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Paddy's "Things that cheer you up"


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Yeah its sometimes watched but we don't really have any 'must see' TV in our house. If it's on when we sit down to veg out it would be watched because it's on the default BBC so it gets watched where Corrie or Emmerdale never ever would.


But last night was brilliant. Brilliant in that so bad it's good kind of way. A woman was hit by a car, proper up in the air over the top of the car hit - and people asked if she was ok and took her to the pub. A pregnant woman got married, had a car crash, got rescued from a fire, died and was resurrected. What's not to like!


The baddie wears a black hat and a full length black leather coat.


The wedding was disrupted by an argument over money that had Phil Mitchell giving it the full 'shut it you slaaag' school of acting. Even though he's physically shrunk and got visibly older in recent years. The token black family have a mystery pregnancy, a guy with a stroke that might be getting beaten up and a washed up drunk woman.


Just brilliantly bad.

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When the one woman in Eastenders hadn't been responding to the medics for 10 minutes so they stopped resus and called it, then her sister whispered in her ear that she had a lovely baby boy who was a fighter, just like her - and she came back to life.

I don't watch soaps but is that not how Trinity brings Neo back to life in the Matrix ?

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 A pregnant woman got married, had a car crash, got rescued from a fire, died and was resurrected


she wasn't resurrected, they spent a couple of minutes trying to resurrect her then pronounced her clinically dead and then somehow her heart started again without any medical aid, im not even sure if thats possible 


my missus was crying, i had to leave the room because my laughter wasnt appreciated



Are you thinking of resuscitation?


I think she was the Eastenders Christmas story, but they got confused and chucked in a bit of Eastermas too.


Off on a tangent - I'll have to dig out the proper reference, but there was a lecture on the radio a couple of months ago that included the story of an Austrian girl that fell under the ice on a frozen lake. She was under the water for something like 30 minutes, it was an hour before an ambulance / rescue team arrived and she was pronounced dead. But because of the extreme temperature they decided to take her to hospital - a journey of an hour or so. 


So 3 hours after she drowned and 2 hours after being declared dead she's in hospital and has absolutely no signs of life. They decide to very very slowly warm her up. Long story chopped very very short, after a day of no readings they put her on artificial lung and heart machines, brain still clinically dead. Put some sort of warming probe in her head and over a week she began to breath on her own. After about a month she woke up but without use of limbs, 6 months later, completely restored as though it never happened. longest anybody has ever been 'dead' and come back. 


It was told a lot better by the guy giving the lecture on the radio.

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They'd stopped trying to resuscitate her and pronounced her dead, then her heart started up, like I said I'm not even sure if that's medically possible

Edit - according to wiki yes you can, it's called Lazarus syndrome and there have been 38 reported cases of it, worldwide, in the last 32 years

Edited by villa4europe
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^^ someone needs to update that wiki page with a 39th

EastEnders is utter utter tripe with the laziest writing in any tv show ever, couple of examples.

1) A few years back they bought back 'dirty Den' even though he died about 20 years ago, he came back, he wasn't dead after all. Now if that was ridiculous enough in the last couple of weeks they have done exactly the sane with Nick Cotton, back from the dead.

2) Again about 10 years ago they had the big reveal that Kat Slater was not actually Zoe Slaters sister but actually her mum (wow!) Now this week, Danny Dyer finds out that Shirley (ugliest woman ever?) Is actually his mum and not his sister as he thought.

Got know why women watch it and don't see it for the site that it is.

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it's just a taste thing isn't it


I don't particularly care for it, though I think I'd know a good number of the characters names. I can see how lots of people could think it's eye and ear burningly bad.


I can also see how people fail to get the appeal of a pot bellied racist troll driving around in a selection of sports cars tossing out superlatives in a mid atlantic drawl week in week out with absolutely no change to the script in years.


My personal 'hate' is old fashioned sit coms, the Khan's and Brown's of this world. My parents think they're the best things on telly. But at the end of the day, it's all only telly.


Music, now that's a much more serious subject.

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you missed the who stabbed whats his face / shot phil / killed lucy regurgitation too


and im not derailing the things that cheer you up thread, i think tonight is the 1st episode of hollyoaks ive had to sit through in about 3 months, i missed all the christmas day episodes, only saw the last 10 minutes of yesterdays eastenders, i think even my missus is getting tired of it all, and that cheers me up immensely 

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