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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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Everton have been linked to James Rodriguez, Grealish, Gareth Bale and Aaron Ramsey in the last two weeks!

Probably got a slight chance of getting in Hames with Ancelotti previously managing him at Real Madrid but in reality they won't sign any of them.

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45 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

Everton have been linked to James Rodriguez, Grealish, Gareth Bale and Aaron Ramsey in the last two weeks!

Probably got a slight chance of getting in Hames with Ancelotti previously managing him at Real Madrid but in reality they won't sign any of them.

He managed Bale as well but no chance paying his salary 

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6 hours ago, VillaChris said:

Everton have been linked to James Rodriguez, Grealish, Gareth Bale and Aaron Ramsey in the last two weeks!

Probably got a slight chance of getting in Hames with Ancelotti previously managing him at Real Madrid but in reality they won't sign any of them.

I mean, they are about to spend £500m or something on a new stadium.  They must have loads of spare cash splashing about. 

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Jack Grealish, is one of the best midfielders in the country....and we are still sitting at 19th in the league.

It might be worth thinking long and hard about that...and what it says about us.

Edited by TRO
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1 hour ago, TRO said:

Jack Grealish, is one of the best midfielders in the country....and we are still sitting at 19th in the league.

It might be worth thinking long and hard about that...and what it says about us.

We’re a newly promoted side, he has shown great loyalty to us, I wouldn’t begrudge him a move. I think his performances for us have earned him a move to a so called bigger club to a degree

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9 hours ago, TRO said:

Jack Grealish, is one of the best midfielders in the country....and we are still sitting at 19th in the league.

It might be worth thinking long and hard about that...and what it says about us.

What it says is one man doesn't make a team, no matter how good the player. I remember when Middlesborough had the likes of Ravanelli, Juninio and a few other talented players and still managed to get relegated. All the successful sides had that balance of exciting individuals who performed as a team. That's why it's the team you remember not individuals. 

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15 hours ago, sheepyvillian said:

What it says is one man doesn't make a team, no matter how good the player. I remember when Middlesborough had the likes of Ravanelli, Juninio and a few other talented players and still managed to get relegated. All the successful sides had that balance of exciting individuals who performed as a team. That's why it's the team you remember not individuals. 

My point was if we was going to sign a player like Jack as opposed to possibly selling him....many would think a player like that would transform us.....but we need more not less.

but you are right.....its about a team and it goes to show, how far away we are from being a good team.

your examples are right and i feel we have some way to go to get it right.

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On 10/04/2020 at 13:16, Zatman said:

Everton big problem is recruitment not money. They sign the crap from the top 6, Walcott, Iwobi, Delph, Schneiderlein who werent good enough or have lacked commitment since they had big contracts already. They also overpay for other MON like crap signings like Pickford, Keane and Williams

Some of those players are past there best too. 

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I'd actually forgotten just how good he was that day. I can't see us having a player come through the academy with as much potential and quality as Grealish for a long, long time. 

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41 minutes ago, Farlz said:

I'd actually forgotten just how good he was that day. I can't see us having a player come through the academy with as much potential and quality as Grealish for a long, long time. 

Perfectly feasible we never will again. The guy is destined for the absolute top. Champions League, World Cups, the lot.

Gareth Barry was a wonderful player as soon as he appeared but never in his whole career put in the level of performances Grealish has this season, and he won the title and got 50 England caps!

If he doesn't "make it", it's either he's stayed here to drag us along (preferable), or he's stopped working hard off the pitch.

Edited by Tomaszk
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36 minutes ago, nick76 said:

Yeah because we havent been loyal to him at all.  Always hate this BS that "loyalty" or "wouldn't begrudge him a move"......just BS.  He's a Villa player, we pay him well, we've been just as loyal to him for 20 years building him (and yes he may have got that elsewhere as well but it was us) and as soon as he shows his ability in the PL (one season) we lose him....nope! sorry that is BS.  If we get relegated then fine but if we stay up, I'd make it too hard for him to leave and honour the contract and play for his boyhood club. 

I hate the "earned a move to a bigger club" BS.....dont you want Villa to be better, that we build a team around him and we get better.  If every time a player comes along with talent that we sell them........NO! 

I dont want to have to hope that average players become good from our academy like Bannan, Davis, Moore brothers, Delfouneso,  Fabio Ferraresi etc etc and they never come good. 

We have one that has come good (great!) and now at really the start of his senior career at 24 years old, we let him go.  We have rich owners, we have a great player, we hopefully be in the PL, let's build around him.....let the boyhood Villa fan become the Villa legend and get back to the higher end of the table and enjoy success at the Villa.....I dont want to lose him to so called big club where he'll get lost and be a player amongst players and yes will thrive but I want him to thrive at Villa. 

He has a contract, he's been loyal, we have been loyal....let's tell other clubs to bugger off!

I don't know the full implications of his possible moving.....but I take your point.

To keep losing our best players, who will be so difficult to replace is no recipe for advancement.

but we must get better additions to play with players like Jack.

