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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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I was amazed after his ill discipline he walked straight back into the team for Barnsley and Preston. I can't speak for the Barnsley game but the Preston game he was abysmal and a total passenger out there.

Impact sub until he produces cameos worthy of a start. He had a bright start to the season but don't think he's done much recently other than negative headlines.

I also don't think you can start him and Ayew in the same team. Both like to drift from the left so take up the same positons on the field.

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We have to have players that work really hard and get stuck in in the Championship and I doubt that Grealish knows how. I was one of his biggest fans when he broke through but sadly it all went to his head when he became billy big bollox. There is no doubt he has talent but it isnt enough without effort and commitment.

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Whats interesting is when he returns from his idiotic ban, he wont be able to walk straight into the side (unless we get absolutely thumped by blose which could happen if we play like we did vs wolves) before he could walk in because we were not winning games. now we have the sense of winning again and he will have to start performing if he wants to play. adomah has been taking his chance 

no room for passengers here 

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I know the ban was unnecessary, but the some of the reaction is a bit OTT. He's made a few foolish mistakes but don't most people his age, he's unlucky that due to the england/ireland scenario he's high on the media hitlist. I think the ban could actually really help him, the need to put his head down and force his way back into the side could really get his head sorted and playing his best football...it's not like we've missed him the last few games anyway. 

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4 minutes ago, Phumfeinz said:

Take a look at quality players who have come through from a young age. You don't see multiple bans and controversy surrounding those players as they developed. Jack is 21 now, the ship is about to sail.

Really? It hasn't done Suarez much harm. Wasn't Van Persie quite controversial at a young age (and no I'm not comparing Jack to these ability wise). 

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11 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:

Really? It hasn't done Suarez much harm. Wasn't Van Persie quite controversial at a young age (and no I'm not comparing Jack to these ability wise). 

Yeah, Jack doesn't have anywhere near the potential those two had.

He has some, yeah, but he's going to have to work really hard to realise it. The more he messes around the lower and lower his ceiling becomes.

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26 minutes ago, Phumfeinz said:

Take a look at quality players who have come through from a young age. You don't see multiple bans and controversy surrounding those players as they developed. Jack is 21 now, the ship is about to sail.

yes you do, absolutely loads of them, sterling, wilshere, rooney

and its not a case of comparing him to the quality of those players and stating the obvious, why is it that Jack at 21, not an international, playing for a shit championship team is national paper headline news? name any other time villa get on the back page? in terms of national news he's a nothing player that should be sailing under everyone else's radar, if anything the fact that he doesnt have the potential of those players makes the attention he gets even more unwarranted 

he needs to stop it but i maintain the club need to do a much better job of taking the target off his back, most of this "controversy" is nonsense that we exacerbate rather than controlling

Edited by villa4europe
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I like Grealish he has potential if he knuckles down, but when I compare him to players his own age it's worrying.  Nathan Redmond for instance started off at the shambles down the road and is looking a proper player these days. Jack should take note. Talent alone is not enough.

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48 minutes ago, carewjust4u said:

I know the ban was unnecessary, but the some of the reaction is a bit OTT. He's made a few foolish mistakes but don't most people his age, he's unlucky that due to the england/ireland scenario he's high on the media hitlist. I think the ban could actually really help him, the need to put his head down and force his way back into the side could really get his head sorted and playing his best football...it's not like we've missed him the last few games anyway. 

OTT that he gets himself in the headlines YET AGAIN for wrong seasons, playing average and then gets a silly three game ban?

Sorry if anyone does that, they deserve criticism no matter his age. He has achieved absolutely nothing yet. 

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2 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

OTT that he gets himself in the headlines YET AGAIN for wrong seasons, playing average and then gets a silly three game ban?

Sorry if anyone does that, they deserve criticism no matter his age. He has achieved absolutely nothing yet. 

I'm not trying to make out he's untouchable criticism-wise, just some of the comments on this thread seem overly harsh. He's a young-player that needs to be nurtured and supported rather than crucified at every turn. When you have role-models like Gabriel "i'm too fat to play" agblonglahor it starts to make sense how behavior like this occurs. Steve will get him on the right path with his no-nonsense approach. In regards to the "achieved nothing yet", who has in our side since he was promoted to the first-team? Not very many 21 year olds achieve anything in arguably the worst team in the history of the premier league.

