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General Krulak pt 4 - Q & A (No transfer Questions)


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General am I right in thinking that come the summer we will have Reo Coker out of contract, Carew out of contract, Ashley Young with one year left on his contract along with Luke Young and Carlos Cuellar.

Thats two players potentially leaving for nothing, our biggest asset in Ashley Young having the club over a barrell in that he either signs a new deal, we sell below his true worth due to having only a year left on his contract or we keep him and he walks away a year later on a free. Same goes for the others mentioned.

What are your thoughts on the above situation? Could you also confirm how long Gabby as left on his contract?


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Is the stories about Ashley Youngs contract talks true or are they just garbage?

This is worrying we need to keep players like him. Seems to me that a lot is going on behind the closed doors at Villa as just weeks ago he was ready to sign and now he isn't. Have people at Villa told him that we won't compete with the best and sign many players? It is worrying for all us fans when a player comes out with quotes as he has.

If Ashley Young goes it will test my resolve with Randy, don't want to sound 'fickle' but it really would and I don't think I'll be alone in say that.

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With all this talk of contracts, I got wondering about insurance matters with them. Can clubs insure a player on signing him against him leaving the club on a free? If this is possible, is it something we do, or something we should be looking at?

Might sound a random question, but since players can be insured against leaving the club due to injury or breach of contract, I assume there must be a way to insure the club against losing valuable assets for free?


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I know this is a long shot - a very long and off topic shot indeed. But would Villa or anybody reading this thread be able to contribute to this?


After my family and my Villa, aviation is a keen interest of mine and this represents one of the unique sights and sounds currently in our aviation heritage and on our current airshow scene. It really would be a terrible shame if she were to be grounded - she has so much life left in her...

Apologies for the off-topic post; but she needs all the help she can possibly get. If only I had the contact details for that Lottery winner who wants to stay anonymous.

Up the Villa - here's to three points in Black Cat land.

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General Krulak here:

1. I am NOT going to be pulled into contract discussions, players coming and going, etc etc. Everyone needs to understand that in those areas, I am not just talking to Fans but to the National Media as well. They read this site. Suffice it to say that we DO have someone who absolutely concentrates on contracts!!! Randy, GH, and the Board understand Fan concerns but it would be foolish to discuss these issues on an open web site. We do not need the type of Press attention that we recently saw with another Club.

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General, would it be possible to have a similar arrangement to the one we have with Phil Dowd for Mark Halsey? For the best part of a decade we have constantly been worse-off due to his inept decision-making in games even leading to previous managers commenting on this. Sir Alex Ferguson is known to change referees once they've been assigned, so surely it would not be hard for Aston Villa to adopt a similar process for one referee?

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I would just like to comment that AVTV had a different commentator for the match at Sunderland and the difference was obvious. It was possible to follow nearly every kick of the match! - that's more like the service I expect our club to provide.

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Nearly forgot to post this actually. At the Chelsea match. In the upper Holte K3 or so. Went down for a couple of Chicken and mushroom pies before kick off. It's bloody cold up there in the upper Holte and the pies heat you up nicely.Down the 60 or so steps, bought the pies, up the 60 steps again. Ice cold. Not a hint of warmth off it. Down the 60 steps. Exchanged for a pie that felt warm on outside, having tested a number of others. Up the 60 steps. Inside was colder than the previous one. Down the 60 steps. Filled out a form and got my £6.60 back. And up again. At our other game this year, Bolton - I don't get over from Ireland as often as I'd like - the pies weren't all that hot either, better than Chelsea, but not as hot as I remember from previous years, where I'd have to pierce the pie to let the heat out for a minute before tackling it.

The pies were a ritual of every trip to Villa. My father who travels with me looks forward to them genuinely prior to the game. Talks about them on the train on the way in and everything. The pies this season have been really disappointing and let down the Villa really. It is a silly complaint, but is genuinely an annoyance for me. In the last two trips, we've sat in the, Lower and Upper Holte, so it's not as if it's been limited to just the one vendor. I've read cases where people have sued food sellers because they burnt their mouth on food that was too hot, but serving chicken that isn't piping hot is a much much greater risk. We worried having eaten a bit out of each pie, that we would get Salmonella, which would have put a dampener on the trip.

I can't imagine what the problem is, but it could do with a solution before someone leaves Villa park sick from more than just the result. Thanks General

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General Krulak here:

1. I communicated with Nicky Keye today regarding the upgrade to the Ticketmaster system...to include "select a seat." She indicated that she hoped to go "live" within the next few days and will keep me posted as to when it happens.

General, any news on this? It will be a lot better when you can select a seat.


