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General Krulak pt 4 - Q & A (No transfer Questions)


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General, are loyalty points still relevant this season as after just logging into y account to check up on them for the first time in a while it seems that they're all over the place.

For instance, 5 points added for the Burnley game and then 5 points deducted for the burnley game.

Do the the points have any relevance when it comes to getting tickets for cup finals etc?

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6. Richard: I have answered this question but apparently you did not like my answer. You now want me to break the answer down into short, medium, and long term. I am not even sure how you define those terms...and am not sure that they make much sense. The key is the "end game"...have we changed what our goal is for the Club. The answer is NO!! Will we achieve our goal....yes!! Timing is not as simple as defining words.

Not sure I liked or disliked any answer you previously gave as a) Don't remember asking this question previously B) Dont remember seeing any answer to this question previously.

So based on the answer you have now given to this question, let me ask a supplementary which is the "end game" you refer to, have you put a timeframe to achieving that end game?

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General, please could you explain the clubs once again unfair ticketing policy. I am a season ticket holder and have attended one home cup game, been to Vienna away as well as walsall stoke wolves and am going to fulham. I find it absolutly rediculous how the club can prioritise fans who have been to only 2 cup games all season. For example a child who has attended 2 games for the whopping total of £10 is given priority for tickets over a fan such as myself who has forked out near enough £1000 watching the Villa this season?

Could you please explain why this is the case?

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Bubbled transport is a nonsensical inconvenience that does not stop hooliganism. The police will be paid enough by both clubs to police the game and they should do their job. All these calls for it to be bubbled are pathetic.

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Hi General,

Would you mind informing us as to how the decsion of sales allocation windows is made for important games and who makes them?

I've followed Villa around the country for a number of years now. I've forked out for a season ticket again this year and go to 10-15 away games a season yet because I couldn't make it to the previous Carling Cup fixtures at Villa Park I'm now not entitled for a ticket to Birmingham away??

I'm sorry but Villa have got this horribly wrong. At the end of the day this is an away fixture, shouldn't some priority at least go to those who actually go to away games? I realise that you must acknowledge those fans that have been to the Carling Cup home fixtures but to completely disregard a large proportion of our regular away following is an absolute discgrace!!

This game is the pinnacle of going away with the Villa for me but now it looks like myself and others in my situation are going to miss out. I'd be interested to hear what the thought process is behind this decision as I'm completely baffled by it!



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Very disappointed with the ticketing structure for the Birmingham away cup game... as previously mentioned, a child who has attended both cup games for the grand total of £10 has priority over fans like me who have a season ticket, 16 aways from last season and 3 from this season? I could not attend the Blackburn game due to illness but went to Burnley... I think this is a huge error for STH to have to wait until the 12th where there will inevitably be a huge surge for tickets, and one that can't be helped if, like me, you are at work all day and don't get time to ring up or go to Villa Park in the day.

EDIT: Why can't we just bring the priority points system back? It's so much easier than having all this hassle for ticket windows. Other clubs use it and it is successful so why, as ever, is it so difficult for us? It's simple - x amount of points can purchase on 11 nov, y amount of points 15 nov, z amount of points 18 nov.


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Hi General,

just reiterating the point made above me really about ticketing for birmingham.

I'm not a season ticket holder as Im a student and couldnt afford a lump sum to buy one, yet Ive been to every home game this season other than Blackburn in the cup, and only missed 2 away games, 1 of which was in Austria.

I'm a loyal away follower of my club, I travelled 6 hours to Newcastle and 6 hours back to see us get thumped 6-0, and £70 for ticket+travel to Chelsea last season to see us concede 7.

The fact that I am behind someone who spent £10 on a Burnley ticket as his only game of the season is absolutely appauling and despite my loyalty it looks like I will not get a ticket.

The club has seriously messed up here and some common sense needs to be applied!

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General, please could someone explain why Villa does not have the full ticket allocation under the League Cup rules

In all Cup Competition matches, the Visiting Club shall have the right to claim 15% of all tickets....the admission prices to be charged to supporters of a Visiting Club shall not be higher than those charged to the supporters of the Home Club for comparable accommodation

and in particular concessionary rates offered to senior citizens and junior supporters shall

apply equally to both sets of supporters.....unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing, all tickets shall be on a sale or return basis

The Sty holds 30,016, 15% therefore being 4500. As the Competition rules state tickets are sale or return, what on earth has stopped Villa having the full amount?
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Friday November 5th: (9am to 2pm) On sale to Season Card Holders who have attended BOTH Carling Cup fixtures AND 5 away Premier League fixtures in the 2010/2011 season*

Friday November 5th:(2pm to 6pm) On sale to Season Card Holders who have attended BOTH Carling Cup fixtures AND 3 away Premier League fixtures in the 2010/2011 season*

Monday November 8th: On sale to Season Card Holders who have attended BOTH Carling Cup fixtures AT LEAST 1 Premier League away fixture in the 2010/2011 season*

