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Paddy's "Things that cheer you up"


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Waitrose have issued a warning of a profits dip, citing the free newspapers and coffee as the main problem.


Not quite on a par with Hoover's free flights a few years ago, but who'd have thought giving stuff away for free could hit the bottom line! Apparently, they now have a right bunch of chavs in the shop, filling up with coffee at the entrance door, sloshing it on the floor all through the shop, picking up a bottle of wine to qualify for a free newspaper and leaving again.


When what they thought would happen was yummy mummy would park the Evoque, grab a soothing latte as a reward for being a yummy and then spend millions on posh cheese and hand carved Heston Blumenthal organic butter and nettles statuettes wrapped in Duchy linen.


Its works for me, I'm forever going in for "free" coffee and then drop £30 on booze/cakes/artisan breadsticks. There is a very high standard of clunge in my local one too. B)





I'm in a very lucky position in that my missus does the 'main shop' midweek meaning I don't have to do that supermarket zombie thing.


Then I get to flounce in and out of Waitrose a couple of times a week to buy a posh takeaway or do the 6:00pm raid for cheap cakes. But yes, ours is a quirky little Waitrose in that it's clearly a posh shop, they inherited the site in that Morrisons take over of Safeway and so they ended up with a posh shop in a poor area. 


The result being its usually close to deserted as the 'locals' can't afford (or probably don't want) elderflower jelly or artisan muffins. However, the yummies do travel in from the surrounding posh villages, so we can all stair at their linen trousers and floral boden blouses.


I'm currently rocking a summer weight linen suit and pink checked shirt - the disguise allows me to move amongst them without scaring them into a stampede up the yoghurt aisle. 


Stampede up the yoghurt aisle may or may not be a euphemism.

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Morrisons all the way for me. I can get decent good quality meat, and fruit and veg that doesn't go off, if you don't eat it the day you buy it. I've nothing against Aldi and Lidl, it's just the money I'd save going there, would be about the same as the petrol would cost to got to two or three supermarkets every week. 


Oh and Asda is shit, and is usually a hive of scum and villainey. We must be cautious.

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Aldi is the best supermarket.. there, I said it.


Their bread is pants, but everything else lasts longer and tastes better.


Asda is pants, Sainsbury's is absolutely rubbish, Tesco's is okay..


Marks and Spencers own stuff is pretty nice, if you're looking for a treat, but salad/veg goes off waaaay too quickly.


Waitrose is like a shittier version of M&S, but they do sell nice "ready meals" that you can just chuck in the oven.


But for value for money, freshness & taste, Aldi is the best! :D

Oh.. an morrisons.. I forgot morrisons.. they're salad counter is pretty cool. what with the water vapor shooter things and all, but it's pretty pants too.

Ok **frightfully middle class post alert**


I won't go in the local ASDA (mostly due full of swap donkeys but also due to the fact they gave me funny looks when Mrs E sent me in their to pick up the manual breast pump she'd ordered in my name)


Tesco's makes me sad.


Morrisons is too northern for my tastes


Sainsbury's is ok.


M&S is good for Sarnies but nowt else.


Never been in Lidl's or Aldi.


Waitrose give me a free coffee and a paper plus a natty little scanner thing... and its simply the only place to get the organic moroccan hummus that Tarquin adores with his olives.



New Tesco's are good, I've been in the older stores, and they're pants.


I've been in new and old Sainsbury's (Redditch = old, Blackheath = new(ish) and it's overpriced and poor quality. Seriously, the worst supermarket in my opinion.


Aldi is good, it's much cheaper and the quality is still pretty high, imo.  Some of their meats are brilliant.  Fruit and Veg is a must, they last longer than anywhere else.


Morrisons - near Rubery is ok.  pants layout, some of the booze is well priced and their veg/salad is very decent, but everyday shopping is expensive.


Waitrose - good ready meals, some quite rare things are gettable there, but everything is over priced.  In some cases, literally double Aldi prices, for worse quality stuff.


Lidl - some good offers, but the quality of the food is no frills, it's basic but you wouldn't give other people that food they came to your house :lol:


Eames - what next, you're going to tell me you have a Range Rover for your horse boxes!? ;)




Complete agree on the Sainsbury's front.  I don't know how they have the nerve to charge so much.

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I am also lucky that my wife doesn't work so she saves me from the supermarket. Generally it gets done at Asda, but on the odd occasion when it has to be done at the w/e I will happily pay generally a bit more like-for-like to have a far more civilised shopping experience at the Sainsbury's over the road.

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Supermarkets are crap over here.  We have one Tesco, that's slightly larger than the average Tesco Express in the UK, a few small Co-ops and then a bizarre Isle of Man only chain called Shoprite, that sells a bizarre mix of Waitrose and Iceland stuff.  There's no Aldi or Lidl, which is why the Aldi in Lancaster is always heaving as it's on the way to the ferry terminal at Heysham.

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