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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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The most ludicrous thing about all this is the silly 100m figure. He has 4 years left on his contract, we don't want or need to sell. If we indulge the insane notion that Jack desperately wants to leave this summer I honestly can't see the club selling for a slightly paltry 100m. It would have to be a 150m minmum for me and no one is stumping up that this summer. 

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7 minutes ago, Mazrim said:

Oh shit. Why didn't you say it was Jeremy Parnaby? Jeremy **** **** Parnaby. Damn it. If it was anybody else, I would say it's a load of bollocks. But Jeremy Parnaby... Damn.

Well, it was a good ride while it lasted Jack.

Not THE Jeremy Parnaby? The one with all the Jack Grealish ITK news? Surely not!!

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1 minute ago, Tom13 said:

How is he getting money from Reddit? I would normally agree but he seems to have a history of getting big calls about City right, you can't tar everyone who posts stuff on the internet with the same brush. And I'm not saying it's given that he's right either.

His calls could come partly from luck and looking at the right info at the right time but let's put it into this reality how does a guy like him know City's and Villas business as they both keep hush about it till they release it themselves??

As for money, people earn money from getting views, comments and traffic and this Grealish thing could indeed for all we know be a business tactic to divert those visiting that guys Reddit and then move them on into purchasing let's say for example a figurine of Grealish. There are many ways to make money on these sites and people just think you go on there to talk, it's not always the case. Maybe this person has a deal in place where he has advertisement on his account and getting traffic coming on through pays him that money, your certainly going to want to creat a rumour like Grealish going to City. I mean does this guy have YouTube also, if that's the case then he could deffo be making money by sending traffic from the Grealish comment onto his YouTube account where there is some way of making money there, people are smart these days with this sort of thing.

Rather than ask me who doesn't know all the ins and outs of making money on these sites but knows it does happen, it's probbest to find some Reddit users who actually do it.
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9 minutes ago, Mazrim said:

Oh shit. Why didn't you say it was Jeremy Parnaby? Jeremy **** **** Parnaby. Damn it. If it was anybody else, I would say it's a load of bollocks. But Jeremy Parnaby... Damn.

Well, it was a good ride while it lasted Jack.

Sometimes you do need to look at things a bit deeper than surface level though. He appears to have a long history of getting calls correct. He may well be wrong, but I wouldn't just dismiss him straight away.

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I think that Citeh ITK is probably legit, and that they probably do have a deal negotiated and prepared and it's a matter of Jack coming back off hols with a decision to make. Citeh are completely used to getting their man, so all over there probably believe it a formality and expect him to join. However, in reality this comes down not to them or Jack but NSWE.

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People don't take screenshots of reddit posts and post them all over the place at least not ones relating to football transfer gossip, post something on there and it's forgotten about and doesn't get many viewers, whereas on twitter ITK posts get retweeted thousands of times as a matter of course and are read by many more people. It's much easier to be caught out as a fake ITK on twitter than it is on reddit...

Or I should say that it's easier to come across as ITK on reddit than it on twitter.

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Just now, Dave-R said:

As for money, people earn money from getting views, comments and traffic

Well I know this, but he hasn't shared any external links. You can't make money from getting views on a Reddit post.

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58 minutes ago, Tomaszk said:

Can't do much with £80m.

Must be £100m, ideally £150m.

He will be City's best player.

£100m isn't what it was a few years ago. Look at the fees being paid for fairly mediocre players. Four year contract, one of England's hottest properties, won't down tools and go on strike, so if you want him let's start at £300m, see how much you actually want him. 

Can't pay? We'll take him away. 

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8 minutes ago, Awol said:

I do wonder if Deano and the recruitment team would be tempted at £150M. Assuming the money went straight back in to recruitment that could buy 3 starters, none as individually brilliant as Jack but together making us a much stronger team. 

Assuming for a minute that Bailey would be coming regardless, you could buy a new LF, DM and CM. 

I'd rather not lose him at all, but for £150M (benchmarked on the Coutinho transfer) it pretty much removes the constraint of FFP meaning we could spend up to £250M in this window - if the owners continued the average investment of £100M per summer. We've already spent £33M on Buendia and Bailey would probably cost similar, so we could be looking at about £180M to replace Jack and then go to work on the midfield and maybe a back up striker.

