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General Krulak pt 4 - Q & A (No transfer Questions)


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Hi Gen,

You may remember me posting a couple of weeks back and saying we need to stay behind Houllier. I still am fully behind him and so should every other villa fan be. I am afraid a huge amount of our fans are fickle.

I will try not to sound contradictory in this post to my above statement.

The results recently have been terrible, nobody in their right mind can disagree; the million dollar question is who's fault is it?

The fans will blame Houllier, and maybe the experienced players. That same back four were keeping clean sheets, defending brilliantly for a different manager. However, we have now become a shambles and I speak on behalf of many villa fans it is depressing to see.

Houllier has had to deal with more injuries than O'neill ever had to! Our team tonight could have beaten Liverpool. There was no passion and the experienced players are not leading by example.

I earn probably 1/3 a year to what the players earn a week, and I would put more passion and comittment into playing for villa if I was doing it for free. I am saying it how it is all the fans want the club to do well.

A blunt question, do you trust Houllier in the transfer market, if so he needs 40 million. We need quality players. If you don't trust him, get someone who you will it has proved with key players out we cannot cope.

Please pass on my thanks to the young lads who are playing out their skins in my opinion they deserve a lot of praise and I hope they become established players in the future.

A word of warning General, from attending nearly every villa game. If we do not pick up 3 points at home against West Brom, regardless of how well they are playing there will be large % calling for Houllier's head. He is a good manager clearly, he has pedigree and therefore he has enough firepower even with the injuries to be doing a dam-sight better than results we are getting.

The fans will turn on the board and I dont want to see it happen. Calm before the storm.

HOWEVER. We all need to stick together, ride the rough with the smooth but it is unforgiveable to see players earning so much money not give a care in the world and this was highlighted tonight and nobody can disagree.


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I'm hurting, badly. It breaks my heart to see highly paid players disrespecting our shirt, our club, by playing in a gutless, passionless way like this evening. Tonight was way, way more disappointing than last week for me.

It's time for action, I dont mean sack GH, that would be crackers after such a short period, it's time to back GH. GH will certainly know our weaknesses by now and there are many, mostly players who dont want to be here any more so let him get rid.

I have no reason to believe that Randy will not support the manager, we can all see it is crucial that he does, but we cannot play around in January, no excuses required, actions speak louder than words.


Depressed from Hollywood.

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Never posted to you before, but regularly read your replies to our questions and cant believe how lucky we are to have you as the face of AVFC. To date you, Randy and the Board have a done a fine job and have provide excellent financial support to MON. The difference between the DOL years until the end of last season has been phenomenal. Thank you

However, big problems now loom large and big decisions need to be made. I've been supporting Villa for nearly 40 years, am a current season ticket holder and have seen some great and some very poor teams. The 1985/86 relegation team and the last year of O'leary's team were recognisable for two things. A team that didn't want to play for the manager and just total shambles generally on the pitch resulting in a run of very poor results. These last 3 months convince me that this team is heading the same way.

You can blame injuries, blame the blooding of inexperienced youngsters (who are doing their best in my view) but the buck stops with the manager and his decisions. Why do we go some defensive to start games with only one striker against opposition such as Birmingham (twice), liverpool (poorest team they've had in living memory and without their 3 best current players), Arsenal (when we're at home and they've lost their last 2)? Ditto, Blackburn

Please make a very brave decision and move GH on now. He is yesterdays man. We want someone who is going to come in and inject some passion into the team, have the instant respect of the players and can play to the team strengths. GH has none of these qualities.

Mark my words after watching hundreds of Villa games this will all end in tears and Randy's 4 years of success will be ruined in 6 months.

You may think this is a knee jerk reaction, but it isn't. Everything is very wrong at the club at the moment



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General Krulak,

I was considering waiting until tomorrow morning to post this, when maybe I could 'cool off' and have calmed down, but I really don't think I will feel any different to how I do now to be honest, and I'd rather get things off my chest while they're fresh in the mind.

