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Barry Bannan


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Just doesn't have the attitude. Thinks he's far better than he actually is and consequently doesn't put the work in to be better.


would you take a pay-cut in your job?




I'm seeing a lot of this at the moment. Why doesn't he get realistic with his wage demands?etc etc


All the players can see the market has diminished significantly. So why would they lose the good contracts they are on? Even if they go elsewhere and get game time and be successful it is still open to debate whether they would get future contracts that are better than what they currently have.


Point is not a single person on this site would take a pay cut to join a rival company so why would they.


I get that its frustrating for us the fans but I'm sure that hasn't entered the players heads too much.

The trouble with making yourself spokesperson for 'each single person on this site' is you end up talking twaddle.

I have taken paycuts at various times in my career, for different reasons, ranging from just wanting to get out, to wanting better prospects, to taking roles I preferred. I know others who have too, it is not actually unheard of for people to have motivations other than money. And we are NOT on 10k, or 20k a week.

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I'd take a pay cut from a bigger school to a smaller school to get a promotion (squad player to first team regular)

Don't make out that it's as black and white as 'would you take a pay cut?'

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Just doesn't have the attitude. Thinks he's far better than he actually is and consequently doesn't put the work in to be better.


would you take a pay-cut in your job?

If I was loaded and didn't have to worry about money for the rest of my life and had the opportunity to prove to myself and others that I am an actual professional footballer worthy of playing week in week out on as big a stage as possible for my abilty then yes, absolutely I'd take a pay cut.

This same sentiment is aimed at the rest of the so called bomb squad too

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It's perfectly possible that it's not about money, anyway. Blackburn have been a complete car-crash ever since Venky's took over - how many managers they had in last 3 years? this is a big move for Bannan and I wouldn't blame any player for not wanting to go to a club that changes manager every 6 months.

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The trouble with making yourself spokesperson for 'each single person on this site' is you end up talking twaddle.

I have taken paycuts at various times in my career, for different reasons, ranging from just wanting to get out, to wanting better prospects, to taking roles I preferred. I know others who have too, it is not actually unheard of for people to have motivations other than money. And we are NOT on 10k, or 20k a week.



I also took a significant pay cut and a career level decrease to move countries for a better life. It also gave me a challenge to get back to the level I was at and more so back to the level I wanted to be at a certain age which I achieved.  


I took that decision at 27 and now aged 36 I have a better quality life in Australia and I have through very hard work worked back up the career ladder very quickly to be where I thought I would be at this age if I had stayed in Birmingham.  


The old phrase of one step back to take two steps forward....maybe better for Bannan as well

Edited by nick76
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Maloney didn't leave because he wasn't good enough, though.   And he came back to the PL and won a fair amount of praise before his team got relegated.

Is that an oxymoron



Not at all.  He left Villa mostly because he was homesick and hadn't settled in well, as I recall.   A few years later, after maturing a bit, he came back to the PL with Wigan and was pretty successful.

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Just doesn't have the attitude. Thinks he's far better than he actually is and consequently doesn't put the work in to be better.


would you take a pay-cut in your job?

If I was loaded and didn't have to worry about money for the rest of my life and had the opportunity to prove to myself and others that I am an actual professional footballer worthy of playing week in week out on as big a stage as possible for my abilty then yes, absolutely I'd take a pay cut.

This same sentiment is aimed at the rest of the so called bomb squad too



And that is the key for the bomb squad, really. This isn't about them losing money....


... it's about them believing they have nothing to prove.

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Just doesn't have the attitude. Thinks he's far better than he actually is and consequently doesn't put the work in to be better.


would you take a pay-cut in your job?





I'm seeing a lot of this at the moment. Why doesn't he get realistic with his wage demands?etc etc


All the players can see the market has diminished significantly. So why would they lose the good contracts they are on? Even if they go elsewhere and get game time and be successful it is still open to debate whether they would get future contracts that are better than what they currently have.


Point is not a single person on this site would take a pay cut to join a rival company so why would they.


I get that its frustrating for us the fans but I'm sure that hasn't entered the players heads too much.



Since  you brought it up, I  DID actually take a  20% pay  cut  to join a rival company a few years  back and I was earning substantial money  at the time.


My reasons  for  doing that  were because the  future  at the  company I was  working for  would have limited opportunities  for future growth. .


