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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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anyone know if this series will squeeze in the 2 books or keep it separate? was hoping they'd have a few more episodes and do the 2 in 1 hit

They're splitting the third book - A Storm of Swords - into two seasons. Still 10 episodes per season.


Oh really? I think they need to to be honest. So much stuff goes down in that book that they'd be hard pressed to fit it into one season and do every character justice.


i think it be more of a case that i want the series to be 15 - 20 episodes long!


ive only read to the end of the next 2 books, wont the age of the 2 kids become a problem eventually? im thinking they do book 3 this year, 4 in 2014, etc etc up until a dance with dragons in 2017, unwritten books (assuming they are 1 book each) means it will finish in 2019, the actress who plays arya will be 22, bran 20, will it still work?

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I seem to recall reading recently that they've said the series in the coming years won't tie in nicely with the '1 series=1book thing'


I'm still in the process of reading the books so can't comment for sure, but I'm lead to believe that that decision may be for the best as, post book 3 (and/or 4 depending on how you look at it), the quality goes through the floor for a while?

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Gave Parks and Recreation another go and i'm well into series 3 now and finding it hilarious. It gets a lot better when Rob Low comes in. They also change Leslie's character a bit. In the first series she was really dumb and socially awkward, now she seems rather bright and it suits her much better.

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The books span a number of years and so the characters age along with it. I think it should be okay as long as they keep up the pace with a season a year or so.


And, to be fair, the TV show already changed a number of ages of some of the characters, which works fine. Jon Snow and Robb are 14 at the start of A Game of Thrones (meaning the first book), whereas they're meant to be about 17 or 18 I think in the first season of the TV show, closer to the age of Theon, who is 19 at the start of that book if I recall correctly.


Daenerys is also meant to be 13 when she marries Drogo in the first book, but the TV show made her older, for obvious reasons...

Either way, D.B. Weiss and David Benioff have done a great job so far and made changes which made sense. Most importantly, they work closely and seem to have the blessing and respect of George R. R. Martin, who has told them the general ending to the series just in case he dies before completing the last two books.

Edited by Ginko
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It probably should. I have posted a fair bit about Game of Thrones recently but I've tried not to spoil anything. I can't say I've seen any myself but I haven't checked this thread for a couple of days until today.

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As for you Stevo, if the battle of blackwater was the last episode you watched then the next one will be the season finalé. As for Tyrion's fate though, you must not have watched episode 9 very carefully!

Yeah I watched the finale last night.


Was a bit disappointed. It was still good, but episode 9 was probably the best episode yet so it felt like a bit of an anti climax.


As for Tyrion:


what do you mean?

In Episode 9 you see him get attacked by that big massive fella on behalf of the queen, he gets saved by his servant bloke, but then you see him laid down on the battle field and his eyes close.

TO me that indicated he was dead (although I had suspicions that he'd survive)

Did I miss something?

Anyway, I know now that he did survive because I've seen the episode after.

I bloody love him. Best chracter by far.

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Gave Parks and Recreation another go and i'm well into series 3 now and finding it hilarious. It gets a lot better when Rob Low comes in. They also change Leslie's character a bit. In the first series she was really dumb and socially awkward, now she seems rather bright and it suits her much better.

It "literally" gets better

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i liked it, thought they played on the coincidences a bit too much but then some episodes were really good, the central story wasnt strong enough at times


anyone watch elementary? think thats the same, after they introduced jones as moran a few episodes back the central story should have taken off but they put it on a back burner, needs moriaty now

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I, motherfucking, Claudius, really bad people!


Saw it when it originally aired, have seen it once again since, then noticed BBC4 were showing it again but it was already halfway through the second episode. I watched that part-episode and was so re-hooked I had to grab it, so to speak.


That will take care of the next few days viewing time.

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Perhaps I now have a vagina, but, I "acquired" Girls and approve.

I know this won't be a popular opinion around VT, but Lena Dunham.


Unrelated note, Mad Men season 6 starts this weekend!

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