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The Dark Knight Rises - Spoilers marked please!


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The amount of overreactions as to the quality of this film are bordering on farcical. People are saying it's a masterpiece and should win awards. I don't think it's anywhere near being a masterpiece and don't think it deserves many awards in all honesty (if any). That's not to say that I didn't like it, yet I just don't think it was that special. Nolan rounded off the trilogy perfectly well to an extent and has given everyone closure. It is a cracking example of a blockbuster and Nolan pulls out all of the stops, yet it isn't his strongest work. The likes of 'TDK' and 'Inception' are better pieces of work and both flow much better throughout.

Despite really enjoying it I think this has slightly gone down the same route as 'Prometheus' due to the fact that it hasn't lived up to my expectations. It isn't as bad as 'Prometheus' though and Nolan does deserve credit for bringing one of the best comic book trilogies ever to the big screen. 'Avengers Assemble' was a far more entertaining film in my eyes. Both are completely different approaches to comic boo films. yet in my opinion the Marvel approach of not taking things too seriously really worked in a big way.

Anyway, I'm still a fan of 'TDKR' despite the fact that I think it has been a bit of a missed opportunity. It certainly shouldn't be up for many awards though. Perhaps a nod for cinematography and the score are on the cards. Surely not best picture and if it is up for that then serious questions need to be asked...

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It's not even in the same league as a masterpiece. Talk of that is hype and excitement talking, and a little Nolan fanboyism. In the cold light of day it's not the kind of film that should win awards for anything outside the technical categories. It's superbly well made but theres nothing there for things like Best Picture or Director.

I went in not expecting much beyond a good film - I had no expectation of it beating TDK and... well, it didn't let me down. It should be better than it is, in my opinion. But it's a good watch and fun. It is more of a traditional blockbuster than anything Nolan's done, and as said it's well made.

I enjoyed it. I enjoyed Avengers more and they are definitely different approaches to 'similar' fare. No masterpiece but good. Not perfect but with merit.

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Seen it twice now. Think after the first showing of it that Chindie was spot on. I was a tad disappointed despite the cast really 'bringing their game'. Bales best performance to date, JGL I enjoyed. I thought Hathway was by far the best. She really did a great job as Selina Kyle. Hardy had the toughest task due to the mask but please Nolan if you are gonna use ADR for a masked character speak to Ben Burt please. Overall very good despite, I felt, clunky editing, directing, pace, and felt it actually looked overcut in places from Nolans original 4 hour cut.

On secomd viewing it is much better. Mainly as I think I hadnt the hype surrounding it muddying my opinion. Found the pacing of scenes but better, appreciated Bales performance far more. He really is superb in this one. I appreciated Hardys performance more too. Hathway is even more a delight and the film really has a better rhythm on a second viewing.

Its not Nolans best film by a mile. Not an oscar winner at all. But it is a very very good film and I recommend seeing it more than once to take it in.

Oh, considering its on for nearly 3 hours, it absolutely zips by.

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I completely agree with the feeling that it'll improve on repeat viewings. I think it'll benefit from being watched without the expectation (for many) and without the 'I wonder where this is going?!' element. I now know the story - I know whats going to happen and I think on viewing it tomorrow, I'll find more enjoyment from it.

It's strange to say that a film that has issues with pacing in the middle, doesn't feel it's length... but it really doesn't. The middle sags but the time still flies by.

I'm seeing it at a different cinema tomorrow and I'm wondering whether some of the audio issues I had (annoying teenagers aside) might be shown up to be the problem of the cinema and not the film...

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Chindie, I also thought Bane's voice sounded a little too loud t be honest. It seemed to drown everything out a bit too much.

Looking forward to the repeat viewing tomorrow aswell. I also agree that despite the middle dragging it does seem to go by rather quick overall.

By the way, I'm watching it in the IMAX again. I highly recommend seeing it that way to anybody that hasn't. Actually I would say that for any film that is on an IMAX screen. It's the best way to see a film in my opinion.

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One other thing. I saw the first showing as digital and second film. Digital was far better not just picture quality but richness, colour, lighting. Am saving imax til the crowd dies down. And I havent seen such queues for a film in donkeys years. Not in the days multiplexes.

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Chindie, I also thought Bane's voice sounded a little too loud t be honest. It seemed to drown everything out a bit too much.

Agreed, though I think it was a tough thing to get right. I remember the early trailers and such he wasn't loud and it meant you couldn't understand him. His voice needed to be loud to make him be heard/understand the accent a little better, but then it's a little too overpowering.

I toned down my expectations a lot as I was sure it couldn't match TDK and while it doesn't it some parts, in others it simply blows it away.

As for Hathaway.. wow.

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I toned down my expectations a lot as I was sure it couldn't match TDK and while it doesn't it some parts, in others it simply blows it away.

This. I thought the film was in 3rd gear up until the last 25mins where it just blew me away. Those saying Hardy was underused, his eyes were terrifying.

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**** loved it. Not as good as TDK but that's because Ledger owned that film. I thought Bane was pretty awesome if I'm honest, he seemed to dominate every scene he was in. Glad they fixed the audio although yes he may have been too loud. Will watch it again in IMAX as it didn't feel overly long.

Maybe Spoilery but **** it, don't come in here if you haven't seen it.

Is Nolan setting up a new Batman and Robin for someone else to direct?

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I thought it was stupid. The ending was stupid the movie was slow and dragged on for ages, the bad guys were all morons as usual in these types of moves. It's so dumb watching criminals who refuse to shoot any important characters but happily bump off nobodies or even their own hired help.

I enjoyed the first one because it was refreshing to have some seriousness after Clooney's batman, the second one was cool because of the joker but this was just stupid and long.

Also, I can't take the characters voice seriously anymore after the

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London I suggest you don't watch action movies then as everyone falls into that.

Yeah I don't bother normally but I was hoping for a little better from this because I had enjoyed the previous ones.


The scene where the cop comes out of the drain meeting Gordon-Levitt and they are ambushed but only the no name cop gets shot whilst they drag away Levitt and spend a while lining up to shoot him until Batman turns up, it is just moronic.

Also, I couldn't understand why the Miranda woman waited so long before pushing her red button. Her plan was to have Batman watching the city blow up from his hole so as soon as he is down there blow it up woman!

The Bastille Day/French revolution theme was cool but overshadowed buy the stupid cliched bomb plot.

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The plot did let it down in a big way as it all got a little bit silly really.

When it comes to the action sequences, I really don't think there were enough for the running time of the film. They were all at the front end and back end of the film and not spread out enough. Plus the ones that were there often went for spectacle as opposed to fight scenes etc. It's a shame as it could have been so much more.

Anyway, I'm off to see it again at the 12:15 showing. I'll see what I think the second time.

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