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Global Warming and Climate Protest


How certain are you that Global Warming is man-made?  

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  1. 1. How certain are you that Global Warming is man-made?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't buy stuff with palm oil.


(CNN)Malaysian authorities distributed half a million face masks to residents on Tuesday after large-scale forest fires in Indonesia spread smoke and thick smog to neighboring countries.

Intense forest fires have raged across the Indonesian regions of Sumatra and Kalimantan in recent weeks. More than 930,000 hectares (about 2.3 million acres) of land have been burned, hundreds of residents evacuated, and more than 9,000 personnel have been deployed to battle the flames, according to CNN Indonesia.
Nearby, Singapore and Malaysia have both choked in a dense haze all week, with air quality reaching unhealthy levels.
The fires were allegedly caused by farmers using slash and burn techniques to clear the ecologically rich land -- the same practice that led to uncontrollable fires in the Brazilian Amazon this summer.
The issue is not new, but it's persistent. For years, fires in Sumatra have caused the rest of Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia to choke under the smog. At times, the API in Indonesia has reached as high as 1,000, with visibility falling below 100 meters.
It stems from the annual burning of land for the production of pup, paper, and palm oil -- industries that have devastated the Indonesian forests for years.
The fires also raise Indonesia's contribution to climate change, as the land burned is extremely carbon rich. Environmental organizations like Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund have spoken out against the fires, calling for action to preserve the land.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought this was quite imnteresting. It kind of makes sense. Sea Level change will not happen as people conventionally think. Also interesting that days are getting longer as result becuase the Earth is spinning slightly slower


Some of your recent research follows from the attraction of ocean water to ice sheets. That seems surprising.

This is just Newton’s law of gravitation applied to the Earth. An ice sheet, like the sun and the moon, produces a gravitational attraction on the surrounding water. There’s no doubt about that.

What happens when a big glacier like the Greenland Ice Sheet melts?

Three things happen. One is that you’re dumping all of this melt water into the ocean. So the mass of the entire ocean would definitely be going up if ice sheets were melting—as they are today. The second thing that happens is that this gravitational attraction that the ice sheet exerts on the surrounding water diminishes. As a consequence, water migrates away from the ice sheet. The third thing is, as the ice sheet melts, the land underneath the ice sheet pops up; it rebounds.

So what is the combined impact of the ice-sheet melt, water flow, and diminished gravity?

Gravity has a very strong effect. So what happens when an ice sheet melts is sea level falls in the vicinity of the melting ice sheet. That is counterintuitive. The question is, how far from the ice sheet do you have to go before the effects of diminished gravity and uplifting crust are small enough that you start to raise sea level? That’s also counterintuitive. It’s 2,000 kilometers away from the ice sheet. So if the Greenland ice sheet were to catastrophically collapse tomorrow, the sea level in Iceland, Newfoundland, Sweden, Norway—all within this 2,000 kilometer radius of the Greenland ice sheet—would fall. It might have a 30 to 50 meter drop at the shore of Greenland. But the farther you get away from Greenland, the greater the price you pay. If the Greenland ice sheet melts, sea level in most of the Southern Hemisphere will increase about 30 percent more than the global average. So this is no small effect.

Much more to the interview here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 22/09/2019 at 14:25, bickster said:

I thought this was quite imnteresting. It kind of makes sense. Sea Level change will not happen as people conventionally think. Also interesting that days are getting longer as result becuase the Earth is spinning slightly slower

Really interesting about the Gravity,  it is very counterintuitive also.  I was thinking about this and specifically the slower spin.

I think the more big weather events we have also contribute to the slowing down of the spin ? More freaky weather,  slower spin ? (it's a harder ball to spin if the atmosphere is pulling on it more,  even a tiny bit)

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7 hours ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

Really interesting about the Gravity,  it is very counterintuitive also.  I was thinking about this and specifically the slower spin.

I think the more big weather events we have also contribute to the slowing down of the spin ? More freaky weather,  slower spin ? (it's a harder ball to spin if the atmosphere is pulling on it more,  even a tiny bit)

Nothing to do with weather. It's because the ice is melting which has the overall effect of making the earth slightly larger round the equator this slowing down the earth spinning. It's in the bigger article

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Sure his heart in in the right place but without more context it seem a bit funny that a guy who will personally leave a bigger carbon footprint than many small countries himself after he dies is now telling us to stop eating meat.

