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The Dark Knight Rises - Spoilers marked please!


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The scene where the cop comes out of the drain meeting Gordon-Levitt and they are ambushed but only the no name cop gets shot whilst they drag away Levitt and spend a while lining up to shoot him until Batman turns up, it is just moronic.

Agree, but that was the only part. You speak like it was constantly done throughout the film.

It happened quite a few times.


Like when they discover the board of Wayne Enterprises is still hiding on the top floor of the building (though they must have know already because Talia was hanging out with them?) so they rush up to shoot them all and hang their bodies from the bridge. Batman sees the bodies and I'm thinking "Wow! They killed off Morgan Freeman! That's hardcore!" But of course Freeman is back next scene and wandering around and attempting to jig the machine to disarm the bomb.

Or there is the scene when they capture Commissioner Gordon but don't bother shooting him until he's gotten away.

Or when the police force do their ‘charge of the light brigade’ into the machine guns only for 1 or 2 to fall down, then every one drops their weapons and starts punching each other??

It's B grade movie stuff. Some scenes were genuinely cool but I thought a lot was cringe worthy.

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The scene where the cop comes out of the drain meeting Gordon-Levitt and they are ambushed but only the no name cop gets shot whilst they drag away Levitt and spend a while lining up to shoot him until Batman turns up, it is just moronic.

Agree, but that was the only part. You speak like it was constantly done throughout the film.

It happened quite a few times.


Like when they discover the board of Wayne Enterprises is still hiding on the top floor of the building (though they must have know already because Talia was hanging out with them?) so they rush up to shoot them all and hang their bodies from the bridge. Batman sees the bodies and I'm thinking "Wow! They killed off Morgan Freeman! That's hardcore!" But of course Freeman is back next scene and wandering around and attempting to jig the machine to disarm the bomb.

Or there is the scene when they capture Commissioner Gordon but don't bother shooting him until he's gotten away.

Or when the police force do their ‘charge of the light brigade’ into the machine guns only for 1 or 2 to fall down, then every one drops their weapons and starts punching each other??

It's B grade movie stuff. Some scenes were genuinely cool but I thought a lot was cringe worthy.

R.E: your first point, it's not actually an error on the film's part if you simply fail to understand what's going on.
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Huge spoilers but there is a list on the /Film website called '15 Things That Bothered Us About The Dark Knight Rises'. It makes some very good points and I agree with most of it. Give it a read but be warned that there are massive SPOILERS. You can read it here.

They also say something that sums it all up for me too:

What’s consistently baffling about Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is people’s willingness to forgive Nolan for extremely problematic staging and editing, and for screenwriting crimes that would put any other writer/director in “script jail.”

I really enjoyed the film yet it had huge issues. It seems that fanboys are willing to forgive everything and it even led to user comments being stopped on the Rotten Tomatoes website. People were saying nasty things and apparently sending death threats to reviewers that gave TDKR a negative review. This is ridiculous...

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Huge spoilers but there is a list on the /Film website called '15 Things That Bothered Us About The Dark Knight Rises'. It makes some very good points and I agree with most of it. Give it a read but be warned that there are massive SPOILERS. You can read it here.

They also say something that sums it all up for me too:

What’s consistently baffling about Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is people’s willingness to forgive Nolan for extremely problematic staging and editing, and for screenwriting crimes that would put any other writer/director in “script jail.”

I really enjoyed the film yet it had huge issues. It seems that fanboys are willing to forgive everything and it even led to user comments being stopped on the Rotten Tomatoes website. People were saying nasty things and apparently sending death threats to reviewers that gave TDKR a negative review. This is ridiculous...

Picking it apart like this is kind of a little ridiculous.

How does Bane work out Wayne is Batman? Well the guy that did the due diligence in TDK did, so maybe it isn't that hard.

My point being, I haven't seen critiques like this of the Avengers, picking at every possible little plot hole.

How did Thor return to earth, when he was stranded at the end of his own movie? Because he's fricking Thor.

How does Batman, do this or that? Because he's Batman. Because it's a comic book world, take it for the slice of cinematic fantasy that it is.

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Huge spoilers but there is a list on the /Film website called '15 Things That Bothered Us About The Dark Knight Rises'. It makes some very good points and I agree with most of it. Give it a read but be warned that there are massive SPOILERS. You can read it here.

They also say something that sums it all up for me too:

What’s consistently baffling about Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is people’s willingness to forgive Nolan for extremely problematic staging and editing, and for screenwriting crimes that would put any other writer/director in “script jail.”

I really enjoyed the film yet it had huge issues. It seems that fanboys are willing to forgive everything and it even led to user comments being stopped on the Rotten Tomatoes website. People were saying nasty things and apparently sending death threats to reviewers that gave TDKR a negative review. This is ridiculous...