It turned out to be  one of the best moves I ever  made. Within a  short amount of time I  gained back   the  salary and through  hard work was  given more responsibilities   that led  to better  opportunities on my next appointment.


I realise  that I may be  one of the very  few that did that but because  Barry  is    so  young and  has a fair  degree of talent he should not  let money alone dictate  what his next move should be.


It is possible that there  are  a  few more clubs  for him to   explore before the  transfer window closes. Don't  forget  its only the end of   July and he still has a  few more weeks    left   to make a  decision.


It's a BIG  decision  for Barry Bannan.  Just because  there are a few fans that  would like  him to move on  doesnt  mean that  he  has  to  oblige  them.  After all, what  does he owe them and  how much are  they going to  contribute   to his  future welfare?  ...  oh  wait a minute...it's nothing isnt it!


I love  AVFC as much as anyone but lets  not be too hasty and  harsh when a lad  who has put in 14 years   service  to the  club  is being  shown the  exit   door. As fans  we  can  choose  to  respect players  who   have worn the claret and blue.


I wish the  lad well and hope that when he is ready he makes a choice   that makes  sense  for  him and moves to a  club where  he has a future career. If the right  opportunity  comes along I  would hope  that  BB  takes it  and  is willing to take a  pay  cut    that  may   reap a bigger  reward  in the   future. I  did , and I   have never regretted it.

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Why should he take a pay cut, when he knows that if he holds out for longer, Villa will most likely make up the rest of his wages, same as Dunne, Ireland and Given did when he left Man City.

Same as all of the "bomb squad", why take a pay cut when you know that closer to the transfer deadline Villa will be just happy to get at least half your wages off the bill and be prepared to make up the difference.

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Still not gone? Jesus, my good will is used up already.


Shows what these players are made of though. They clearly believe they can never be any good and so are unwilling to take a short term pay cut to play regular football and prove themselves.


Would I take a pay cut to move companies? Of course I would , if I thought I had talent why would I want to be wasting away my career doing nothing? If I have talent I know in a short period  will be racking in more money than ever.


These players know they have no talent and so dont want to move.

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I don't blame Bannan for holding out for what the move he believes is right for him. If he has any sense that will be opportunity based firstly with the money second. This is his first move and probably his most critical and I have every sympathy for him wanting to get it right if that is what he is doing. If we believe the media he has been told to find a new club and there is no way back for him at Villa.


On a more general note I really don't get all this hatred of him on VT. My only gripe with wee Barry is that he has turned out to be not nearly as good as we all hoped. I don't think he is a bad player but at this moment he neither fits the plans Lambert has for the club nor is he proven as PL player so a move is inevitable.


Another problem seems to be that he is, apparently, a bit of a cock outside football and that is seen as a proxy for his attitude to football and on the pitch. Stephen Ireland anyone? I'm not sure I buy that but I guess its not helped at Villa or in the eyes of potential new clubs.

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Undoubtedly he's being offered less than the reported 20k he's on here, but as for the 'why should he take a pay cut' questions - yes, he's perfectly entitled to stay here and see out his contract (one year or two?), but he isn't going to play. Then after his 20k a week contract is up, who's going to offer him anything, given that he's not played a competitive game for years? If he has faith in his ability, he'd be better off moving somewhere on half the money, and at least getting a longer contract, then proving himself so he can move up the payscale. Maybe he doubts himself, or maybe he's an idiot. I've always thought the latter since the infamous MySpace page to be honest.

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This "I don't get the hatred of Barry" is from people coming in late and seeing us take the Mick out of Barry, we do the same with other players - Webcam, Gabby and him fathering a team.

Its banter.

Con and a few others have been very clever to drop in comments now and then about us hating or 'bullying' Barry.

It is bollocks.

We just stood up to Con and proved his stats are terribly flawed, he then decided to play the hate card, which people are now jumping on.

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This "I don't get the hatred of Barry" is from people coming in late and seeing us take the Mick out of Barry, 

It's not. It's from being at Villa Park and hearing people shout like **** when a pass is misplaced. However, when another player misplaces a pass there's barely a reaction. 


It's from reading this thread and watching people call him a useless clearing in the woods.


Got nothing to do with the light hearted "banter" .

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