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2 hours ago, Farlz said:

I'd actually forgotten just how good he was that day. I can't see us having a player come through the academy with as much potential and quality as Grealish for a long, long time. 

Last night I watched back the Rotherham game.  His goal in that game was a thing of absolute beauty. 

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7 hours ago, nick76 said:

Yeah because we havent been loyal to him at all.  Always hate this BS that "loyalty" or "wouldn't begrudge him a move"......just BS.  He's a Villa player, we pay him well, we've been just as loyal to him for 20 years building him (and yes he may have got that elsewhere as well but it was us) and as soon as he shows his ability in the PL (one season) we lose him....nope! sorry that is BS.  If we get relegated then fine but if we stay up, I'd make it too hard for him to leave and honour the contract and play for his boyhood club. 

I hate the "earned a move to a bigger club" BS.....dont you want Villa to be better, that we build a team around him and we get better.  If every time a player comes along with talent that we sell them........NO! 

I dont want to have to hope that average players become good from our academy like Bannan, Davis, Moore brothers, Delfouneso,  Fabio Ferraresi etc etc and they never come good. 

We have one that has come good (great!) and now at really the start of his senior career at 24 years old, we let him go.  We have rich owners, we have a great player, we hopefully be in the PL, let's build around him.....let the boyhood Villa fan become the Villa legend and get back to the higher end of the table and enjoy success at the Villa.....I dont want to lose him to so called big club where he'll get lost and be a player amongst players and yes will thrive but I want him to thrive at Villa. 

He has a contract, he's been loyal, we have been loyal....let's tell other clubs to bugger off!

Don’t forget he stayed with us for 3 seasons  in The Championship, I can see what you’re saying. No player is bigger than the club though, I think a move for Grealish might be the best thing for our club, it’s a team game after all. No matter how good one player is and Grealish is amazing, I think he might’ve taken us as far as he can

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The sad thing is, it's not like we don't have the owners with the clout to build a team around Jack. It would be great if we manage to avoid the drop and Jack decides to stay to see if we can progress as a Premier league side. The good news is, surely we can't be any worse than we were this season, and if we can spend a bit, and more importantly, find the right players, then, who knows, maybe it will all come right, trust me, stranger things have happened. 

Remember when Cantona went to Man Utd ?

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9 minutes ago, sheepyvillian said:

The sad thing is, it's not like we don't have the owners with the clout to build a team around Jack. It would be great if we manage to avoid the drop and Jack decides to stay to see if we can progress as a Premier league side. The good news is, surely we can't be any worse than we were this season, and if we can spend a bit, and more importantly, find the right players, then, who knows, maybe it will all come right, trust me, stranger things have happened. 

Remember when Cantona went to Man Utd ?

How do you know if the owners have the clout to build the side around Grealish?

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13 minutes ago, sir_gary_cahill said:

How do you know if the owners have the clout to build the side around Grealish?

Also we spent 140m last summer plus the funding they have put into the club.  They know we are far from a PL team and need investment.  I'd be surprised if they did that initial investment with the chance of major failure back to the championship.  Additionally they have told us they have major ambitions and so far they havent lied to us.  They may fall back on this in the future but no reason to doubt them so far and their actions so far have backed up what they are saying.

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14 hours ago, nick76 said:

Yeah because we havent been loyal to him at all.  Always hate this BS that "loyalty" or "wouldn't begrudge him a move"......just BS.  He's a Villa player, we pay him well, we've been just as loyal to him for 20 years building him (and yes he may have got that elsewhere as well but it was us) and as soon as he shows his ability in the PL (one season) we lose him....nope! sorry that is BS.  If we get relegated then fine but if we stay up, I'd make it too hard for him to leave and honour the contract and play for his boyhood club. 

I hate the "earned a move to a bigger club" BS.....dont you want Villa to be better, that we build a team around him and we get better.  If every time a player comes along with talent that we sell them........NO! 

I dont want to have to hope that average players become good from our academy like Bannan, Davis, Moore brothers, Delfouneso,  Fabio Ferraresi etc etc and they never come good. 

We have one that has come good (great!) and now at really the start of his senior career at 24 years old, we let him go.  We have rich owners, we have a great player, we hopefully be in the PL, let's build around him.....let the boyhood Villa fan become the Villa legend and get back to the higher end of the table and enjoy success at the Villa.....I dont want to lose him to so called big club where he'll get lost and be a player amongst players and yes will thrive but I want him to thrive at Villa. 

He has a contract, he's been loyal, we have been loyal....let's tell other clubs to bugger off!

Agreed. But two things must happen for Grealish not to be tempted away; (1) Villa must remain a Premier League club. (2) If (1) is achieved then Investment must be made in the next transfer window to bring in 2-3 very good players to compliment Grealish in the 1st team, that would likely cost £150-200m for 3 very good players. 

Next season we would have to be at the level that Wolves are currently at to justify players at the level of Grealish remaining at the club, we would have to become a fixture in the top 7 or 8 clubs IMO. 

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