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The Dark Knight Rises - Spoilers marked please!


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Booked TDKR in my local IMAX for the 20/07 and 21/07. I'm sure I'll enjoy seeing it twice in a row...

Also booked Spider-Man at the IMAX for next Tuesday while I was on there.

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Confirmed as a 12A in the UK (surprise surprise) and the running time has been confirmed too - 164 minutes. 2 and 3/4 hours. Ouch. A lot is going to be going on this film, and it's going to have to be to not make that right on the edge of bum number.

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I'm not sure I could actually. As much as I like Nolan's work, he's not flawless. TDK is over 2 and half hours and at times feels it - the final act sometimes feels leggy. Inception suffers similarly. I'd expect that a theoretical 4 hour Nolan film would have it's worrying lagging moments. And thats when you start to become aware you've been sat there for quite a while and your arse hurts...

Anywho, with the film just over 2 weeks away loads of stuff is starting come out about it through merchandising and so on. I think a lot of the plotline guesswork is going to proven correct... Warner Brothers themselves have released some of back story/scene setting materials that seem to suggest that part of the plot will involve Wayne Enterprises investing in a search for clean energy - one that is also suggested to be quite dangerous.

And the synopsis is out too

It has been eight years since Batman vanished into the night, turning, in that instant, from hero to fugitive. Assuming the blame for the death of D.A. Harvey Dent, the Dark Knight sacrificed everything for what he and Commissioner Gordon both hoped was the greater good. For a time the lie worked, as criminal activity in Gotham City was crushed under the weight of the anti-crime Dent Act.

But everything will change with the arrival of a cunning cat burglar with a mysterious agenda. Far more dangerous, however, is the emergence of Bane, a masked terrorist whose ruthless plans for Gotham drive Bruce out of his self-imposed exile. But even if he dons the cape and cowl again, Batman may be no match for Bane.

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Well I don't mind a 3 hour sit in the cinema, but there is no way I am taking my little brother to see that one. Stereotypical child at the flicks - he'll want popcorn, sweets, drink, the lot. Then go the toilet before the film, during the adverts, and once or maybe twice during the film. On one of these occasions he will go for far longer than it requires to go to the toilet and return, so I have to search for him. At about the 80 minute mark his interest will seriously waver, no matter what the film.

I took him to see Avatar, which is what, 2 1/2 hours long? Total nightmare. He's appraoching his teens though, so maybe then things will be better.

ANYWAY thats got nothing to do with Batman at all so uh, I'll ask a question, will there be a Catwoman movie starring Anne Hathaway?

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2 - 3 hours long

Na thanks ill wait till it comes out on DVD and watch it from the comfort of my home the idea of sitting in a cinema for that length of time full of pubescent teens is enough to put me off

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almost 3hrs? that is so long. that is a bit off putting for me

should just break it up into two parts like twilight last one

You'd have lost less face using Harry Potter :D
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2 and 3/4 hours isn't too long, it's far from it. But it will make it a long film and given Nolan's record, at times it's going to feel long imo.

Suggestion a 165min film needs to be cut into 2 bits is daft.

And I certainly wouldn't want to encourage a trend for milking films by chopping them into seperate parts, either.

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As a general rule, if a film warrants 3hrs then I've absolutely no problem with it. I don't subscribe to the "oh no, it's 3hrs long" that a lot of cinema-goers do. I agree with Chindie that the ferry scene in TDK could have been done a bit better, but even accounting for that, I thought the film was good enough to warrant the run time. Personally I'm glad TDKR will be as long as 165 because at least there's little chance that I'll feel short-changed leaving the cinema. The fact I'm even bothering going to the cinema will tell you how much I want to see it.

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Thats more or less where I stand. The run time doesn't necessarily bother me - if I know the material will warrant it. I saw the LOTR films at the cinema and knew there was so much material they had to get in there they simply had to be that length, even with cuts (for example the final film annoys fans by cutting the pygmy people - but they're totally superflous to much of the plot and you could cut them without harming a thing).

I love the TDK and it is the ferry scene and the bits around that that I feel start to have film feel it's length - but I let it off because I saw what they were doing and I loved every moment of the rest of it. So the length of TDKR doesn't worry me in itself - I know Nolan is going to have an absolute fuckton of stuff to put up on screen - he has to tie into TDK, get the plot of this film itself going (which we can guess is going to be convoluted with all we can suspect is going to happen with the numerous nods to established Batman plots), introduce at least 2 new characters proper, and finally round out what is the finale of a trilogy. Thats a lot. The only worry that I have, and it is minor, is that Nolan does have this habit of his films losing pace a little, becoming baggy, and the longer it is the more likely that is to happen and thats where the restless sets in.

I'm actually glad of the length to some degree, because I want to savour the final moment of what could be a really great series of films, and the length hopefully will let Nolan go to town with the film.

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I don't think TDK dragged at all to be honest. Inception does on repeat viewings, yet I still really like that film.

I'm sure Nolan will use the running time wisely. I just wish it didn't have to end...

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I wonder which way around it's done. Do they decide on the rough running time beforehand and then try to fit to it via editing. Or do they film what they want to show and then whatever the running time ends up being, so be it. It's probably a little of both but I just wondered if there are discussions at the very start where you decide on a 90, 120, 150 or 180 minute type of film.

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