I'd like to start first of all with the selection tonight. The last few games have shown, categorically and beyond doubt, that our defence is struggling - let me rephrase that - shambolic; with James Collins and Richard Dunne being the main culprits. Out of form? Injured? Maybe. They are certainly transformed from the dogged defenders they were last year anyway. What has been the main change been from last year? Well - our previous manager has left for one, but surely that doesn't turn a couple of players into two of the most inept centre-halves in the Premier League and maybe even the Coca-Cola Championship. Thus it is up to our current manager to get the best out of these players, whether it be through motivation or strategy (that is; playing to a style that will suit them and hence not make them more prone to errors [Richard Dunne, take a bow] or get caught out of position [Mr Collins, step forward]). This is where we reach our number one problem - the motivation or tactics intrinsic to the success of our centre-half pairing is simply not working and we have known this for a long while. What can we do? Well, that's obviously up to the manager's ability to first of all - IDENTIFY the problem and secondly RECTIFY it. Us fans, from our cold seat in the stand or comfy desk chair can suggest the return of Carlos Cuellar. Cuellar was brought into the side early in Mr. Houllier's against Wolves, where after a shoddy first half performance by (you guessed it) Richard Dunne, he was part of the defense that remained solid, apart from a flukey goal, for the rest of the game which we went on to win. Ahhh... win.. great feeling it was.. Maybe the suggestion of Carlos Cuellar is far too simplistic though, as of course you will be the first to point out, we don't 'see' what goes on at Bodymoor Heath, we don't 'know' all the facts regarding selection. Well, maybe that is the case, but it doesn't take a genius to 'see' that the current set-up of the defense simply is not working. Mr. Houllier has had long enough to rectify this in a position in which he cannot apportion much blame to injury or illness. This I'm afraid lies squarely at our manager's door.

My second point is in terms of the overall system we play. We have played, with relatively no success, a 4-5-1 formation for the majority of our 'slump'. During this time we have reverted to a 4-4-2 system and we have indeed looked a lot more threatening (Manchester United at home, the second half against Arsenal) but we come, eagerly anticipating the next game, only to see the same old tactics, the same old boring set up which leaves us leaking goals at the back and toothless up front. Initially, I gave much credit to Mr. Houllier for seeing that this simply 'wasn't up to much' during the game and making appropriate changes, much like tonight's game. However, we were 2-0 down at the time. Too little, too late. This once again is laid firmly at our manager's door.

After yet another abysmal performance tonight where our players looked at each other for help, with little communication, frustration and disjointed play I really am beginning to think is Houllier the answer? What is this man doing to our Great club? We are Aston Villa. We have been close to qualifying for the Champions League for the past 3 or so years, getting to a final in the process last year. Good players do not suddenly become bad players overnight and thus we must look to where this problem, this cancer, is coming from. I do not hold a position within Aston Villa so my opinion is merely from an external point of view. I am however a fan who cares deeply about this club.

You may, as a War veteran, be familiar with the term 'Lions led by Donkeys'. Actions, General. That's all I have to say.

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Hello General,

I appreciate there will be a lot of knee jerk posts after tonights result, but I write this, more frustrated than angry.

It does appear obvious that the players have no desire or passion and this is very worrying. We have all been told to give GH time, but looking at tonights team, are the outstanding injuries really a big miss? I just cannot see Heskey, Petrov, Sidwell and NRC setting the world alight and making us fire on all cylinders...

It appears that the team is unorganised, lack communication and have not idea of how to create. You have said before that you watch the games and so does Randy, so you must have thought this too.

Something is not right, it is there to see. Is it true Dunne cannot be dropped if fit to play? runmours said was in his contract?

Again, I also write about GH and Liverpool, I appreciate what he did at the club, but it is just layered on to thick, to often, He really needs to let it go a little, we are Villa and tonight, seeing your gaffer walk down and touch the THIS IS ANFIELD sign was nice. It was obvious the Sky cameras were filming as he did it. I just find it disrespectful. when the camera is off, fair enough.

For MON resigning when he did was bad, but I still have to give him credit for not referring to his time at his previous clubs in nearly every interview. I also miss his passion on the touchline. I know he left, I know he walked out, but deep down, we all know we struck gold when he arrived and landed in the brown stuff when he left.

In a nutshell, I want GH to have the same passion about AVFC and not appear like he is doing us a favour.

General, we are in trouble, all is not well and it needs to be addressed somewhere. I think that Randy is going to have to get the check book out.

Not meaning to be all doom and gloom and I hope you take this as constructive.

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Hi General,

Out of interest did Houllier apply for the Villa job or was he 'head hunted' by the board? I ask simply because he doesn't look like a man that particularly cares what is going on at the club at the moment and looks more like an aging tourist having a look round some of his old favourite haunts.