We could do an awful lot with that kind of money.  

I just couldn't see them spending that much on a player they don't even really need.

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3 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

Sometimes you do need to look at things a bit deeper than surface level though. He appears to have a long history of getting calls correct. He may well be wrong, but I wouldn't just dismiss him straight away.

Says who? What has he got right? Who the **** is he?

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Well he has a very strong track record according to City fans. So, I wouldn't just instantly dismiss him 'cos we don't know about him. Either way, jack shit we can do about it anyway. What will be will be. 

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1 hour ago, Kiwivillan said:

What's 100% ITK? Seen loads of ITK this window that's 100% bullshit

I’m with you as I think most are unless it comes from the established few we know.

All I’m saying is, I’ve had first hand info so it’s not from someone who knows someone. 

And they’re saying people have met. Doesn’t mean he’s going, just means his people have met theirs. 

Guess now it’s upto Villa to make him see staying is the best option. 

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25 minutes ago, Dave-R said:

If you think that Jack is going there to sit on a bench then think again, he will as well and be a rotated player.

This is a greedy move if City pull it off which I doubt they will. They already have there first eleven and then some, it's quality through and through and I just don't see how Jack's going to leave Villa and lose his captains armband. and trade in all his hardwork and top dog slot for a bunch of maybe trophys at City that are not even Guaranteed next season or after.

I'd feel sick if he left us now and I'd be pissed off about our Owners letting him go whether he wants to or not. I'd rather tell City blatently he's ours and under contract, piss off.

Totally agree, Dave. I also believe there are other things to consider.

With the current hooha surrounding $hitty, they could cop a points deduction. Yes, they are $hitty, and they belong to the scum6, and therefore are entitled to get away with it, but it is a possibility. Would Jack be happy about walking into that?

I remember early in his career, watching a reporter follow him around post game, and Jack did not have a good game. He sat there reading the fans comments on his performance on his phone, and he was very gutted. Some here have said that they wont hold hard feelings and would wish him the best, but I strongly dont believe all  fans would be reacting like that. He will cop hell from some of the fans, I am sure. How is he going to react to that?

I don't believe Jack is going anywhere, but where Jack is going to be this season, I believe is the most important question in football right now. If he signs for $hitty, then football is dead. With the possible inclusion of Kane, $hitty are looking at having a choke hold on the Premier League. They will be nailed on Champions for this season, and probably for future seasons too. This club was also at the forefront of a group of clubs who wanted to ruin football. May nobody ever forget that. 

*If (when) Jack shows his intent to stay at Villa, it shows everyone what is true value in football. It would be like giving a big middle finger to the face of the scum6, and telling them that there are some things that you can't offer, because I already have it at My Club. Its the love from the fans. It is walking out on the ground in which he used to wish he could do one day when he was a kid. It is seeing stuff with his name on it being sold in the Aston Villa shop where his Dad used to take him after the game. It is seeing his shirt on a kid, who would have been him when he was his age. It is the pride he feels when he slips on that arm band, and leads a bunch of great players, who are also his mates, and love the Villa just as much as he does onto the pitch while his heart is trying to punch its way out of his chest. These are the things that $hitty cannot offer, and they are not for sale. * ( What I hope Jack thinks).

They are a soulless scumbag plastic club, but they have money. At least Villa has a soul. They also have money and ambition too.


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14 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

Well I know this, but he hasn't shared any external links. You can't make money from getting views on a Reddit post.

Maybe it's some advertising, there usually is a reason for these crazy account being flooded with traffic if the rumours end up being false. Yeah he may of got some things right in past but not everything he's got right. Could it be that he's dealing with maybes and possiblys of bits of news and riding his luck on a messy puzzle that he's trying to piece together?? Maybe he thought he'd sussed it and while he's completed that puzzle or thinks he has, before he could we all find he has an incomplete  one on his hands before he notices.

Maybe he put the puzzle together abit to fast this time before all the proper info is out because im struggling to think this guy has insider info onto clubs transfer business, especially when they keep quiet.

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