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Barry Bannan


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I feel sorry for both Bannan and Con. 


Bannan because he's become a scapegoat for whatever reason - the fact that he's small or that he got caught drink driving or whatever, despite showing quite a lot of ability and potential in a season where he's had his first real dabble at first team football. 


Con because he just doesn't realise that what he's doing is ultimately pointless. Kind of reminds me of myself on this site about 8 years back. 


0 goals 1 assist. There is nothing there that shows me that he is good enough.

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I feel sorry for both Bannan and Con. 


Bannan because he's become a scapegoat for whatever reason - the fact that he's small or that he got caught drink driving or whatever, despite showing quite a lot of ability and potential in a season where he's had his first real dabble at first team football. 


Con because he just doesn't realise that what he's doing is ultimately pointless. Kind of reminds me of myself on this site about 8 years back.

I find it difficult to "feel sorry" for any "professional" footballer, especially one who is a pisshead and thinks he is the next "Messi".

FWIW I think he is OK player (nothing more) and personally didn't make him the "scapegoat" but frankly he was never that good and Con's constant defence of him is laughable.

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That doesn't exactly tell the whole story Daniel.


Mike, why is he a pisshead who thinks he is the next Messi?


What are you basing that on?


I agree that Con's defence of him is futile, though.

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Bannan leads the team on key cock ups. More game time means more cock up time. If "game" more often meant 90 minutes it would have meant diabolical Bannan cock ups leading to guaranteed Relegation.



You should know not to engage with me on statistics if you are just going to make yours up.


Shall we agree that turnovers of possession and being dispossessed are cock-ups?


Frequency of cock-up 2012-13 season


Once every...

Westwood 76 minutes

Delph 42 minutes

Sylla 31 minutes

Bannan 59 minutes

El Ahmadi 52 minutes


Bannan was not the worst for cock-ups. 



No Con we shall not agree on your interpretation, therein lies your constant & inherent mistake. Bannan is the king of the cock ups. That's why he keeps on getting subbed. After 80 mins the manager realises that yet again another piss poor performance from Wee Barry could potentially lead our great club to disaster hence his withdrawal & eventual deselection. His Hollywood passes are cock ups. his corner kicks are cock ups, his set pieces are cock ups, his tackling is a cock up, his defensive abilities are a cock up, his driving license is a cock up, need I go on?


The guy is a total & utter liability. He is the weediest player ever to disgrace the Premier League. The thing that grates me the most about him is that he is totally crap but is wearing a Villa shirt. He is not the type of player that I want to see in our team. He represents total failure. Aston Villa fans want to believe that we can compete at the highest level oncemore but Bannan kills that dream stone dead. He is just simply awful & truthfully he makes my heart sink every time I see him scampering about the pitch putting in his piss poor tackles & easily being swatted away like an insignificant fly.


I've stated this before & I state it again, Bannan is a total liability.

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But the stats show other players have made more cock-ups? You can't argue with facts. And stop pretending Con is the only supporter of Bannan as there are many of us. 


He was only pulled because our moronic fans were getting on is back. I know this for a fact.


Anyone remember the Bradford away match where he set Benteke up only a plate 3 times on for Benteke to miss all those chances?


I think villa-revolution should stop posting on this thread (and stay of the drink) as your opinions about Barry are of a personal nature and don't reflect his footballing ability at all.




He is the weediest player ever to disgrace the Premier League. The thing that grates me the most about him is that he is totally crap but is wearing a Villa shirt. He is not the type of player that I want to see in our team. He represents total failure


That's just hate fulled bile based on nothing but erm, hate.

Edited by supernova26
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Bannan is a frustrating player. He can do good and then alot of bad plays.


Hes good on the ball but his long/balls and corners are woeful.


He needs to learn to keep it short.


Problem with him having those 59 minutes between errors is because he goes missing for 35 of those minutes.

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I fail to see how Bannan has made the most 'cock ups'. He made one big mistake against Liverpool, WHICH DIDN'T LEAD TO A GOAL! But yet people just extrapolate that one mistake. Like I've said before, I can count 2 mistakes against Liverpool, which led to clear cut chances, one mistake against Reading which led to a clear cut chance(but not a goal). He gave a penalty away against man city, when we were already 3-0 down. Apart from that, I cannot remember any major 'cock ups' he did. Also the fact that none of them led to any goals suggests, I wouldn't describe them as cock ups(as it connotes a monumental and big mistake), to me they were just merely 'mistakes'.

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Con because he just doesn't realise that what he's doing is ultimately pointless.


As opposed to all the bickering on message boards across the internet that's not ultimately pointless. :detect:

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The key passes per game stat isn't a well constructed one. They should do key passes per minute played.