Even with injuries I still expect the team that goes out onto the pitch to try and win the game. At the moment I fear they are reflecting the current managers lackadaisical air.



p.s. Martin Jol is a free agent I believe.

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Hi General hope your well ??

May I suggest you have a read through the comments left on the rating and reactions thread on the Liverpool game tonight.

Can I also ask you what Garry Mc's position is within the coaching staff as I'm ever so slightly confused as he seems to do absolutely "F"all on match days ?? I'm ashamed to say I got thrown out of Elland Rd years ago for shouting abuse at Garry Mc when he came over to take a corner for Leeds in front of the Villa support - All I can say Is I'm glad my season ticket is in the Holte End as If I sat In the Trinity Rd I fear the same would happen again !!

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Hi General

I'm not going to overreact and say Houllier needs to go as that's just daft. However, something needs to change and there are clearly certain players that need to be shipped out soon. It's been a torrid couple of weeks and I'm hoping we can get back on track on Saturday. I don't know what's wrong but it's just been terrible since that Man U game.

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After standing in the cold at Anfield, an absolute disgrace of a manager, to wave at the Kop instead of the Villa fans after making a journey of over 100 miles shows I do not want that manager in charge of my club. It was passionless, I've put my money into the club, and feel the board and Houllier have let us down! In any of MONs games did i never think the lads put in 110%! We have 25millions worth of defence and they've defended like a pub team.

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Me and the fans would like to thank Mr Houllier after his loving comments on liverpool tonight

Being Aston Villa fans who have just seen our side lose 3 - 0 it made us weak at the knees and made us go awww

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Hi General

I'm not over reacting and I'm not fickle.

Our results are proof in themselves, and some of our performances, particularly some individual ones, are unrecognisable from the Team I watched last year.

I have only ever once wanted a Manager sacked and that was G Taylor in his second stint.

GH makes twice.

Especially now JOl is available. We need to recognise an error and be ruthless in putting it right, get JOL and give him whathe wants, or 4 years work will go down the drain.

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General - please can you explain these comments from our manager?

"It's difficult to say but I prefer to lose 3-0 to Liverpool because I like Liverpool."

Prefer to lose! Absolute shambles from start to finish. The board are to blame and have made us into a laughing stock.

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ive always been a huge proponent of giving managers time, and i would have no issue with giving houllier the time he needs, apart from one massive, massive thing for me - martin jol has just become available. this leaves the board with the biggest call i think theyre ever going to have to make. do we go for the man who, if the media were right, was one of the top names on our list in the summer, or do we cross our fingers and hope that things improve under houllier, while missing out on jol?

now i firmly believe that any manager in the position GH has been placed would have struggled to return many more points, and i also believe that the improvement next season will be massive, BUT if we're talking long term future of aston villa, id much rather martin jol at the helm, knowing that hes relatively young and could potentially be here for a decade all going well.

i know we're an honourable club, and like to do things by the book, but i think a potentially ruthless decision needs to be, at the very least, discussed at board level before martin jol takes charge at another club.

would houllier perhaps be interested in moving upstairs if we could bring jol in? this would be an ideal situation in my opinion.

again, im not one of the "sack houllier, hes rubbish" crowd - id be saying the same thing if we were currently in the top 8, and i mean that in all honesty.

i appreciate that you can't come on here and comment about anything that ive said, i just thought id raise something that i think is hugely important for the future of our club - long term, not this season or next, but beyond even that.

if things are looked at, and we decide that no, we wont go that route, than im happy enough with the board's judgement on it, but i would be bitterly disappointed if the possibility of bringing in a proven, and much younger, manager wasnt discussed very seriously, even if it would be unfair on houllier who has come in when we were desperate for a manager

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Gerard Houllier admitted he would prefer to lose to Liverpool than any other side after Aston Villa slumped to a 3-0 defeat at Anfield.

Houllier returned to his former club for the first time since leaving in 2004 after six years in charge and received a warm reception from the Kop.

But the Frenchman watched his Villa side surrender meekly as goals from David Ngog, Ryan Babel and Maxi Rodriguez sealed a comfortable Liverpool victory.

Houllier said: “The fans were good. I liked the fact they chanted my name at the end. There was a banner as well. It's good they remember me.

“It's not emotional but I was extremely touched by that.

