the end of Batman in this film but I don't think Wayne will be killed off, we just have to wait and see just what else there is John Blake in the film.

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I just can't get away from the feeling that Nolan wants to rubber stamp 'And with that I'm done' on the film, and with all the stuff in the marketing about it being 'the end of the legend' I'm quite convinced that Nolan's take on Bruce Wayne, will not end the film in the position to put the suit back on. Maybe they won't kill him, that might be a step too far and he'd up getting labelled as the man who killed Batman, but I can definitely see the final battle leaving Bruce Wayne unable to do the Batman thing any more. And so enter John Blake...

It'd be a nice way to bring an end to it, putting a definitive full stop of Nolan's series.

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'So, you know about him?'

'Of course... do you think he's coming back?'

Probably going to be the launch trailer. More new footage, more nods to this and that... Looking better and better. I'm really liking the soundtrack as well. If you've kept in the dark on the film there are a couple of minor things in that that might be a bigger deal if you went in cold to the film (just a month away!) but nothing seriously major (unless you've literally not seen a thing about this).

Nokia currently have some exclusive deal in place to host the trailer on their Youtube page, which actually seems to work against the trailer since someone else on Youtube was hosting it yesterday and had a better quality version... but hey, it's still a good trailer.

It is now looking nailed on that

Batman and Bane first meet in that sewer and Batman gets Bat-busted, so I think it's now pretty much a given we're getting at least some of Knightfall's story line (Batman gets **** by Bane, Batman recovers while things go to ****, Batman returns and takes down Bane).

Interesting that the trailer reveals that Bane knows exactly who Batman is too...

I'm also intrigued by Batman's line 'I'm not afraid anymore... I'm angry'. I wonder if Nolan has been tempted to flirt with Batman's being a rather rage filled character that some of the comics have played with? His Bruce Wayne has been typified by being a largely noble, if sometimes flawed, man, the comics have sometimes portrayed Batman as being on the brink of losing it...

Anyway, hype! I'm still not sure it's going to be a better film than TDK, but it's looking more and more like Nolan has decided to go balls out with this, I've said all along I expect it to be the weakest of the 3, I'm now starting to think it might be better than that...

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If you know anything about the storyline Bane is most well known for (which we've already spoke about a lot), and have watched the latest trailer, you've nothing to lose reading the spoiler. I was just trying to be more coy for people who are in the dark about the film entirely.

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