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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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Hey, theres a chance it could all be a coincidence. Or the whole thing might turn out to be a bait and switch, who knows. Personally, I doubt it.

I've still not watched the show myself, I'm not sure I want to anymore. I really, really didn't enjoy the Hero at 30,000 Feet one he did, where it was so bloody obvious it wasn't above board that I just couldn't enjoy a moment of it. I imagine this is more of the same. That one was... so bad, so completely unbelieable, so unconvincing in any element that I simply didn't buy a moment. There's not a single tangible, believable hook I could latch onto that made me want to believe the rest.

He'd flirted with this before now - the guy who is hypnotised to believe he's in a video game shooter, the Heist one - and I felt that those were weak moments in what he'd done as well, I'm surprised he's decided that that is what he needs to stake his name on really. Not a single one is particularly convincing.

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I don't think the fact that the guy was a budding actor necessarily means that the show was a hoax. TV friendly people are always used for this kind of thing, even shows like Deal or No Deal scope people for their ability to put on a show. I think it's quite likely that someone with media training would be chosen for this kind of thing.

That said, I would still agree with the overall opinion that it was probably a hoax.

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Hey, theres a chance it could all be a coincidence. Or the whole thing might turn out to be a bait and switch, who knows. Personally, I doubt it.

I've still not watched the show myself, I'm not sure I want to anymore. I really, really didn't enjoy the Hero at 30,000 Feet one he did, where it was so bloody obvious it wasn't above board that I just couldn't enjoy a moment of it. I imagine this is more of the same. That one was... so bad, so completely unbelieable, so unconvincing in any element that I simply didn't buy a moment. There's not a single tangible, believable hook I could latch onto that made me want to believe the rest.

He'd flirted with this before now - the guy who is hypnotised to believe he's in a video game shooter, the Heist one - and I felt that those were weak moments in what he'd done as well, I'm surprised he's decided that that is what he needs to stake his name on really. Not a single one is particularly convincing.

I've not actually seen the Hero one so can't really comment on that. Though, I dont think I will now haha.

At the start of the Apocalypse episode he shows that the main guy auditioned to be in one of Derren's TV shows (along with thousands of others) and was told he was not selected, though obviously he was. Could he have signed all the legal documentation before doing the audition?

Also, the video on that site with the bottles doesn't prove much to be honest, the bottles move from the center of the ambulance to behind his feet, his posture also changes.... surely it's conceivable for him to have moved the bottles whilst changing his posture?

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I've actually just watched the show. Yeah... everything about it just doesn't add up for me. His reactions to everything are totally unbelievable to me. The stuff in the bus - he's totally still, he almost at times looks like he's about to laugh, and if I were him I'd be on the verge too because the explosions where so obviously cheap petrol explosions you'd have to immediately start to question it. I do not buy him in the whole thing - his reactions are far too reserved, he doesn't swear, he doesn't lose his shit, etc etc. The standard of acting from those around him is **** terrible too - the girl talks like someone who thinks people talk like a badly written 1950s pulp fiction novel. I also have some issue with the planting of the stories around him - we know what media is like these days, and they seemed to set this guy up as someone who is interested in popular science. Surely he would wonder why only XFM is making a deal of this meteor, or why theres only 1 mention of it on Channel 4's Sunday brunch, or why nobody at work is talking about it? And so on... theres too many problems which prevent my mind buying it.

Anywho... it could be a coincidence that the guy is an aspiring actor, perhaps the type of person likely to be useful to such an endeavour is the same kind of personality that would want to be an actor. I'm just not so sure... If he is a plant, I hope he's not intending on making a career of acting because I've believed in characters in school plays more than I buy his 'apocalyptic survivor'.

As for the signing of waivers and the like, I'm fairly sure you would need to be somewhat conscious of what you were signing up for for that to be in any way binding. And of course theres the insurance thing like, what if he had brained an actor, or decided it was all hopeless and cut his wrists, or decided to just not play along with the script they set up? And so on... there just is no way that it's above board as portrayed imo.

The Hero one is absolutely terrible by the way - I honestly didn't even believe the bloke actually was the bloke he was portrayed to be, his home life just didn't seem to add up somehow and there was a very 'acting badly' feel about everything when he was just being observed before they dropped the hero scenario on him (he went to work, in the insurance game, dressed like he was off to bar, fashion jeans, beanie etc). And then the stuff they did was just... well... shit. Don't waste your time.

I'll watch the second part of the apocalypse show but totally as an entertainment thing rather than believing at any level theres anything to it beyond a bunch of really bad actors and a **** awful narrative and production quality.

Oh and the bottle thing is a red herring - all that proves is that it was edited, which is to be expected despite the show desperately trying to put across a feeling of a straight, real time narrative.

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Ok so as a few of you might have read in the running thread I recently fractured my hip so I'm pretty much housebound for the next 6 weeks. Am looking to buy a big box set to keep me going, something with several series and really hooks you in. Already have The Wire, The Shield and Battlestar Galatica so any suggestions are welcome, preferably something where you can buy the whole lot in one bundle so I can get stuck in. Cheers.

Depending on your interest, and don't know what you've seen before...