Tuesday November 9th: On sale to Season Card Holders who have attended BOTH Carling Cup fixtures in the 2010/2011 season*

Thursday November 11th: On sale to Season Card Holders for the 2010/11 season*

Monday November 15th On sale to ALL SUPPORTERS who have attended BOTH Carling Cup fixtures in the 2010/2011 season*

Wednesday November 17th: ALL SUPPORTERS who have attended AT LEAST 1 Carling Cup fixture in the 2010/2011 season*

Friday November 19th: On sale to supporters who have attended AT LEAST 1 Away fixture in the 2010/2011 season*

Tuesday November 23rd: On sale to supporters with Away Booking History*



I think you have the ticketing allocated perfectly fairly!

Those that have attended both league and cup games get priority over those (like me) who may have only attended one or two Carling Cup matches this season.

The suggestion from some fans seems to be that season ticket holders are being screwed out of tickets at the expense of those who have only been to one cheap game. The above shows clearly that that is not the case.

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The suggestion from some fans seems to be that season ticket holders are being screwed out of tickets at the expense of those who have only been to one cheap game. The above shows clearly that that is not the case.

That would be because the ticketing windows have changed since people were moaning this morning. Looks like some of us got heard.


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Hi General,

Hope you are well. Been to every away game and every home game including the cups but cant get a ticket till next thursday according to the Ticket office. All because i bought a pre printed ticket from the trinity ticket office against burnley.So its not on my history as me going to the game. The lady i spoke to said its up to me to tell the ticket office to put it on my records. Surely the ticket office staff should do that?!?. How does someone who goes to two carling cups games all season gets priority infront of the fans who travel all round the country? Sorry to rant but i dont think its fair on the fans who travel home and away.



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General Krulak here:

1. The Blues game: Here is the situation. The Club asked for the FULL allocation for the game. League rules place that at 15% of the stadium seating capacity. We are NOT getting the full allocation. We are only getting 3,800 tickets. WHY? Simply put, the local council have reduced our ticket allocation for "persistent standing." We attempted to get this turned around but were told "no"...that our "persistent standing" was a health and safety issue. The allocation to AVFC remains...those seat that are not being given to us are in our area so that there will not be Blues Fans getting the extra seats. I recall mention the risk of violating the standing regulations many times...and, unfortunately, it has now bitten us on the bum. We don't make the regulations...but, obviously, if they aren't followed and enforced, the council will do it. As for the tickets....Nicky Keye posted the criteria for tickets on the OS at the beginning of the season and even went so far as to write a personal explanation on that site. She clearly explained how the priority would go. I would recommend everyone who is concerned give a look at the criteria...it is as fair as we could make it.

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General Krulak here:

1. The Blues game: Here is the situation. The Club asked for the FULL allocation for the game. League rules place that at 15% of the stadium seating capacity. We are NOT getting the full allocation. We are only getting 3,800 tickets. WHY? Simply put, the local council have reduced our ticket allocation for "persistent standing." We attempted to get this turned around but were told "no"...that our "persistent standing" was a health and safety issue. The allocation to AVFC remains...those seat that are not being given to us are in our area so that there will not be Blues Fans getting the extra seats. I recall mention the risk of violating the standing regulations many times...and, unfortunately, it has now bitten us on the bum. We don't make the regulations...but, obviously, if they aren't followed and enforced, the council will do it. As for the tickets....Nicky Keye posted the criteria for tickets on the OS at the beginning of the season and even went so far as to write a personal explanation on that site. She clearly explained how the priority would go. I would recommend everyone who is concerned give a look at the criteria...it is as fair as we could make it.

So General.....

Why dont the City Council reduce the number of Blues fans allowed into our place, due to their persistant use of Violence?

Any Health and Safety guidelines on that?

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One can only see therefore that when Birmingham visit Villa Park next season the local council are going to have to invoke this rule again and reduce the amount of Blues fans. If they do not I would expect the club to bring this double standard to their attention.

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Well I just hope for the council's sake that this doesn't come back to bite them too... reducing the allocation just to be petty is stupid on their part, especially for such an in demand and potentially volatile match. If demand exceeds supply i can envisage a fair few Villa boys opting to try for the home ends.

Thanks for the response on club's ticketing policy General, unfortunately it gives me no confidence that the club does or will fairly recognise the loyal support of everyone fairly. Why on earth the club can't use the loyalty system which would recognise loyalty across numbers of seasons is beyond me! To base a decision on TWO GAMES (at reduced prices i'll add) is ridiculous.

So 2 further questions if you have time General:

1. Can the club challenge the decision by the council? Surely it's in the best interests of both clubs, the council, all fans and the police to have more Villa fans safely policed within the away end rather than scattered through home ends etc? Do the police have a view on the council's decision?

2. Could you please explain why the club doesn't use a loyalty points system?

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