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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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He's just been very very irresponsible. Boredom I guess and not having his routine like we all do but that dosen't make it right in the current climate.

Worth remembering though Barry Bannan got done for drink driving a decade ago and still played for us for a further 18 months so all this talk of not wanting him to play for us again is a bit OTT (although I can imagine the pelters given to Wesley or Luiz if they'd been the player instead).

Think taking captain's armband off him will be punishment enough.

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18 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

Glad to wake up and read so many sensible comments. 

Still surprised so many are keen to look the other way because he's our captain. 

I haven't seen a single person defending potential drink/drug driving.

I haven't seen a single person say it's OK to pop over to his 'mate' Ross McCormack's house.

Mostly people are saying we don't have all the facts so can't jump to conclusions or are contesting the validity of the third/fourth/fifthhand rumours of him being a coke head that people are casually chucking out.

The only two things (if true) that are red flags for me are him leaving his windows open and being parked outside McCormack's. Apart from that all we know is he was driving in the morning, hit some parked cars and left details with someone before leaving. I've seen some suggest 'running from the scene of the crime' will get him prison time, which is absolutely absurd if they can't prove he was under the influence.

It will be very interesting if the CCTV footage comes out as I imagine this will be the closest we get to understanding what went on.

Doesn't his sister have cystic fibrosis? You'd expect him to be well aware of the risks to the vulnerable if I've remembered this right. Makes it worse if it does turn out to be true.

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8 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

He's just been very very irresponsible. Boredom I guess and not having his routine like we all do but that dosen't make it right in the current climate.

Worth remembering though Barry Bannan got done for drink driving a decade ago and still played for us for a further 18 months so all this talk of not wanting him to play for us again is a bit OTT (although I can imagine the pelters given to Wesley or Luiz if they'd been the player instead).

Think taking captain's armband off him will be punishment enough.

It's also astonishing how quickly people forgot a pissed up Jonny Evans and Gareth Barry crashing a knicked cab in Spain.

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8 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

He's just been very very irresponsible. Boredom I guess and not having his routine like we all do but that dosen't make it right in the current climate.

Worth remembering though Barry Bannan got done for drink driving a decade ago and still played for us for a further 18 months so all this talk of not wanting him to play for us again is a bit OTT (although I can imagine the pelters given to Wesley or Luiz if they'd been the player instead).

Think taking captain's armband off him will be punishment enough.

2 players nearly killed the club captain at Derby 6 months ago in something more reckless and they are still playing

I know some people are trying take moral high ground by saying he shouldn't play again but they will be the 1st complaining if he sits out while we get relegated 

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All I have seen and read is a photo of grealish in a street, and a story that varies but the facts seem to be that 2 parked cars were damaged at 10am and the driver left his details. The party bit is hearsay, the 4am bit is hearsay, the ross McCormacks flat is hearsay, anyone being drunk is hearsay, if he lives there or is staying there he is going to leave on foot, also due to social distancing he can't go around knocking peoples doors so he would leave his details...thats if it was him and his car.

To say there are holes in this story is an understatement.

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1 minute ago, Sam-AVFC said:

It's also astonishing how quickly people forgot a pissed up Jonny Evans and Gareth Barry crashing a knicked cab in Spain.

I think the other factor you have to thrown in is the fact we are in supposed lockdown, for as stupid as that pair were they had not been told by the Government to only leave in certain situations or even worse put a video out themselves the day before giving the same advice

I would love Jack to learn from this and stay with Villa for ever but as people have said above, the fact he is going to Ross Mcormacks with his reputation obviously shows the circles he is mixing in 

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16 minutes ago, nick76 said:

The problem is how?  somebody more intelligent than me must have better answers.  My nephews dont even like football, which is sad to me, but I dont have to worry about that and football idols.  I've tried the likes of Prof Brian Cox and utilised the amazing programs he has where he takes something complex and general not exciting and adds amazing videos to it and while the kids are interested for program, five minutes later they are back to idiot YouTubers and rubbish that comes with it.  I love YouTube and I'm on it a lot but the kids go towards the rubbish rather than the stuff I would like them to watch and I'm not talking to the level that Prof Cox goes to.  My brother blocks a lot of sites for them but there is always new ones, my brother restricts access to only a few hours a time, a week but changing a generation just seems unlikely.

Also doesnt help with the likes of Trump or Boris.  Trump just lies, wings it, is a bully and generally is just an idiot.  Doesnt help when the most powerful man in the world is like that.