6 of Bannan's "games" were substitute appearances, and in 6 of the games he started he was subbed before 80 minutes.


If "game" more often meant 90 minutes his key passes per game would be leading the team. Bannan leads the team on key passes per minute.


Bannan was often subbed because he is the least defensive midfielder. 


So you add context to some stats but not others. There is no way round it... what Bannan is judged on is assists and goals because this is (was) his role in the team. He has fundamentally failed and for him to catch up with other PL footballer in your misleading stats we are going to need to score around 9 goals from his next 100 crosses. Considering we have scored 1 from his last 114 that would be over a 900% improvement which simply isn't going to happen.


Eighty percent of poker players lose money and the vast majority of these players think that it is a statistical anomaly (luck) which is the reason why they keep losing. It isn't, it is because they aren't good enough. The same applies with you and Bannan. One day you will become enlightened and realise he isn't good enough despite what your flawed stats suggest (you probably already have but are too stubborn to admit it).


As previously stated... you are a walking contradiction and a spin doctor.

Edited by AstonMartin82
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Ahh yes, reasons why internet forums like this can be such depressing / tiresome / charmless places to be


Bannan is almost certainly not good enough to be a Villa player, probably not good enough to be in the PL - that's not his fault, that's just the way it is. Nor am I,it's a simple statement of fact but I don't expect people to publicly slate me for it and shower me in personal. speculative abuse


Bannan makes one stupid but very human error of judgement - not uncharacteristic in an immature individual in his late teens or early 20s, particularly when that individual is living a life of minor celebrity and material affluence that nobody could have prepared him for. He's in the public eye so everyone gets to hear about it. And the world queues up to put the boot and extrapolates from that one incident that he is a rubbish human being and a "pisshead". Unless I am missing something where is the evidence that, following the crash, he hasn't got his head down and tried to learn the lesson but, unfortunately, simply not progressed and proved to have the necessary attributes as a top class footballer?

It's so easy for angry, anonymous people to spew their hate-fuelled, personalised, judgemental bile on the internet; to propagate myths, conjecture and hearsay; and to viciously assassinate the character of someone they know next to nothing about, without ever having to back it up with much in the way of meaningful evidence. I'll hazard a guess that these same people are making stupid and very human errors every day of their lives (I know I do) - they would be mortified if angry strangers homed on these errors as evidence that they are terrible people, and screamed and shouted their ill-considered opinions from the roof tops. Fortunately most of us aren't interesting enough to merit that kind of scrutiny. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, and try to get his facts right before he does so.

Not a football thing, just another example of what a nasty, sneering, unforgiving society we live in. And it right royally p#sses me off

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Ahh yes, reasons why internet forums like this can be such depressing / tiresome / charmless places to be


Bannan is almost certainly not good enough to be a Villa player, probably not good enough to be in the PL - that's not his fault, that's just the way it is. Nor am I,it's a simple statement of fact but I don't expect people to publicly slate me for it and shower me in personal. speculative abuse


Bannan makes one stupid but very human error of judgement - not uncharacteristic in an immature individual in his late teens or early 20s, particularly when that individual is living a life of minor celebrity and material affluence that nobody could have prepared him for. He's in the public eye so everyone gets to hear about it. And the world queues up to put the boot and extrapolates from that one incident that he is a rubbish human being and a "pisshead". Unless I am missing something where is the evidence that, following the crash, he hasn't got his head down and tried to learn the lesson but, unfortunately, simply not progressed and proved to have the necessary attributes as a top class footballer?

It's so easy for angry, anonymous people to spew their hate-fuelled, personalised, judgemental bile on the internet; to propagate myths, conjecture and hearsay; and to viciously assassinate the character of someone they know next to nothing about, without ever having to back it up with much in the way of meaningful evidence. I'll hazard a guess that these same people are making stupid and very human errors every day of their lives (I know I do) - they would be mortified if angry strangers homed on these errors as evidence that they are terrible people, and screamed and shouted their ill-considered opinions from the roof tops. Fortunately most of us aren't interesting enough to merit that kind of scrutiny. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, and try to get his facts right before he does so.

Not a football thing, just another example of what a nasty, sneering, unforgiving society we live in. And it right royally p#sses me off


lol - The Florence Nightingale of VillaTalk are you? Only your signature is completely contradictory to this. Ironic. Amusing.


I assume you haven't read all the posts... very few people are attacking Bannan as a person. Nearly all are wanting to get rid of Bannan because of his footballing ability. Including me. Big difference.

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Also the fact that none of them led to any goals suggests, I wouldn't describe them as cock ups

That's just ridiculous.

If Guzan dropped a simple catch and it fell to the opposition who fluffed an easy chance are you saying it wasn't a cock up?

