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Its not just the season before last though is it, Take our most recent competitive game (Norwich away), what did you make of SI in that game

What did you make of any of our players in that game?

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I don't deny his talent, just question his effectiveness.

But do you not think he would be rather effective under a manager who likes his players crossing the half way line in numbers?

A point well made PieBoy...and the reason why im looking forward to next season and the impact that Stephen Ireland could have.

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I must admit I'm not SI biggest fan and I'm not convinced, that on the salary he commands , he's worth keeping.

However I'm more than happy to see what PL has in store for him.

If he can extract what a fair few on here can see then I'm equally happy to eat some humble pie

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The problem I has with Stephen Ireland last season was he was mainley on the peripheral of games. When he got involved in games he did ok, but mostly went missing.

If we could get rid I still would, he won't ever justify his wages, BUT I think Lambert might be able to get more out of him.

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PL will have to decide if the 70k a week and potential fee - £5m ish ?? is he worth keeping or replacing ?

That money could probably buy 3 more decent players from Holland

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People say he went missing in games last season but the amount of times he creates space and our midfield never passed to him as they went sidewards. Will be interesting when he plays with Karim as he can pick a pass from what i seen at Burton. Big season for SI i hope we see the best of him

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Like I say, he played well at Chelsea then followed it up vs Swansea with a more typical SI performance instead of kicking on

Again, which of our players played well against Swansea that day?

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Like I say, he played well at Chelsea then followed it up vs Swansea with a more typical SI performance instead of kicking on

Again, which of our players played well against Swansea that day?

Don't hold your breath for a response Chappy, CI will always criticise Stephen Ireland.

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I don't deny his talent, just question his effectiveness.

But do you not think he would be rather effective under a manager who likes his players crossing the half way line in numbers?

Is that Lambert? all the times I remember watching Norwich last season, I always remember a team defending in numbers, quick on the break. Not dissimilar to us under MON.

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I don't deny his talent, just question his effectiveness.

But do you not think he would be rather effective under a manager who likes his players crossing the half way line in numbers?

Is that Lambert? all the times I remember watching Norwich last season, I always remember a team defending in numbers, quick on the break. Not dissimilar to us under MON.

Yep, from what I saw they played deep and soaked up pressure, played on the counter like you said, but when they went forward they all bombed forward. Norwich were never shy of trying to win by committing players forward.

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Hard worker ?? He largely ambles around the pitch without a care in the world

Did you even watch a game last year? He was constantly running. Working his bollocks off every game. Also, he's one of the hardest workers off the pitch too.

In fact, he works so hard he nearly gave himself a heart attack a few years ago!

I think you just have an agenda against him to be honest. Everyone was pretty shite last year, but Ireland was the best out of a bad bunch and deserves another chance.

I agree with this. Sunderland and Fulham at home he played in a midfield two I think and covered so much ground tracking back...remember he cleared off the line from Bendtner to save us a point in that Sunderland home game.

I like Ireland. I admit he's tested my patience at times and he can drift out of games just as much as he gets into them.

It's important however to have players with touches of fantasty aswell as graft and hardwork in the team.

I've n doubt El Ahamdi, Herd and Holman will bring the graft to midfield and make us competitive in that area but it's vital we balance that out and also have N'zogbia and Ireland in there, players who can turn games.

That's one of the things I'll be judging PL on this season, can he get consistent performances out of Ireland and N'zogbia?

If he can, Bent will score many goals and we'll have a good season.

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Im a bit in both camps here.

I fail to see how he won POTS last year though I do believe the award should have been completely written off FWIW. In addition, his performances the past 2 years have been in the large part, utterly appauling and while there are obvious excuses (that some are putting forward), this guys on an extortionate amount of money and should be performing better, regardless..... However - so should the rest.

With that in mind, Ive never stopped believeing the lads got genuine footballing talent and if used wisely could be a star.

Verdict: Worth another crack this year!

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I love Stephen Ireland... There I said it. It's true. He can be the difference this season linking with Bent and N'Zogbia. So excited for this season.

Not being funny but wasn't that the plan last season?

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I love Stephen Ireland... There I said it. It's true. He can be the difference this season linking with Bent and N'Zogbia. So excited for this season.

Not being funny but wasn't that the plan last season?

Wait, there was a plan last season?

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