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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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17 minutes ago, blandy said:

Man CIty win games without Aguero, Barcelona win games without Messi. Correlation and causation are two different things.

whilst i agree, grealish and ayew dont work in the same team IMO grealish wont work if we play gestede up front either, his movement isnt good enough, grealish with kodjia and mccormack in front of him should work though

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I remember watching the pre season game vs nantes and he got fouled which led to him kicking his feet on the ground like a child and then jumping up and getting right in the refs face, it was at that stage i realised he is still a plank who needs to climb down out of his own arse. His kick out in the Wolves game was pathetic and the actions of a petulant child...

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The expectation is amazing that he should be winning games for us. He's only 21 - & at his stage of development I think he should only be starting 20 games this season and coming on as a sub in 10/15. He needs to learn the game and not be held up as some sort of Aston Villa version of Messi.

Also look at how many managers he's had - he made his debut under Lambert FFS. How many coaches and backroom people have been through the club in that time each with their own idea of 'how to handle' Jack, how to train him and where to play him. Sadly, if he fails to fulfill his obvious potential then AVFC will be complicit in that failure, given the incredible instability of the last few years.

To be quite honest if he and his family were really smart they would have pulled him out of the shit show that the club has become - it's incredibly loyal for them to stick around. I wonder what his current playing level would be if he'd gone to a club with the youth team/coaching stability of somewhere like Southampton or Arsenal. 

Edited by TheAuthority
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3 hours ago, spiezels said:

Can't believe the hate our gresford gets on here.

Makes me sad. 

Most of it is because he is so obviously talented, and we want it to blossom in a Villa kit. He's been acting a bit on the Lee Sharpe end of things in the not too distant past, hopefully Brucey can make him a little more Giggsy.

Edited by villakram
edit: all the silly whitespace
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3 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

I still can't believe he got a three game ban for something which for me barely merited a yellow card. I'm not even sure that the description "kicked out" is suitable. I'm disappointed the club didn't appeal that one.


Perhaps it will do him good if he actually sat out a few games and let the manager work on him and calming him down and dropping his childish behaviour.

He needs to actually start giving more on the pitch and hopefully the manager will find the right position for him to flourish in eventually.

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11 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

On the pitch I haven't seen any childish behaviour, off the pitch he had a party in a hotel that was noisy on his 21st birthday. I think it's massively overplayed.


The other was off season in Tenerife. 

Same over play imo.


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21 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Because why should he be hounded out of living his life by the press? **** them.

Yes, he probably should be a bit more cautious and choose his friends better, but if he wasn't Jack Grealish none of this would have been noticed. 

I've kept it under wraps because at the time I thought it was irrelevant but I met a current first team player who was absolutely smashed up town the day after the Preston match, along with a former Villa player who is now playing for a Championship club. I believe he's their vice captain. Quite a few people saw them actually, this wasn't in some inconspicuous little pub down a side street, this was in one of Birmingham's most famous bars! Nobody seemed to mind, I didn't mind really, they weren't back in training till the Tuesday. If that was Jack trust me, the whole **** country would have woke up to it on the back page of the Daily Mail, which is just bonkers. 

We complain that our modern players are robots and disconnected from fans, we complain when they show a little character, well we can't have it both ways. Jack isn't a bad lad really, he's been a victim to a degree, though he also needs to curb his enthusiasm. The club need to do a better job of protecting him too. 

Regards pretty much all of that, the stamp is irrelevant. It's football, get over it. 

Cracking, isn't it.  Lose away from home, be 2 points off relegation - go out and get smashed.  But it's OK boys because you're not paid to be a great athlete or anything.  Out on Sunday, but you've got Monday to recover - yay!

God bless footballers.

Edited by bobzy
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14 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

On the pitch I haven't seen any childish behaviour, off the pitch he had a party in a hotel that was noisy on his 21st birthday. I think it's massively overplayed.


Then why did RDM drop him? Thats what i would like to know, I know he was clueless but simply dropping him from the squad for doing nothing would make no sense 

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6 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Then why did RDM drop him? Thats what i would like to know, I know he was clueless but simply dropping him from the squad for doing nothing would make no sense 

For me it was a nothing incident. However, it got into the paper and so RDM, who was coming under pressure for results wanted to keep the media on his side and banned him for a game.  A stronger manager could've dealt with it inhouse. 

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9 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Then why did RDM drop him? Thats what i would like to know, I know he was clueless but simply dropping him from the squad for doing nothing would make no sense 

think you answered your own question ;)

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13 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

Then why did RDM drop him? Thats what i would like to know, I know he was clueless but simply dropping him from the squad for doing nothing would make no sense 

I assumed it was Tony Xia who ordered he should be dropped, or maybe Wyness. Don't think RDM showed much conviction about it.

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On 10/24/2016 at 14:49, villa4europe said:

the thing is though saying he gets himself a needless 3 game ban, so have 24 other players, he gets himself in the press for the wrong reasons, the same reasons that you have to assume a fair few other 21 year old millionaires arent getting themselves in the press for

i dont like the idea of suggesting that its all the media's fault and they're picking on him but like i said the attention he's getting is nowhere near what it should be for a player of his stature at a club of ours

the difference between baker, kodjia and amavi is no one cares if they do it, its up to you if you believe thats because they're all tucked up in bed by 11pm when jack is out partying, posted it several times before what was said when the video came out on twitter of bacuna down broad street at 4am? absolutely nothing

This through and through. As you say, he's hardly a high-profile player. Presumably the press's motivations boil down to a] 'build them up, tear them down' jealousy, b] the ease and availability of photographic evidence and video footage from his useless chums, and c] the fact he does give them quite a lot of ammo, of which I have a lot of sympathy for Jack regarding A, and considerably less for B & C. But I do have some sympathy for the lad. If he farted in a library, there'd be a cretin in the next aisle bottling it and selling it to The S*n. 

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