“I don't like losing 3-0 but I prefer to do it to Liverpool because I like Liverpool.

“Of course the second goal was offside. I could see it from the side of the pitch.

“The first goal affected our morale. We are not the most confident team at the moment and we needed to start playing.

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Houllier said: “The fans were good. I liked the fact they chanted my name at the end. There was a banner as well. It's good they remember me.

“It's not emotional but I was extremely touched by that.

“I don't like losing 3-0 but I prefer to do it to Liverpool because I like Liverpool.


If you'll pardon my French, this is a **** disgrace from our manager after such a capitulation.

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Hi Gen sorry for all the post ur getting , but the board has got to hold their hands up and admit they got it wrong really wrong . For GH to come out after the game and wave to the kop and ignore the villa fans is a disgrace ... and the interview when he said - "It's difficult to say but I prefer to lose 3-0 to Liverpool because I like Liverpool." WHAT A JOKE!!!!!

Martin Jol is free .... tell Randy to try get him ASAP .

How long before the holte end sings MON'S name???? - not far off it trust me!!

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General Krulak

I did tell you the day after Arsneal game - you better get this sorted or else the fans will turn on the board / manager.

You chose to ignore , in fact, you didn't ignore, you just bsaically made out I was not a Villa fan for not supporting the club.

Well , General _ I've seen the signs before - I was watching the exact same thing happen in 1986 when Mr Lerner was presumably in College.

This hurts me more than you can ever imagine.

It's my 40th birthday tomorrow - a day that I am supposed to celebrate more than any other birthday in my life - well I am bloody as miserable as sin - and will be tomorrow - and still will be up until 2.59pm on Saturday.

The thing that has hurt me the most is - I feel cheated. For 30 yrs we had Doug Ellis keeping us back. You all came in and I had hope that those days were over. Well you have shown me they are not, I've been hoodwinked, I have lost confidence in yourselves - and funnily enough, its nothing to do with the match.

You told us "The club will only get the best possible" - every bloody person on here knew who we needed - he was at Ajax and we were led to believe, with comments from yourself as "Do you think Randy is just sitting on his hands" that we were trying to get the best.

Well tonight proves you wasn't - you have been proved you were trying to find "the cheapest".

We may pick up results wise, I bloody hope so, and we may have some good times, like we did under Ellis - but sorry Mr Krulak, as far as I am concerned, Mr Lerner is now just "Villa owner" in the way Ellis was - he isn't no better - just younger. he is certainly not the hope I thought he was.

All I hear is Randy has spent, basically implying we should all be grateful - as we couldn't have dreamed of that in the past. Can I remind you Doug spent. in reality (ie: where record transfer fees were at the time) a lot more heavily. When the record was 2.9m - we spent 2.6m on Saunders, when it was 12m , we spent 9.5 on Angel - ie: we were usually around 75% of the record fee - thus - in todays terms - signing 20m players.

Problem was - when it was REALLY needed - Ellis didn't support the manager - we were always two players short - and it seems to me, that is what Randy did - to me, the only difference is, Ellis was a nasty man, we don't know how randy is - he never talks - but the result is the same

Ellis spent money to - in fact I think he gave JG nearly 80m - and that was 10 yrs ago thats the equivelant of about 300m now !


Oh - the other thing I said last week and got shot down.

I DEFINATELY heard a round of "We want Martin back I said we want Martin back !"

It's like that film American President - "sometimes you have to show them you are a winner". Well all this proves is , you have spoken on how the ex manager shat on us - he has said nothing, and is proving he was the person that was putting Villa where we were - and I don't even like the bloke - but surely you can see that !

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If, for example, a manager Villa had hired was losing consistently 6-0 every week but had only had half a season in charge would the board/ Randy have the guts to fire him or would you always give them the year regardless of inevitable outcome?

We have won two Prem games since GH took control. Late late wins against newly promoted sides. Not good enough regardless of injuries - and it was only Petrov that isn't available at the moment who would ever have played last season.

Realise the board have made a mistake and get rid of a manager who is well out of his depth now after too long out of club management, never mind Premiership management. Everyone makes mistakes, it's how you deal with those mistakes that define you - and this is what I believe a majority of Villa fans are waiting for the Villa board to do; do it in a dignified manner but get rid and get the right guy in - even if that is KM; at least the players want to play for him.

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