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General Krulak pt 4 - Q & A (No transfer Questions)


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General, you put up with an awful lot in this thread - I'd imagine you've bitten your lip on many an occasion, you've suffered the insults and the brickbats, the ramblings, the ranting and the rudeness, yet still you come back. Maybe I'm a little naive, and if I am then gladly so, but I like to think you keep coming back because you care, because to you this matters, it's worth fighting for and it's important.

Our manager does not care.

seconded general

the manager needs to go because of his comments tonight. its as simple as that. how can players go out and play for a guy who says that after a game?

how can fans cheer for a manager who claps the opposition fans while ignoring his own?

right up til those comments i was backing houllier, but now he needs to go. there's absolutely no coming back from that, he's lost the fans and that's the end of his time at villa, whether it happens soon or its a drawn out process, i think he's going to be made feel very unwelcome

and thats a shame, but its his own doing


I hope the board takes heed of these comments because we are the lifeblood of the club.

Many times our fans can rant for England about the result - rightly or wrongly - and on occasions things need to be taken with a pinch of salt.

HOWEVER tonight is not about the performance, it's not even about our dire league position, it's about the COMPLETE lack of respect shown to every supporter of Aston Villa Football Club. The club that pays his wages.

If he has a "special fondness" for the bin-dippers then keep that behind closed doors, a polite clap at the start of the game is fair enough. But to talk about them days before, to touch the 'This is Anfield' sign before the game, to clap the Liverpool fans but not the Villa fans after the game, and then to come out with some of the disgraceful comments post match is UNACCEPTABLE.

I went tonight and our supporters were absolutely CLASS all game, I didn't hear the famous Kop once all night - and yet we get treated like that?

I can cope with transitional periods, injury plagued seasons, bad fortune, and a certain degree of bad management - but DISRESPECT for our great club I cannot, and will not tollerate.

I hope you have seen how angry Houllier's actions have made the Villa support tonight and I only hope you stick to your principle of having the interest of the Club at heart and get rid of this muppet with immediate effect.

And capture the services of Martin Jol - something you should have done weeks ago.

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What was emarrassing was hearing the swearing and shouting between the players and the staff on the bench this evening.

Its SO obvious that GH has lost the dressing room. Sid Cowans and Kev McDonald are 2 people who would work their heart out for this club. In KM's games we looked so much better, so much more hunger, desire, fight.

GH has lost the dressing room and more importantly the fans. Please ask GH to point out this AVFC fan who told him he was doing a good job?

The only experience I have of running a club is winning the Premier League and Champions League with Villa - however I could do a much better job with managing this team. Firstly, its clear Cuellar OR Clark should have started at CB tonight. Collins and Dunne have NO confidence and their current form has been shocking. If I had performed that badly in my job I would have been fired, and I probably get less a year than half of James Collins's WEEKLY wage. Absolute joke. Secondly, Stephen Ireland clearly does not want to play for Aston Villa. So why give him 90 minutes to confirm this?

GH NEEDS to go. He might well be a nice guy but this is football, not a tea party. If he is a really nice guy, keep him at the club in a Doug Ellis type role.

I am sorry but results do not lie. Attendances will fall, commercially GH is a disaster for Villa.

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General, i rarely post on this thread as you read enough from us at times fickle fans. We would be the first to admit this but i cant agree more with all the posts above. He clearly does not have the passion for the club and seems to think he is bigger than the club. To disrespect the club and fans reminds me of the O'leary days where his love for leeds was the only thing bigger than his ego. He dissed the fans and was never forgiven and eventually left the club. Its inevitable now for Gerrard, may as well get rid of him now whilst the season can be saved.. some of the worst performances ive ever seen have been with him in charge.

If the board and Randy care for the club, its time for action. Jol is available. I await your reaction and Randys reaction to this problem. Dont alienate the fans or you may lose them.

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W (aet)









Two wins in twelve, one being against Burnley after extra time and the other being against Blackpool Reserves. It's relegation form, isnt it?

Actually, lets not count that last defeat because it was Liverpool and Houllier likes getting beat by Liverpool. Seriously General, WTF?