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I don't usually come on here and have a go at the board. The old manager certainly, some of the players, mostly, but very rarely the board.

This time I am going to though. I have said, in fact, anyone who has any connection to the Villa, whether that be fan, media, ex-player - what-ever, has said for 4 years - We need a guy who can put that round thing, into that rectangle thing.

And here we are, 10th in league (as we stand with teams below us having to play), and that is exactly half way - 4 points from Champions league, 4 points from relegation.

And here we are, coming into November with our new manager saying "We had chance after chance, but we just couldn't score" - well, there is a saying over here "No shit Sherlock !"

Even when MON quit, ther eshould have been someone with the bottle to say "We need a forward" and when Houllier was approached, he should have been told "It is apparent we need a forward - recommend one and we shall try and get him".

But we sat there, and we pay the price. January - who knows, as far as all I can see we can get is an over the hill Robbie Keane - 4 yrs too late.

I have seen enough in Houllier to see the long term is bright. But we have just totally wasted 4 yrs of progress because someone at the club couldn't see what every other person in the country could.

Very disappointing, because it is the same as Ellis - always 2 players away, and we always will be. (and I think Young knows it, hence his reversal in the contract talks)

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Hey General,

Couple of points to make.

Open Training Session: I always think things like these are fantastic and i believe its a credit to the club that they always do features like these so that many youngsters who may not be able to get to matches for whatever reason can get along to villa park and see the players.

Couple of negative issues on this though is the attitude of security around Villa Park. I went down to Villa Park today to purchase some tickets while this event was about to kick off, and the security on both the main car park and the Holte End car park were extremely unhelpful to myself aswell as others and spoke to me like i was a piece of crap you would step in on the floor.

The second issue is maybe on events like these because of the amount of kids there should be some kind of lollypop person on duty around the ground. I noticed many people struggling to cross roads because of the amount of traffic.

Ticket Prices: I can't help but notice that we are days away from the Midlands derby with Birmingham and we still have tickets available. Now i know the club try there hardest to listen to fans but £43 for fans - especially in a area where unemployment is a very high i think is disgraceful. Now this doesnt effect me as Im a season ticket holder - but I would rather see VP full, than half full so i really think stuff like these should be looked at.


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General Krulak here:

1. Hersford-Villan: In answer to your question, I believe the Club is headed in the right direction!

2. markavfc40: My thoughts on the situation you described are as follows: I am very glad that we have 1) GH as the Manager and 2) Randy as the owner!!

3. Deeps: You state that, "If Ashley Young goes, it will test your resolve for Randy". Do you really think that the owner of ANY Club can prevent a Player from leaving if he wants to? ManU saw Rooney prepared to walk out the door....because he wanted to. He is staying with ManU because he wants to. I wish it were as simple as you make it out to be....we just say, "nope, no players can leave this year"....hmmmmm, sounds nice. It doesn't work that way. To lay the blame on Randy is wrong.

4. paulanddonya: I am sure that GH has watched the same games as you have watched...maybe for not as long but he certainly has seen games we have played and he sees the lads at practice. I would venture to say that he will try to address any "needs" that he sees in some sort of priority order. I would not start slashing your wrists over a specific player or striker until you have given GH a chance to make some moves. Let him pick the individuals he feels he needs.

5. avillafan.com: Ticket prices....you can't win for losing! A 43 pound ticket price is "disgraceful"???? I would say that is a bit strong. It is a big game, a very important game, a game that cost more to attend at B'ham City two years ago than this price. We want to re-sign players, we want to buy strikers, we want to buy other players, we want more security, we want a lollypop person on duty, etc. etc. etc. BUT we want lower prices (forget the fact that our prices are already low). You can't win for losing. :bang::bang:

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Hi General,

First off, how the devil are you? did you enjoy the trip to brum town and was Mrs K a happy bunny when you got back to the states?

The GH tie thing, you will notice I was the first to mention it, so did you actually buy him the tie?? I had a grin on my face when i saw the new gaffer is his dapper tie!

On more pressing issues, can you confirm the shelf life of the new top? as a man of your word, the website got back to us today... BUT.... there is no mention of if the kits runs into the 2011/12 season.

Can you shed anymore light on this General? and if a decision has been made? I know a lot of us are in limbo at the moment and more than likely, will not buy the kits if there being changed again in 6 months.


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General as someone who travels extensively through the US have you noticed a rise in the clubs profile around the country in the past year or two? Personally it's been a while since I had to explain to an American Soccerball fan who Aston Villa are and it seems that people have finally started recognizing our new crest, good stuff :)

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