The West Wing is fantastic and there are 7 seasons of joyful telly to get through. Deadwood I've heard is amazing and is complete, but with only 3 seasons. Sopranos is 6 seasons long, I have that lined up, saved for a rainy day, that was supposed to be really rather good. I confess to being a great big fan of NCIS a formulaic crime show, now in its 10th season but the dynamic and writing between the main cast really make it fun to watch. At 4+ seasons Burn Notice is also fun - though I've only seen one or two episodes so far and it has cult B movie hero Bruce Campbell in it! Lie To Me was ok for its run too. There's a load more

Currently I'm watching Dexter and love it - it's on its 7th season and though I've just seen season 6 is wonderfully entertaining. House? If you haven't seen that, there are 8 seasons ( though the last two definitely a bit weaker ). Buffy? :D or the star treks must have a few seasons for a sci-fi similar to battlestar, or possibly doctor who if you're into it?

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I don't believe Derren, unfortunately. Theres pretty much no doubt in my mind the bloke was in on it.

He makes far too much of a protest to 'Oh don't spoil it, it's not nice' in that rebuttal, for me. He actually lies at the start - he says Steven wasn't just playing along. Unfortunately, part of what makes any degree of hypnotism work, is the desire to play along.

As much as I want it to be real, its not in my view. And I don't believe it makes a particularly convincing case for it to not be.

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I've actually just watched the show. Yeah... everything about it just doesn't add up for me. His reactions to everything are totally unbelievable to me. The stuff in the bus - he's totally still, he almost at times looks like he's about to laugh, and if I were him I'd be on the verge too because the explosions where so obviously cheap petrol explosions you'd have to immediately start to question it. I do not buy him in the whole thing - his reactions are far too reserved, he doesn't swear, he doesn't lose his shit, etc etc. The standard of acting from those around him is **** terrible too - the girl talks like someone who thinks people talk like a badly written 1950s pulp fiction novel. I also have some issue with the planting of the stories around him - we know what media is like these days, and they seemed to set this guy up as someone who is interested in popular science. Surely he would wonder why only XFM is making a deal of this meteor, or why theres only 1 mention of it on Channel 4's Sunday brunch, or why nobody at work is talking about it? And so on... theres too many problems which prevent my mind buying it.

Whilst I remain on the fence as to whether it's real or not, I feel these points are pretty weak.

Firstly, on the bus, I don't know how you think he's about to laugh. I personally thought he was totally shitting himself. That part and the part where he sees the army woman on the TV were actually the two bits that made me think it could be real as his reactions there seemed to be pure terror.

I don't think, if you believed the world was coming to an end via a meteor shower, that you'd particularly notice that the explosions looked fake. Would he have any experience as to what explosions in an actual meteor strike looked like to be able to compare them with?

The girl's acting wasn't great. But again, IF you did believe the situation to be real, I'm not sure you'd notice that.

If the show is to be believed, they put fake news stories on all the web pages he regularly visited (including the BBC and NASA), so it wouldn't have just been XFM who made a big deal of it. In his mind it would have been on all the news sites. As for his friends or workmates talking about it, the actual meteor shower was real, so people COULD have talked about it. It was only really on the journey to the "concert" that the meteor shower becoming threatening to earth became imminent.

Again, if it's all fake it wouldn't surprise me. But none of what you mentioned is any sort of proof, imo. The crap acting of the girl is the only thing that he'd notice of what you've mentioned I reckon, but as I said, if you're terrified in an apocalyptic scenario I'm not sure you'd notice.

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A bit late as usual, *I guess, but has anyone seen Homeland? I remember I saw a trailer of the first season a year ago or so and thought it looked good but forgot about it, but yesterday I saw a trailer for the 2nd season and was reminded. Is it any good? It's shown on what I guess is "our BBC" and they usually show good TV shows unlike the commercial stations who are very much hit and miss with their shows.

1st series is brilliant, 2nd series so far has been terrible IMO, all the suspense has been removed and its gone from is he / isnt he a terrorist to a show about a CIA agent with mental issues who cries, a lot

right up there with heroes for the drop in quality between the series

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lol Heroes is definitely one that jumped the shark after very good first season. Nip/Tuck was brilliant for the first two seasons but then really badly jumped the shark after.

Season 1 of Homeland was pretty good but I didn't find it as 'brilliant' as everyone else was saying. Season 2 is just, well there... it's kind of boring, the only incentive to watch it is Brody's wife.

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My niece was at MC Expo today and got to meet Jeor Mormont from GOT (James Cosmo)

Said he was a really lovely guy. She also met some of the cast of Walking Dead but apparently they weren't allowed to pose for photos :(


Mark Renton's dad!

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Homeland didn't need a second season, but now they have done it I wish they had the balls to go for some bigger themes. Right now it is too much 'We do X because of Y, it may not be nice but it needs to be done' and that gets tiring after a while.

Damien Lewis and Inigo Montoya are always value for money so I'll still watch.

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I'm still enjoying Homeland, although Carrie is one of the most annoying "main" character since Chloe in 24

But I said during the first series that it struck me as one of those shows that was thought up entirely based on one season, and once it got comissioned for more, they'd struggle to take it anywhere half as good as the first season.

(That being said, the end of the last episode was tasty)

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I'm going to go out on a limb here (not really) and say American Horror Story Asylum is going to be shit. The first episode was all over the place and I think the recurring cast in completely different roles takes away from it too. So a haywire story with actors not playing the characters they developed in the first series; to me; makes for what I imagine will be a fairly unenjoyable watch. Oh and Jessica Lange's occasional attempt at an Oirish accent is worse than you think someone like her could manage.

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