The fact it didn't lead to a goal is nothing to do with bannan, it's either poor play from the opposition or good play from another one of our players. It doesn't change the initial cock up.

A ridiculous argument.

I assume you haven't read all the posts... very few people are attacking Bannan as a person. Nearly all are wanting to get rid of Bannan because of his footballing ability. Including me. Big difference.

I'm attacking him for both. He's a word removed and he's shit.

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Also the fact that none of them led to any goals suggests, I wouldn't describe them as cock ups

That's just ridiculous.

If Guzan dropped a simple catch and it fell to the opposition who fluffed an easy chance are you saying it wasn't a cock up?

The fact it didn't lead to a goal is nothing to do with bannan, it's either poor play from the opposition or good play from another one of our players. It doesn't change the initial cock up.

A ridiculous argument.

Okay, fair point, I'll accept that point is invalid. However if none of these 'cock ups' led to goals, is it really that significant? With Bannan the cock ups rarely happen and when they do it hasn't changed the course of the game. I accept that if he keeps making mistakes it will lead to goals, however as I've said, his cock ups are few and far between so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Bannan gets treated and judged unfairly on this thread. His mistakes are emphasized because he is a scapegoat(which all stems from the drink driving incident).

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This is a double face-palm cock-up. 




Bannan hasn't scored an own goal this season.


To Baker's credit he got over it and we won the game. How you respond to your cock-ups is what makes a good player. 


Whatever mistakes Bannan has made he's still working hard and still gets respect from managers. The Scotland game shows that.

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This is a double face-palm cock-up. 




Bannan hasn't scored an own goal this season.


To Baker's credit he got over it and we won the game. How you respond to your cock-ups is what makes a good player. 


Whatever mistakes Bannan has made he's still working hard and still gets respect from managers. The Scotland game shows that.

yet none of the managers played him regularly. He's not good enough to be a Villa player, for both sides it's best that he leaves Villa soon so this thread gets closed, Villa get the waste of salary of the wage bill and Bannan can get regular first team football at a lower level

Edited by nick76
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This is a double face-palm cock-up. 




Bannan hasn't scored an own goal this season.


To Baker's credit he got over it and we won the game. How you respond to your cock-ups is what makes a good player. 


Whatever mistakes Bannan has made he's still working hard and still gets respect from managers. The Scotland game shows that.


Moar gifs  :clap:

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I fail to see how Bannan has made the most 'cock ups'. He made one big mistake against Liverpool, WHICH DIDN'T LEAD TO A GOAL! But yet people just extrapolate that one mistake. Like I've said before, I can count 2 mistakes against Liverpool, which led to clear cut chances, one mistake against Reading which led to a clear cut chance(but not a goal). He gave a penalty away against man city, when we were already 3-0 down. Apart from that, I cannot remember any major 'cock ups' he did. Also the fact that none of them led to any goals suggests, I wouldn't describe them as cock ups(as it connotes a monumental and big mistake), to me they were just merely 'mistakes'.


That's a pretty long list which goes back only a couple of months. Most peoples memory will only serve them for a short period of time... if you look at Bannan's other games you'll find many cock-ups, many failed passes and many dispossessions and very little good crosses.



Also, I'm glad we are now saying Bannan was awesome last season because he didn't score an own goal. Con, your standards for Villa are pathetic. We are so much better than the dross that this person serves us. Who do you think we are? Birmingham City?

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I fail to see how Bannan has made the most 'cock ups'. He made one big mistake against Liverpool, WHICH DIDN'T LEAD TO A GOAL! But yet people just extrapolate that one mistake. Like I've said before, I can count 2 mistakes against Liverpool, which led to clear cut chances, one mistake against Reading which led to a clear cut chance(but not a goal). He gave a penalty away against man city, when we were already 3-0 down. Apart from that, I cannot remember any major 'cock ups' he did. Also the fact that none of them led to any goals suggests, I wouldn't describe them as cock ups(as it connotes a monumental and big mistake), to me they were just merely 'mistakes'.


That's a pretty long list which goes back only a couple of months. Most peoples memory will only serve them for a short period of time... if you look at Bannan's other games you'll find many cock-ups, many failed passes and many dispossessions and very little good crosses.



Also, I'm glad we are now saying Bannan was awesome last season because he didn't score an own goal. Con, your standards for Villa are pathetic. We are so much better than the dross that this person serves us. Who do you think we are? Birmingham City?



And just to qualify my earlier posts Bannan (the whole package) is a total cock up. That is my overall point. His contribution to our cause when he is on the pitch is completely detrimental.


Also, to confirm AstonMartin's earlier post the majority of posters on this thread do not hate Barry Bannan the person. All we want is success for our team & Bannan's

piss poor performances tell anybody with an ounce of sense that with him in the team this simply isn't going to happen.

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