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General Krulak pt 4 - Q & A (No transfer Questions)


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General Krulak here"

1. Razor and others: I am not sure what sort of response you want from me. I was NOT at the game....I CANNOT get myself into GH's head...I CANNOT speak for him. He basically wrote the statement and indicated what he wanted to do with the Club and how he feels about the Fans. I believe we are ALL SORRY about what happened. To think that no one is sorry is just crazy. Perhaps his statement should have used the "sorry" word...but I doubt if that would have made any difference to many of the fans. I think that the statement made some very important points that seem to have not registered with many of you. Each of us would have probably done things differently...and I am sure that GH would do it differently too. Unfortunately, the train left the station and GH has been pretty clear in his statement re. his goals and his feelings towards AVFC and the Fans. Getting mad at me...telling me I am disappointing...doesn't do much for any of us.

2. fran_villa: Not even sure how to answer your comments. "Shame on Randy"??? Fine.

3. 2nd goal comment: Do you really need me to answer that question? I spent 39 years in uniform...with a belief that no one can beat us and we are always in the fight. Again, I am NOT a mind reader so I don't know what was going on in GH's mind at the time of the interview.

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What are your thoughts on his "preferring" to lose to liverpool

Not the kind of mentality you want in a manager who is meant to instil a winning mentality into his players along with spirit and determination something we are completely lacking at the moment that comment just sends out the wrong signal to both the players and the fans.

If we were to get sucked into that relegation zone Mr Houllier is not somebody i would want in the trenches with me.

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and I am sure that GH would do it differently too.

How can you be sure though if you cannot get into his head? See it doesn't make much sense for me General. On the one hand you seem to excuse the responsibility of his actions with a "I'm not a mind reader I do not know why he said what he did" comment, but on the other know him sufficiently well enough to think the other half of the coin is correct? Not sure how that can be the case to be honest.

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I hope the board really do understand that this will not blow over and it will not just go back to normal. The man has not apoligised and has no "connection" to the club. He thinks he is way above AVFC and it is so bloody obvious.

Any apology that comes out now is forced and put simply, damage limitation. Well General, its done. We are a bigger club than to have a man at the helm that treats the villa like a hobby.

He may have charmed Paul Faulkner and reassured the board with his words and meanings and HUMOUR, but where as people say we are fickle, we know one of our own and GH is no Claret and Blue.

He has had his testimonial 3-0 win at Anfield now, so he is more than happy.

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General you keep saying your not in his mind so you don't understand his actions, however then you go on to say he's the man who the board have belief in to take this club forward, so his mind in that sense is clear for you to see? What do the board feel about the comments? Did they feel hurt? Or did they understand or are they not in GH's mind?

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With the greatest of respect you talk as if you are just a fan like me, and not a board member.

If you are so in agreement with me about having a winning mentality - then without having to even ask you, I know that his bizarre comments must have concerned you greatly.

I therefore would hope yourself, Randy, or whoever asked him to explain his comments at the very least. But, as usual, it's the fans who are kept in the dark again.

None of us are asking you to be a mind-reader - presumably you asked him to explain his comments straight away? The bigger picture is that when players here that kind of thing in the press it is NOT going to help our cause whatsoever.

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Sorry for the quick fire response General, but has someone actually asked GH what was going through his head on Monday and the umpteen times he has proclaimed his love for his ex?

I didnt like deadly Doug, dont get me wrong, but he would'nt half hand out an arse kicking when needed. I am glad we have Randy by the way, please do not read that out of context.

As a man in uniform for so many years Gen, surley you have HAD to give out an ass kicking. I just cannot see Gh's obsession dying down either.

However, I do appreciate that you converse with us. I just wish Randy or even Paul Faulkner would do so. You reckon they would make an apperance on here one day?


"THIS IS VILLA" - In fact theres an idead for a banner I can make for the WBA game!

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Hi General, I was one of those clearly outraged by Houllier's actions and comments, and am still disappointed that ignoring the Villa fans is meant to be seen as humourous. However, for the good of the club I feel that it is important to get behind the players regardless of who is in charge. I appreciate your attempts at fire fighting on here but I would say that it indicates the severity of GH's comments and how it has hurt a number of fans that this thread has increased drastically in size since Monday night. I will still cheer on the lads come Saturday as every fan should, however deep down I think that our current manager has burnt a lot of bridges that will take much more than a club statement to repair. I do want Houllier to succeed though as he is a likeable character. Let's hope he can turn things around.

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Unfortunately there was never going to be a answer good enough to please some people General. At the end of the day you and the board aren't responsible for what GH feels and do. I ain't going to lie and say that I not angry anymore, lost alot of respect for GH on Monday. But we all have Villa best interest at heart and getting rid of GH isn't a option at the moment, 4 managers in a season would be crazy. Not begruding GH affection for Liverpool, I think it great we have a manager that is held in such high regards by a club like Liverpool, but failing to acknowledge the passionate Villa fans singing all night, can't happen again, other teams show alot of respect for their fans going over and throwing their shirt to the fans and recognising their influence, which I hope the club take on board.

