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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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Why do we give so much time for ITKs?

Like we have debates on how legit they are. They always wrong about everything, yet because they predicted the weather on may 32nd 2019, they could be right about a multiple million pound deal made by 2 of the most private football clubs in the world. 


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10 minutes ago, mickjacobjr said:

If Jack goes he don’t believe the in the club anymore and the plan for the project  a lot of people will be very angry with him and won’t have much time for him Look at the treatment Gareth Barry got when he came back and he gave the club longer service than Jack 

Don't think it's necessarily a case of he doesn't believe in our project he'd just be choosing a club that don't have a project, they're done, it's not some 5 to 10 years down the line thing it's instant everything ready to go and be successful 

If he left its not necessarily a slight on us, there has to be an acceptance that what we are trying to do will take a long time, what city are trying to do won't because they've already spent it (and by time I mean a **** load of cash) 

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The only sense I can see in Jack training with us is so that we can have time to bring in players prior to him leaving as that would mean us being fleeced on fees. That would fit in with neither side confirming a deal and why were parading him around as if he's still one of ours. This is pretty much what that Whispers guy is hinting at - that we're putting bids in and it doesn't look good for him staying. 

People would think that dangerous for Man City in case he gets injured but, if it's none-contact stuff going on he's unlikely to get hurt. 

You have to say that, if he had decided to go, no way Villa would allow it until we've spent money on replacements. Not only would we need them from a playing point of view but, they will need some in to appease the disappointment of the fans. 

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1 hour ago, DCJonah said:

Of course that happens. But I see little indication that this is bullshit and no one has picked up on it. 

It serves no purpose for us to allow this circus around our pre season plans. If there was no truth to this bid, we would 100% get that message out. I'm surprised so many people think we wouldn't. 

If there was no truth to this bid, there would be no comment from the club and Grealish would be in training as normal. Just like what is happening.

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Just now, GENTLEMAN said:

I really cannot believe grown adults believe that Whispers is genuine. He is an attention seeking WUM. Please restore my faith.

I'm 5ft 5ins so not sure that qualifies me as a grown adult anyway lol. 

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1 hour ago, skarroki said:

Do you think he would be gone if it wasn't for Man City's staggered payment proposal then?

I'm assuming from your replies you believe he doesn't want to be here anymore. 

If he wants to play for Man City, by the powers of deduction, I would assume that, yes, he wants to go.

I haven't spoke to him, so I am guessing like everyone else.

I presume, its a process, with hurdles and at present some hurdles exist, if those hurdles are removed, we may see what Jack really wants to do....If I was a betting man, I would say ,he wants to go....because the alternative, is just sign a contract with us, which, i would guess again, would be easy.


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3 minutes ago, AntrimBlack said:

If there was no truth to this bid, there would be no comment from the club and Grealish would be in training as normal. Just like what is happening.

There really wouldn't. This circus doesn't help us. If there was no bid, a trusted source like Percy would say so. There is no positive to this for us to let it continue. Also if there was no bid, I'm sure Jack would have commented on how committed he is for the upcoming season. 

Why would the club or Jack, want complete lies about them dominate the media at the moment?

Why would Man City want this story to continue? It would ultimately look like they failed. 


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1 hour ago, sidcow said:

What happened to it's a done deal, 100% off, team Grealish has screwed us over?

You are anther who for day's has been saying with zero doubt that he'd already gone.

I’ve not said anything different really, I think Kane has delayed it by several days but will still go ahead.

Villa have been clever yesterday letting fans see them talking to Jack etc a visible display of them trying to talk him round coupled with the offer of a bumper deal being widely reported. Make it look like we tried and Jack is the enemy which he is it’s his camp that have orchestrated this. We’re offering about £100k lower than City it’s never going to be a U turn from Jack now. The only hang up is City offering £100m at the mo it’s £85 plus add on’s, once they hit £100m it will be quickly done which goes to show personal terms have been done ages ago

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3 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

I think it's a little unfair to call it bed wetting. For me, it seems a likely outcome. 

Calling it a likely outcome is not the same as saying "goodbye jack" which is textbook bed wetting.

Nothing is confirmed. Let's just wait and see.

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