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The Dark Knight Rises - Spoilers marked please!


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Won't make any difference to piracy. The usual tactic in China etc for piracy from the studios that I last remember hearing about was a push on putting out really fast home releases (sometimes releasing a copy that isn't really all that much better than a pirate copy IIRC), and I'm not sure it's working. Nothing will in all honesty - 3d is in part an attempt to combat piracy for instance.

My guess is, and it is a total guess, that it's just one of those things that films release in those regions on a certain day of the week. Over here movies and games come on Fridays, music on Mondays, in the US films open on Friday, games release on Thursdays usually. Australia etc might just do Thursdays.

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20th for the UK and most of the rest of the world.

Legov's sig say the 19th Id have been sick at the thought of a whole country seeing it a day before me.

:lol: that is a little weird

At any rate I'll be watching it on the 21st, since the 19th and 20th are both weekdays.

IMAX theatre here we come!

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Tickets booked for Batman Begins and The Dark Knight at Cineworld on Tuesday and Friday 9.30am, 4.30pm AMC showings of Rises. Saving Imax for when it calms down and decent seats are available. Cannot fookin wait.

In Nolan we trust.

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Less than a week now.

I've done pretty well avoiding the 'proper' spoilers on this considering I've been hoovering up all the information I can find on it. I'm fairly sure of the plot/narrative now, barring perhaps the exact role of Catwoman in it (especially as Nolan has made a rather big deal of her role), so when I go into the cinema in a week or so I'll be expecting this, more or less

Batman has vanished from Gotham, the story concocted by Batman and Gordon at the end of the Dark Knight, turning Harvey into a martyr and Batman into a murderer, has seen Gotham's crime rate plummet, though Gotham has rage bubbling beneath the surface at a feeling of injustice in society. Bruce Wayne has become a recluse, unable to cope with what he's done, having left behind Batman but knowing he needs to be Batman and do good, fight crime. He has, meanwhile, steered Wayne Enterprises to working on a new form of clean, renewable energy, that could prove dangerous if it goes wrong, based on nuclear fusion. Miranda Tate, a Wayne board member and close to Bruce, tries to encourage him to return to public life.

Into this comes Bane. He is working as an agent of the League of Shadows, the group headed by Ra's al Ghul in Begins that trained Bruce before he rejected their philosophy of destroying corrupt and decadent societies at their height of rotteness. He infliltrates Gotham, begins a systematic campaign to break everything good in the city, including inflicting terrible injuries on Jim Gordon knowing that attacking his old ally will prompt a rusty Bruce Wayne to put on the cape once more and face him. Bane takes Batman apart, overpowering him, breaking him, literally, and uses his breaking of the Bat to in turn break Gotham's will to fight back and encouraging the underlying anger in the population to help tear the place apart. Batman's defeat at Bane's hands is broadcast, Bane is able to show the world that the Batmobile isn't special, he gets some of his own from Wayne Enterprises vaults... Bane's 'more severe' punishment of Bruce Wayne ultimately is to destroy the legend he made and remove Bruce Wayne's ability to ever put on the mask that he needs (as set up in Begins and TDK), and to let him live to see what he sought to defend burn, completing a vendetta fostered from the first film.

Bruce manages to escape Gotham (possibly with Catwoman's help) and is driven to recover and discover what is going on behind Bane. He travels to distant lands, he discovers the League of Shadows connection, he learns of Ra's al Ghul's past and the motivation he had/has, and how Bane ties into that... he also discovers that Miranda Tate is Ra's daughter and orchestrated Bane in his mission and was able to encourage Bruce to try to take on Bane knowing he would fail.

After this time away, months, he is able to return to Gotham renewed and goes to war with Bane and his mistress. Gotham is in a state not far from civil war, a rebellion, and is cut off, and Batman's struggle to get back to Bane is not an easy one. He is assisted by a young cop, John Blake, a man close to Gordon who confides in him that Batman is to be trusted, and Catwoman who may well be a criminal but knows that Bane and his campaign is no good for anyone. Bane's ultimate aim is to use the Wayne Enterprises experimental energy source to level the city.

Of course, Batman manages to face off against Bane and, despite being better prepared this time, Batman is up against it. He's eventually triumphant, though he is helped in doing so, and is able to stop the League of Shadow's plan to break Gotham and in doing so inspires good in Gotham again. The effort is too much for Bruce though, and the film closes with Wayne no longer as the Batman. He passes the cowl to John Blake, a good idealistic cop, insisting that the Batman has to live on. The final shot, shown in the trailers of Batman, cape blowing in the wind as dawn is just breaking over the city, is John Blake watching the Gotham he now watches over

I reckon thats not far off what we'll get. As said I'm definitely not so sure how Catwoman fits in, I had her pegged as pure 'supporting cast' but she's been built up as somehting much more than that, but I'm still not sure it'll deviate much from that outline I have there. The middle part is going to be the really interesting section in that outline as it is the section the most... conjecture... could come from. For example a lot of people who have speculated a similar outline reckon something straight out of the comics will feature in that section relating to some familiar characters and I'm not so sure at all on that point.

Either way, if I am on the money more or less that could be a cracking film.

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catwom will probably be a love interest for batman

Bale was kissing someone in one of the trailers - I'm pretty sure it was Cotillard, not Catwoman*.

* P.S. Apparently she's never referenced as such in the credits, I'd guess that it's the same in the actual movie as well.

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The woman he kisses in the trailer is Cotillard's character, Miranda Tate.

And Hathaway probably isn't referenced to as Catwoman. She was hired as Selina Kyle (hence initially a lot of people, myself included, not expecting her to be Catwoman, the name expected to be more of a nod than anything else) and I would stake a decent wedge on her being credited as solely Selina Kyle as well. I don't see her being a love interest - Nolan's Bruce is characterised as basically being obsessed by (now 'all blowed up') Rachel Dawes. Besides which Hathaway's seems to be playing her as a rather distant and unhinged woman, she may team up with Batman but I don't see her as a love interest.

Anywho, I guess we'll see. Or even perhaps found out a little tonight/tomorrow - the review embargo ends at midnight. Which is unusually early for a big release these days, they usually try to keep the reviews to right near release now even for movies they know will sell out regardless to maintain the mystery and anticipation. Of course that also means more spoilers out there. I usually read Roger Ebert's reviews for films but in this case, I won't be thanks to his increasing penchant for substituting a review for 'Heres the entire plot. It was good.'.

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