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3 minutes ago, carewjust4u said:

I'm not trying to make out he's untouchable criticism-wise, just some of the comments on this thread seem overly harsh. He's a young-player that needs to be nurtured and supported rather than crucified at every turn. When you have role-models like Gabriel "i'm too fat to play" agblonglahor it starts to make sense how behavior like this occurs. Steve will get him on the right path with his no-nonsense approach. In regards to the "achieved nothing yet", who has in our side since he was promoted to the first-team? Not very many 21 year olds achieve anything in arguably the worst team in the history of the premier league.

The problem is though mate, how many chances is it going to take? You would have thought he would have learnt but it seems he hasnt yet. I agree that flabby isnt a good role model, but lets be honest this year we seem to have a lot less lescotts and guzans. \There are enough role models for him to adopt. Hoping like you say Brucie can get the ebts out of him and make he realise he needs to stop acting like an idiot.  

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7 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

OTT that he gets himself in the headlines YET AGAIN for wrong seasons, playing average and then gets a silly three game ban?

Sorry if anyone does that, they deserve criticism no matter his age. He has achieved absolutely nothing yet. 

There have been 24 red cards in the league this season, not including Jack's which technically wasn't a red on the day.  And I think the point being made by @carewjust4u is that for some reason Jack's one gets the most attention.  He gets headlines where others don't.  Why's that fair? The ire that he attracts seems to be completely disproportionate.  Even in your own post you felt the need to stick the knife in with comments about what he's achieved in the game and how he played on the day, as if that's relevant when talking about the ban.  I think people like to wind themselves up when talking about him and then it just becomes blind rage.  Perhaps that's why all of his negative actions get headlines.  Because people like to read them and get wound up.  I dunno.  Hopefully the club can do a better job of protecting him.  I know he's his own worst enemy but at the same time he's a valuable asset who needs to be helped through a tricky period by the club.

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17 minutes ago, BOF said:

There have been 24 red cards in the league this season, not including Jack's which technically wasn't a red on the day.  And I think the point being made by @carewjust4u is that for some reason Jack's one gets the most attention.  He gets headlines where others don't.  Why's that fair? The ire that he attracts seems to be completely disproportionate.  Even in your own post you felt the need to stick the knife in with comments about what he's achieved in the game and how he played on the day, as if that's relevant when talking about the ban.  I think people like to wind themselves up when talking about him and then it just becomes blind rage.  Perhaps that's why all of his negative actions get headlines.  Because people like to read them and get wound up.  I dunno.  Hopefully the club can do a better job of protecting him.  I know he's his own worst enemy but at the same time he's a valuable asset who needs to be helped through a tricky period by the club.

To be honest mate other teams players are irrelevant to me. If Grealish was not a Villa Park I couldn't care less. But he is and for me I feel he deserves the criticism.  

It is relevant to me because he has been pretty lame this season and lame last year (but they were all last season so I would not single him out specifically for last season) He plays like he is something but really he hasn't achieved anything. I really felt he turned the corner even scoring against Rotherham. But what he has he done since then? few average displays, gets himself a needless 3 game and then in the press for the wrong reasons. Again you say why should he be specifically be targeted, but hang on a second if he wasn't up to no good then the press wouldn't be on his back. If he was behaving then the press wouldn't write about. He is 21, 21 not a complete kid.

Dont understand why people are so quick to defend him. If Baker, Kodjia or even Amavi (one of my favourite players btw) did it I would say exactly the same. 

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the thing is though saying he gets himself a needless 3 game ban, so have 24 other players, he gets himself in the press for the wrong reasons, the same reasons that you have to assume a fair few other 21 year old millionaires arent getting themselves in the press for

i dont like the idea of suggesting that its all the media's fault and they're picking on him but like i said the attention he's getting is nowhere near what it should be for a player of his stature at a club of ours

the difference between baker, kodjia and amavi is no one cares if they do it, its up to you if you believe thats because they're all tucked up in bed by 11pm when jack is out partying, posted it several times before what was said when the video came out on twitter of bacuna down broad street at 4am? absolutely nothing

Edited by villa4europe
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