It is more difficult for kids, because they are so impressionable.

i was refering to adults, when i said we need to wake up.

I don't think it requires an intellectual answer, i think its more down to having a strong constitution and have more confidence in ourselves.....we should not be so quick to look up to others we know so little about, but to reserve that homage to folk who we know deserve it.

we have to be careful of drifting off topic, but I disagree on Boris, I think he is showing strong leadership ( at last ,after weak leadership) and having to deal properly with Brexit and now this, is some initiation to his premiership......strong leadership is not the same as bullying.when dealing with adversaries, we need a strong approach, not a hidden weakness camouflaged as compromise.

as you may well know.....I am a big advocate of strong leadership and it is not lost on the managers job at Villa.

back to Jack, it appears he has shown anything but a disciplined approach to this situation if reports are true......all to be established of course.

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7 minutes ago, spiezels said:

Also not illegal I’m afraid.


But the police have additional powers to diperse crowds and issue fines for breaching social distancing/lockdown rules. This extends to the use of force if necessary.

Irrespective of the law or not, this is incredibly irresponsible at a time of national crisis.

Edited by The_Steve
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23 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

He's just been very very irresponsible. Boredom I guess and not having his routine like we all do but that dosen't make it right in the current climate.

Worth remembering though Barry Bannan got done for drink driving a decade ago and still played for us for a further 18 months so all this talk of not wanting him to play for us again is a bit OTT (although I can imagine the pelters given to Wesley or Luiz if they'd been the player instead).

Think taking captain's armband off him will be punishment enough.

But Barry Bannan wasn't exercising his misdemeanor, in the middle of a world pandemic.....where sensible, disciplined people stay at home......and do as they are told....as he so readily proclaimed himself.

Edited by TRO
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If he's gone to the shops and pranged his car then fair enough. However in this case I would imagine Jack or the club would have released a statement by now to clear things up, especially with the front page headline and Piers Morgan on national TV.

If he's been out visiting people, partying and drinking after releasing his statement on Saturday he should be stripped of the captaincy. 

If he's been drink driving then he should almost certainly be stripped of the captaincy.

Grealish is a hero to many fan's but it doesn't excuse acting like an idiot. The captain is a club role model, see the likes of Barry, Petrov & Chester. If Gabby had done any of the above he would have been stripped of the captaincy immediately.

Tyrone Mings is a ready made captain for the club. 

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4 minutes ago, TRO said:

But Barry Bannan wasn't exercising his misdemeanor, in the middle of a world pandemic.....where sensible, disciplined people stay at home......and do as they are told.

And Jack posted a video only a few hours earlier, #stayhomesavelives really, really, poor timing.

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1 minute ago, villianusa said:

And Jack posted a video only a few hours earlier, #stayhomesavelives really, really, poor timing.

Double standards at work.

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3 minutes ago, TRO said:

But Barry Bannan wasn't exercising his misdemeanor, in the middle of a world pandemic.....where sensible, disciplined people stay at home......and do as they are told.

If he wasn't drink driving do you think him leaving the house during the lockdown is worse than Bannan's drink driving? Having seen what drink drivers do to families I can't see how this could possibly be equivalent unless he was doing something like visiting a hospital where him leaving the house had a high chance to spread the virus to vulnerable people if he had it.

I really don't care if he left the house in his car and would have returned in his car without setting foot outside (hitting other cars notwithstanding). I know I'll probably get people ranting what an irresponsible opinion it is, but I don't see how being shut up in a metal box is going to spread anything...apart from to the police who pull you over maybe.

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21 minutes ago, Sam-AVFC said:

It's also astonishing how quickly people forgot a pissed up Jonny Evans and Gareth Barry crashing a knicked cab in Spain.


3 minutes ago, wilko154 said:

The captain is a club role model, see the likes of Barry


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30 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

He's just been very very irresponsible. Boredom I guess and not having his routine like we all do but that dosen't make it right in the current climate.

Worth remembering though Barry Bannan got done for drink driving a decade ago and still played for us for a further 18 months so all this talk of not wanting him to play for us again is a bit OTT (although I can imagine the pelters given to Wesley or Luiz if they'd been the player instead).

Think taking captain's armband off him will be punishment enough.

Losing the captaincy will be a blow but the likelihood that he’s blown his england chances will hurt him badly too 

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