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The Dark Knight Rises - Spoilers marked please!


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The rumour I had heard stated that the prologue follows the style of the Dark Knights teaser prologue, in that it acts as a set up for its villain, Bane. Bane is introduced as an assassin for the League of Shadows, someone who had followed the path Bruce Wayne did in Begins but chose not to reject it. He works for them offing troublesome leaders in the world in brutal style. The prologue allegedly shows him hijacking the plane of a dictator and in the course of trying to kill the man gets sloppy, a mistake leading to him getting the injury that leaves him requiring that mask in pretty spectacular fashion allegedly

Obviously just a rumour, but I don't think it'll be far off what the reality is and sounds like it could be cool and lets them easily set up how Bane fits in this universe.

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Something lots of people have confirmed (and seemingly vindicates that dodgy recording from a few months back) is that Bane talks strangely, to the point people seem to be struggling with his dialogue...

...which sounds pretty grim :(

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Something lots of people have confirmed (and seemingly vindicates that dodgy recording from a few months back) is that Bane talks strangely, to the point people seem to be struggling with his dialogue...

...which sounds pretty grim :(

I think they'll touch this up in post production, Nolan himself they've barely touched the film yet and they focused on the prologue.

Time will tell, either way I think this is going to end Nolan's Batman trilogy in some style.

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Can't be as bad as Bale's marble-mouth though.

I must be the only person who actually likes Bale's Batman voice. It makes sense anyway, you wouldn't use your normal voice if you were a masked vigilante who relies on psychological warfare to get jobs done would you?

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I don't understand certain people's obsession with scrutinising films while they're in production. 'OMG leaked photos from the set!!!11', 'a leaked clip of what might be the underside of the new batmobile!11'. Just live your life, then when the film comes out, go and see it.

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I've just watched it. HYPE! Sound quality wasn't so great so some lines, especially in the louder parts, I struggled to make out, but I got the gist

Opens with an icy bat logo, followed by Jim Gordon stood at a memorial for Harvey Dent, speaking to the crowd, saying he was an inspirational friend he believed in.

Cuts to a 4x4 driving across a plain, inside is a man seemingly held captive by soldiers, along with some guys in with black hoods on. They arrive at a runway and a small jet, stood waiting is a CIA agent. The agent introduces himself to the captive man, referring to him as a doctor. One of the soldiers holding the doctor tells the agent he was not alone, the agent jokes he wasn't allowed to bring friends, the doctor replies coldly they aren't his friends. The soldier tells the agent that the 'friends' are men he might want, they were after 'his prize' (presumably the doctor), and that they are mercenaries, working for 'the masked man'. CIA agent asks 'Bane?', soldier nods, the hodded men are loaded on board.

Cuts to the plane in the air, landscape looks kinda Scottish, craggy hills. Inside the plane the agent lets all on board that he has a logged a flight plan, featuring only his men, the doctor, and one of his hooded guests. The plane door is opened, the agent says the first to talk gets to stay on the flight. One of the men is dangled out of the door, the CIA agent asks him something that sounds like 'who sent you after the doctor?'. No reply, the agent fires his gun next to the hooded man's head out of the door, before he's put back in the plane safely, the agent saying to the other captives 'He didn't play so good! Who wants to try next?'. Another man is dangled out the door, and is told 'Tell me about Bane! Why does he wear the mask?!' Again no reply.

Another of the hooded men speaks, his accent is strange, vaguely camp and posh with German and Russian overtones, together with an almost Darth Vader like robotic edge. He says 'Perhaps he wondered why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?'. The agent turns to him 'At least you can talk. Who are you?'. The hooded man says something like 'it doesn't who we are, what matters is our plan' The agent kneels down and tooks off the hood, the manseems to say 'No-one cared if I was the man that put on the mask' as it's revealed that he is Bane, with his weird mask on.

The agent asks 'If I pull that off will you die?'. Bane replies 'It will be extremely painful...' The agent quickly says 'You're a big guy'. Bane continues '...for you'. The agent asks if getting caught was part of the plan. Bane says 'Of course. The doctor refused our offer in favour of yours, we had to find out what he'd told you about us'. The doctor worriedly interjects 'Nothing!. Meanwhile a larger plane overtakes the jet, a cargo carrier with it's rear doors open.

The agent says to Bane 'Well congratulations, you got yourself caught, sir, so whats the next step of your master plan?'. Bane replies 'Crashing this plane...'. 4 men dive out of the cargo plane. '...with no survivors'. The skydivers, wearing wires, latch onto the jet and fire into it, breaking windows and attaching wires from the cargo plane to the jet. Bane meanwhile gets his hands dirty attacking his captors. The jet is then lurched upwards as the cargo plane pulls up, throwing the agent and soldiers to the back of the jet, Bane meanwhile hangs with ease from a seat. The jet now points straight to earth, the sky divers subsequently blow the tail off the jet opening it up for them to enter. The lower in and fire on the remaining soldiers, bringing in with a large bag. the bag has a man in it and a blood transfusion kit seemingly, the man in the bag is either dead or comatose. They transfer blood from the doctor, who is not keen on the whole thing understandibly.

Bane turns to one of his men, he stops him trying to attach a belt of some kind, presumably to escape, saying to something to him like 'No, they'll search for possible wreckage' with other things I couldn't make out. The man replies with something like 'When we started the fire'. Bane says 'Good. Very good.' The man smiles and sits back down. Bane attaches himself to wire belt along with the doctor, who is still screaming. Bane says 'Come now doctor, now is not the time for fear. That comes later'. A button is pressed, a bang, and the plane falls away with Banes men still on board. Bane and the doctor are winched back to the cargo plane, like the skyhook scene from the Dark Knight.

The prologue then cuts to some montage footage. First, Batman on the Batpod with the weird gun thing that reminds me of the plasma rifle from the original Doom thats been shown already. Next, Bane walking out wearing his big coat in a windy snowy place with some of his men in combats with rifles. Next, the Batcopter chasing down the already shown camo Batmobiles through Gotham streets. Men lowering themselves down a wellshaft that looks remarkably like the one Bruce himself fell down and later lowered down to found the Batcave. Bane and Batman going toe to toe in front of a wintery city hall it seems. A brief glimpse of Catwoman. The batpod running through traffic. Joseph Gordon-Levitts cop hurrying down a hallway checking his back. A big group of men sprinting down a Gotham street, seemingly the same city hall street Batman and Bane fought in front of. A couple of other brief shots... and then the ending stinger. Batman's cowl, broken, tossed aside as Bane walks away from shot.

The action sequence is fantastic. It's almost underplayed - it's amazing, but the way it's shown is just 'This is the shit these guys do'.

It's a good watch and while theres definitely the hint of the same thing they did with the Joker prologue in TDK, this one acts as way more of a teaser than that - the Jokers prologue intro was more like 'Hey man, the Joker!'. This is 'Shit, theres stuff nodded to here that is clearly massive but we've no idea, no idea at all what the **** is going down'.

Bane's voice is odd. It's not as bad as I feared, even on a shit cam of the prologue I can make out most of what he says, but it's still odd.

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Hopefully Warner Bros might just put it online with the leak happening so fast, with the advanced screenings of it now taking place in the states and the UK tonight they should expect it really.

The new trailer should be with us in the next week or so as it makes it debut before Sherlock Holmes 2 this Friday.

I want to see the prologue vid badly though.

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