One thing that GH has done with his behaviour is lost abit of goodwill from the fans, fans were willing to give GH a chance as he given the youth alot of time on the pitch and they have been spells of some really good football, we had such a bad injury list which I could never remember at Villa, but now its a situation of him having to start winning and winning well. If anything this should be a rallying cry for us to get behind the boys more then ever, as they need the supporters more then ever.

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General thanks for your response as ever, i know there is only so much you can say with your attackment to the board. I would say though that the actual word sorry does go a long way even if the general message of the statement meant he was sorry. If the actual word isnt there people deem it to be making excuses and trying to justify their actions. The comment about the 2nd goal is worrying for me also. I know you won't sack GH as if probably makes the board look too eager to sack which is fair enough, i just think their is a very good management team available for nothing right now, who have current and very real success in a number of roles.

Also don't you think GH was saying more what he really thinks when he was speaking from the heart on monday rather than a pre planned and thought out messgae released on the OS the next day. Sorry Gen a lot of people will never let this go, thats football for you, they are a rival team, you just can't do it.

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Sorry General I have to agree with the posts above and rare for me in that I agree with both of Richards posts as he is spot on.

I understand you have to come out and say something and although I would never of expected you to agree with us on sacking him or even slagging him off I can't help thinking that your reply was on a line with the club statement as neither gave me any optimism or enthuisam.

If I realised that my girlfriend still held her ex in such fondness that she ignored me for him at a party WHEN I NEEDED HER MORE I would get rid and if it didn't go that far then I would certainly worry about her commitment to the relationship with me. Not only is that why we are worried but this is happening while we are in danger of going down.

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2. fran_villa: Not even sure how to answer your comments. "Shame on Randy"??? Fine.
yes,shame on Randy for making this appointment in the first place,and shame on him for allowing it to go on.this manager has turned us into a bloody shambles,has done nothing but talk about Liverpool since he got here,has bad mouthed his players to the press,has turned our defence into a laughing stock..i hope Randy isnt to upset when this clown takes us in to the championship..

oh,and what also gets to me with Randy and Paul Fulkner is they went sucking up to get this manager,i'm sure they near begged to get him to Villa park..

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I have asked this twice previously but what is the attendance on Saturday likely to be? If it comes to it I'd look at giving the tickets away and I say that as a season ticket holder. Houlleir can't inspire the players so lets get Villa park packed to the rafters and let the fans inspire the lads to 3 badly needed points.


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Hi General

I appreciate it is difficult to answer the many issues we have with GH and I understand you have to be generic...my support for you and Randy is unwavering, lest we not forgot the change of fortunes we have had since you guys arrived..but surely you can see the difference made by the quality shift of Manager, MON kicked every ball, headed every cross and talked about Villa with a smile on his face... I believe Houlier has irrevocably removed the support he had

The statement he issued is a good as a chocolate fireguard.. Houlier is starting to lose the fans, History is a great teacher, you and randy should research what happens when a Manager loses the fans..ask Mr Ellis, in fact, thinking about it you should thing about replacing Mr Faulkener with Doug, Doug wouldnt stand for that in any way shape or form

P.s. We still support you and Randy 100% : - )

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Good level headed response General. Hats off to you for being cool and collected despite what's been thrown at you in the past couple of days. You have not risen to the bait (yes I am aware these are genuine concerns but it does seem as if some people wont be happy until the General comes out and slags off Houllier, which is completely unfair).

Also, I think it's great that you have been listening to the fans and taking this on board. I do not know of another Premier League club who are so close to their fans and I think it's very admirable that you give up a lot of your time to listen to our concerns on here.

Many Thanks

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Right folks, there really isn't anything left to say on this topic and I don't think there is much else left for the General to add.

So lets move on please, if you wish to continue to debate events of Monday night and what has followed please do so on the main board. No more debate between posters please in here.

Can I also remind people to show a little respect to other members of the site and their opinions and to the General himself as a member of VT.


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General, thanks for the response - dealt with it accordingly imo.

That said what is this utlimate target this season? what is our target now as a club? I think as fans we want to know what targets are set at this moment as we are looking towards relegation zone, Just clarify what exactly our target is and then me (and other fans) can get a better image on what the club is working towards - if that makes sense.

Thank You.

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@Trent - Good post :)


I appreciate the time you spend here on VT as many others do. May I ask, as a fan of the club which you are is it important that we sell our allocation of tickets home and away during this time. If so do you think it would be wise for the club to offer more deals to encourage fans above and beyond what they are doing now. Fixtures come thick and fast over the holidays and money is short for many so I believe it wouldn't do any hard and would show community responsiblity at the club.

I won't be there sadly as I live in Texas but I'm sure there are many fans who would like a Black Friday sale like you have in the US.


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