Competing in F1, a sport that burns unimaginable resources and is staged in some of the worst places and dictatorships in the world, flying private jets, being an avid luxury consumer of pointless shiny trinkets and baubles and so on.

At least chose a picture where you are not wearing those platinum and conflict-diamond earrings...


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10 hours ago, sne said:

Sure his heart in in the right place but without more context it seem a bit funny that a guy who will personally leave a bigger carbon footprint than many small countries himself after he dies is now telling us to stop eating meat.

Competing in F1, a sport that burns unimaginable resources and is staged in some of the worst places and dictatorships in the world, flying private jets, being an avid luxury consumer of pointless shiny trinkets and baubles and so on.

At least chose a picture where you are not wearing those platinum and conflict-diamond earrings...


It's the same old argument.

A guy who uses the most, is also showing that he's at least thinking about it, people bash him for using a lot, while at least he's raising awareness. Catch 22.

Yep, he uses a **** tonne of fossil fuels and releases shit tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere, increasing the temperature of the planet.

It's not just his car racing around a track releasing carbon either, it's the huge armada of diesel trucks taking his car, him, his team, his equipment, the cameras, the advertising boards, the hoardings, the barriers, the seating, the drinks, the food - hundreds upon hundreds of these behemoths are being carted around the world via land, sea and air.

The traveling circus leaves a large imprint.  Same goes for music tours, wrestling, boxing, football and any sports which is filmed.  

And it's still a drop in the ocean compared to large scale manufacturing, intensive farming, traffic etc. 

So whilst he's raising awareness of the issue, he does look like a hypocrite doing so. 

If you look at the glass half full, you'd probably go with the former. 


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49 minutes ago, Mic09 said:

Image result for greta thunberg vs boyan slat

All you need to know about the discussion of how we affect our planet. Al Gore mk2. 

No.  One just has more traction because let's face it, the people slating her for being those things made her famous.  

She is raising awareness to key leaders around the world, to begin looking into the issue.  That she personally doesn't have any solutions is neither here nor there.  She is telling the leaders their policy's and decisions are bad for our planet, and to look at the research of the scientists and researchers to LOOK for a solution.

The right wing petro-chemical, big business side will say Al Gore and Greta are in it for money making.  Which may or may not be true, but I can say with confidence that the petro-chemical, big business side certainly are in it for the money.  

So which side of the coin do you fall on? 

Defending the people and companies who have a vested interest in keeping up the status-quo, who rely on paid for scientists to research counter points to something paid for scientists have found out to be true?

Or do you take the side of the people who are raising awareness of a huge issue, which will only become worse if we carry on as we are? 

I'll wait for you to tell me to put my iphone away :lol:  

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15 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

No.  One just has more traction because let's face it, the people slating her for being those things made her famous.  

She is raising awareness to key leaders around the world, to begin looking into the issue.  That she personally doesn't have any solutions is neither here nor there.  She is telling the leaders their policy's and decisions are bad for our planet, and to look at the research of the scientists and researchers to LOOK for a solution.

The right wing petro-chemical, big business side will say Al Gore and Greta are in it for money making.  Which may or may not be true, but I can say with confidence that the petro-chemical, big business side certainly are in it for the money.  

So which side of the coin do you fall on? 

Defending the people and companies who have a vested interest in keeping up the status-quo, who rely on paid for scientists to research counter points to something paid for scientists have found out to be true?

Or do you take the side of the people who are raising awareness of a huge issue, which will only become worse if we carry on as we are? 

I'll wait for you to tell me to put my iphone away :lol:  

You know there are more than two sides to the debate than a sensationalist, media driven 16 year old who knows shit about the world and big business who uses up resources for profit?

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25 minutes ago, Mic09 said:

You know there are more than two sides to the debate than a sensationalist, media driven 16 year old who knows shit about the world and big business who uses up resources for profit?

And the way you're talking about a 16 year old girl is why I'm not going to discuss it with you any further. 