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this is bad. I like GH, he seems like a well educated guy, but the lack of respect he has shown to AVFC thus far leaves me dumbfounded.

If he stroked the LFC sign, applauded the Liverpool fans, ignored the Villa fans and really said what he is quoted as saying after the game, then the man no longer has my support as manager of Aston Villa.

For what it's worth, I was a staunch MON supporter and was bitterly disappointed when he left, yet I understand this was beyond the control of the club as MON is his own man and chose to leave us high and dry so close to the season that it gave us no hope of really achieving anything this year. The AVFC board has shown that it's amongst the best in the league, so we have utmost faith in Randy, your good self and the whole crew to get the house in order.

But for his conduct this evening alone, GH has sealed his own faith.

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General, interested to see how/if you defend GH after his comments tonight, as detailed in the previous posts. Utterly unforgivable. His actions were a complete disgrace, and if Randy and yerself are happy to let him act like this then I will have nothing more to do with Aston Villa. And I **** love this club. Can't adequately put into words how pissed off I am right now. The man has loyalty to one club in this country and it ain't Aston Villa.

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this is bad. I like GH, he seems like a well educated guy, but the lack of respect he has shown to AVFC thus far leaves me dumbfounded.

If he stroked the LFC sign, applauded the Liverpool fans, ignored the Villa fans and really said what he is quoted as saying after the game, then the man no longer has my support as manager of Aston Villa.

For what it's worth, I was a staunch MON supporter and was bitterly disappointed when he left, yet I understand this was beyond the control of the club as MON is his own man and chose to leave us high and dry so close to the season that it gave us no hope of really achieving anything this year. The AVFC board has shown that it's amongst the best in the league, so we have utmost faith in Randy, your good self and the whole crew to get the house in order.

But for his conduct this evening alone, GH has sealed his own faith.

You forgot the bit where he decided to keep working for the French FA for several weeks after he took the Villa job. I'd laugh if it wasnt so utterly tragic.

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General, interested to see how/if you defend GH after his comments tonight, as detailed in the previous posts. Utterly unforgivable. His actions were a complete disgrace, and if Randy and yerself are happy to let him act like this then I will have nothing more to do with Aston Villa. And I **** love this club. Can't adequately put into words how pissed off I am right now. The man has loyalty to one club in this country and it ain't Aston Villa.

(Estimate) + 100,000

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General, I thought Houllier was a good appointment and I do think he needs time, but if the remarks about losing to Liverpool are correct, then there is no way back for him. I saw this before under O'Leary with the we're fickle comments' you p off the Villa fans and thats it. He could win the next three games, but the next time he loses one or two those comments will just come back to haunt him.

Its a really sad situation but unless there is a full scale apology from him, then I'm afraid he'll always be one defeat from the crowd wanting him out.

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Unacceptable General. Do you see a desire to suceed in GH or does he just think if it works out then good if it doesn't I'll leave and take my love of Liverpool and Villa's money with me? Why does he keep picking the same defense when it stinks. Why do we play 1 up front when it never seems to work? And why of why would our manager proclaim his love of another team, when he own team sucked so badly.FFS beat them, then you can say what you like, but lose badly and your first thought should be for the fans that followed you not the gloating fans that have just won the game, Does he not understand that Villa supporters are hurting over otr decline and now worried about relegation? Horrible PR general, simply horrible.

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Houllier has shown this club NO respect tonight, or at any point in the past. Getting played off the park AGAIN is one thing, but for our manager to be stroking the 'This is Anfield' sign and then at the end saying he'd prefer to lose to **** Liverpool because he likes them is horribly disrespectful to our club and fans.

Every one of our fans who travelled to Anfield deserves a full refund due to the fact that our team was shit once again, and Houllier cared more for the opposition's fans than our own!

Losing to Liverpool would have been bad enough, but in the utterly **** gutless way we did so, with Houllier deciding he'd prefer to lose to this lot is just unacceptable.

Also, if we're gonna play long ball shit, then why the hell did he leave Carew on the bench??? Yes, Carew has been a little shit this season, but he's about the only player in our team who could play the long ball game.