Picking it apart like this is kind of a little ridiculous.

How does Bane work out Wayne is Batman? Well the guy that did the due diligence in TDK did, so maybe it isn't that hard.

My point being, I haven't seen critiques like this of the Avengers, picking at every possible little plot hole.

How did Thor return to earth, when he was stranded at the end of his own movie? Because he's fricking Thor.

How does Batman, do this or that? Because he's Batman. Because it's a comic book world, take it for the slice of cinematic fantasy that it is.

That would be fine if Nolan hadn't been trying to go for a realistic version of Batman. I know that people (myself included) go to the cinema to escape reality. That doesn't mean that we should just forgive gaping holes in the plot of films though. There were big issues in TDKR that people seem to be willing to forgive. I'm sure it wouldn't be the same if it was another director...

I know that all films have flaws, yet TDKR just seemed rushed. It's funny that you mention 'Avengers Assemble' by the way as I actually think that was a much more entertaining film than TDKR. Two completely different approaches to comic book films and both good for their own reasons but I enjoyed the way 'Avengers Assemble' approached the whole thing and didn't take itself too seriously. Plus I've always been more of a Marvel fan which probably helps...

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The one thing that threw me was the stock exchange stuff. It's daylight, then when they get out of the tunnel, it's pitch black.

As for Thor's return, I've heard so many people bring this up. I'm pretty sure the first bit of dialogue he has is with Loki, who hints at why Thor was able to return.

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Watched it last night at the Big Screen in Birmingham. First of all the screen was impressive... only criticism was that it was 500 degrees in there! Another bonus was that everyone in the audience behaved themselves! I didn't hear a single beep or see a lighted mobile screen for the whole near 3 hours I was in there.

Film itself was very impressive... yeah, it had flaws but overall I was delighted with it. Cracking end to a fantastic trilogy.

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Just got in from it, stayed well out of this thread until I had.

Good stuff overall. Felt a bit long to me, but the action scenes were monstrous.

I think if you hadn't seen the first two, you'd have struggled a hell of a lot watching this, there's not enough tension in the scenes where things aren't blowing up.


Where the hell was that well-like prison? What country? Looked like Iraq or something. How did Wayne get back to Gotham with all the bridges down? And what was the chant?

I didn't fancy Hathaway before it, and now I do. She's immense. LOVED the sudden attitude change when she was pinching that necklace, I was thinking it was going to be a Pfeiffer break-down, but no, it was really well done.

Wayne / Alfred chats wore thin after the second one. Was it four times he bleated at him to not go and get his head caved in by the giant man? Give it a rest.

If you were Bane in this film, you'd have released the Arkham Asylum mob and the Joker, they let Scarecrow out to do his weird court thing.

Considering there was a bomb going off, Batman spent a lot of time putting petrol on that bridge to make a pretty bat fire pattern.

Agree about the ending, should have ended with just the "Robin" comment, and Alfred nodding, you didn't need to see Wayne and Kyle, or the cave.

Would this whole trilogy have worked if the 2nd and 3rd films were swapped, with some slight adjustments to the storyline? I think it could, and I think it would be hailed as the best film trilogy ever. Ledger's Joker gave this film an impossible task of improving on a incredible character.

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Thoroughly entertained and a great end to the trilogy.

Leaves them open to do a Robin / Nightwing film now too.

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It actually needs Nolans original 4hour cut to allow scenes to breathe, have a beat about them.

Never was a 4hr cut, what you see is what was filmed, has been the same for all his batman films. Said himself no deleted scenes on the DVD because there are none.

The initial cut Nolan showed Warner Execs was 4 hours long.

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It actually needs Nolans original 4hour cut to allow scenes to breathe, have a beat about them.

Never was a 4hr cut, what you see is what was filmed, has been the same for all his batman films. Said himself no deleted scenes on the DVD because there are none.

The initial cut Nolan showed Warner Execs was 4 hours long.

You sure? I read an interview with him the other day about how he rarely cuts anything from movies. He makes his cuts on paper rather than after he's filmed because he said it wastes far too much money and time. Then said something about it dispapointing the 'DVD crowd'.

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Spoiler Alert

After a few days of thought, I'd still say it was a very good film. Just wish the ending hadn't felt as rushed and that you only catch a glimpse of Wayne at the end, maybe a slight turn of a head to a black screen as opposed to a nod and a wink at Alfred.

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You might want to put a spoiler alert on that post mate.

Anyway, my interpretation of the ending is that...


What you see is what Alfred would like to have seen. It was massively sign-posted earlier in the film. Personally I think Batman/Wayne did die. After all, it's highly unlikely that someone as recognisable as Wayne wouldn't have been spotted before then, and Batman didn't have time enough to get away from the explosion.


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