I hope you don't talk about other people you don't know that way.  It's unnecessarily toxic and makes you look less then I'm sure you are. 

What happened to being kind? :( 

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8 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

And the way you're talking about a 16 year old girl is why I'm not going to discuss it with you any further. 

I hope you don't talk about other people you don't know that way.  It's unnecessarily toxic and makes you look less then I'm sure you are. 

What happened to being kind? :( 

Sorry, I should have expressed myself better. Writing about important topics on a football forum while doing work is always a bad idea 😂

I have nothing against the girl at all and I wish other young people were as passionate about things as she is. I simply think she is used by sensationalist media, and she is used in an ideological fight in spite of the poor mental state she is in. I hope putting her up to the internet hatred doesn't have a bad affect on her well being. Even is she was mentally healthy, it would not be a good idea to put any child through this kind of exposure and hatred. 

At the same time, she is 16 and knows next to nothing about the world we live in so she should not be used as a weapon in this debate (and I strongly feel she is used as a tool). We have ruined her childhood? While she cruises on a ship across the ocean to give a speech in the United Nations? 

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32 minutes ago, Mic09 said:

Sorry, I should have expressed myself better. Writing about important topics on a football forum while doing work is always a bad idea 😂

I have nothing against the girl at all and I wish other young people were as passionate about things as she is. I simply think she is used by sensationalist media, and she is used in an ideological fight in spite of the poor mental state she is in. I hope putting her up to the internet hatred doesn't have a bad affect on her well being. Even is she was mentally healthy, it would not be a good idea to put any child through this kind of exposure and hatred. 

At the same time, she is 16 and knows next to nothing about the world we live in so she should not be used as a weapon in this debate (and I strongly feel she is used as a tool). We have ruined her childhood? While she cruises on a ship across the ocean to give a speech in the United Nations? 

No problem with the first line :thumb: 

Her story is being sensationalised by the media, not her.  She was a single protester outside government buildings in Sweden on a school day.  Depending on which media outlets you read, she's either a kind of freedom fighter, or a threat.  She's just using the cameras being pointed at her, to spread her agenda/message, which is "can we look at the environmental issues and start doing something about it before it's too late (as per the material I've read)". 

I won't comment on her mental health as that's all speculative.  Only she and her close friends and family know what she's thinking, or how she's feeling.

The hatred is a significant thing, but as I said earlier, the only reason she's being hated is because of how certain parts of the media portray her.  Is she really a threat?  Is she really dangerous?  I don't think so, I just think they're using her message, to vilify her to counter her message.  Is there anything really wrong with wanting to protect our environment?  I don't think so.  If it makes money, so be it.  Someone will make money out of it, a bit like the companies that do nothing but rip parts of the planet apart do.  I'd rather side with a environmentalist than a company hell bent on pulling oil out of the ground until it's all gone, or farmers who rip down 150 acres of rain forest every day (source http://www.rain-tree.com/facts.htm). 

She's 16 and doesn't know anything about the world, I can see why you think that.  I think you mean that she's not old or responsible enough to realise how the current society is set up, how people consume etc - but to be honest, does she really need to know that?  When she's evidently read papers on the trends of current environmental/ecological change?  I'm not so sure.  Maybe she is campaigning to change to the normal consumerism?  Again though, if that helps stop us essentially killing our own race, is it that bad?

Lastly, she sailed across the ocean with a sail boat (admittedly, with a diesel motor to be used as an emergency), but she didn't do it using fossil fuels where she didn't need them - so that's false. 

Edited by lapal_fan
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32 minutes ago, Mic09 said:

she is used in an ideological fight in spite of the poor mental state she is in. I hope putting her up to the internet hatred doesn't have a bad affect on her well being. Even is she was mentally healthy, it would not be a good idea to put any child through this kind of exposure and hatred. 

She's not in a poor metal state or mentally unhealthy.

As to the hatered that's directed towards her - there she is saying that we should act to save humans and the planet and the abuse is all coming from people who don't want to protect humans and the planet, they want to protect their money at the expense of humans and the planet, and from the deluded followers of that selfish set of whoppers. 

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