Ireland - What is this joker playing at? He seems scared of the bloody ball, and opposition players... Then Houllier at half time when wanting to change tactics takes Clark off who had a decent game instead of Ireland who, once again, was diabolical.

The defence looks utterly useless, at no point last season with the exception of our absolute drubbing by Chelsea did it look this bad. In fact, it was bloody good last season... As I've seen another poster suggesting, you ARE NOT going to turn Dunne and Collins into pissing Bobby Moore!

All I can really ask is how much longer must we suffer this before Houllier is gone?

He's had a good few games now, and really from our line-up tonight, only 3 could you really class as not first team!

We're turning into a laughing stock, the only thing that's deflected a bit of it is Newcastle sacking Hutchings.

We should be after Jol, Moyes or even bloody Hughton! All of these would do far better than Houllier is at the moment in my opinion.

I really hope you take the fan's comments on board, or I can see Houllier being hounded out of the club, rather than leaving with a slight bit of dignity left.

I love this club, and it's really hurting me to see it falling apart in the dramatic fashion that it appears to be doing.

Please, please general, yourself, Randy, Paul and the rest of the board desperately need to sort this mess out.

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I was in full support of Houllier before tonights game. I even think that given time and a transfer window he could do well for this club....


The comments after tonights game are just unbelievable. Utterly ridiculous. The guy should be discliplined! If he likes Liverpool so much he should manage them! He is AVFC manager. Shocked

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General I have just spent the last 2 weeks defending GH with fans on here as I wanted him to have a fair crack of the whip but if what he has done last night are true then I now withdraw my support for him.

Something is wrong in the Villa camp as that was a relegation performance, it was horrible to watch and I am dreading Saturday!

If GH is in charge I am a "not renew"!

Sorry General but you can not defend GH now, even O J Simpsons lawyer would turn this one down!

I am afraid that the club have to act now! If you want bums on seats then keeping GH at the club will lose you mine.

I am Villa till I die not just when winning but I am FUMING right now in the fact that this so called Villa manager is in charge of our team! :evil:

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It's difficult to say but I prefer to lose 3-0 to Liverpool because I like Liverpool.

...But we conceded a third goal on the break and that was it. Well done to Liverpool.

The fans were good. I appreciated the fact that they chanted my name at the end. It shows they can remember.

There was also a banner at the start of the game. I was not emotional but I was extremely touched by that.

Complete lack of respect to the fans, and Aston Villa Football Club!

It's time for the board to actually admit they are wrong.

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I appreciate that our previous manager left at the key time to screw us over.

But forget that, whats more important is that the team is woeful.

I appreciate things take time but at this rate it will be taking a lot longer coming from another league back up!

Houllier is far more concerned praising Liverpool than giving a monkeys about us!

We can not defend!


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I'm sure you'd agree that a successful leader inspires his men by example. The post-match comments by GH were disgraceful and indicative possibly of what is going wrong with performances on the pitch. He is a morale hoover, for the players and for the fans - for whom he displayed such contempt last night. That he may not even be aware that he did so only compounds his error.

It's not about a lost game or two (or more), as football fans we all accept the ups and downs. It is about his fundamental unsuitability as a leader for the club. I'd be very surprised if you haven't recognised this problem yourself.

Options were thin on the ground when MON walked and left the Board in a very difficult position, from my perspective you all did the best you could in very difficult circumstances. However sometimes in football - and through no fault of those involved - individuals simply don't fit. Let's not reinforce failure by giving money to a man who does not have the best interests of this club in his heart. There are other (and as I understand it previously preferred) options available.

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After a good nights sleep i still feel the same

Disillusioned with football i feel like ive been cheated by the football club if Martin Jol goes to newcastle its quite obvious Lerner took the cheaper option and appointed the "Loser" as he's now being branded. After all its ok to lose to liverpool if you havent noticed were 2 places off the relegation zone going into a hard run of fixtures we shouldnt be "preffering" to lose to anybody.

Its time for Mr Lerner to show he has a pair of balls get rid of the man and bring in someone who can do a job and doesnt have a losing mentality because if we dont we will be playing championship football next season!

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