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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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The X-files restart was bad. Poor script, poor acting and suffering from what many other american shows do where they try to cram as much story progression and twists into a single episode that they don't actually give you the time to care or get immersed and in turn every serious scene feels fake. I also got the feeling that they where tryharding a bit much to stay relevant with references to real world conspiracy theories and events. It was just one after the other with no real weight behind it. 2nd episode was a bit better, probably because it was just one isolated case with little "mythology" in it. 

I can't really remember the old show.. I just know that I liked it.

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46 minutes ago, tarjei said:

I can't really remember the old show.. I just know that I liked it.

from what i can remember it was good and i liked it too, saw a list on IGN of the best 10 episodes and think i remembered 2 of them, the bloke who could stretch was my favourite, the films were shit, cant remember the acting or the writing or the production values etc, i can remember there being pretty much nothing like it, in my head it was the first hour long american tv show pretty much everyone watched every week and then talked about it the day after

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I am currently re-watching the X Files season 1.

It's nowhere near as good as I remember. I think being younger and a bit scared of the episodes made it a lot more exciting.

What has struck me is how confined to an episode all the stories are  There's very little (at the moment but I am about halfway through) story running through the whole season. Which I guess makes it better for casual viewing but not so good for a box set style binge.

I'm still enjoying it, but it's definitely not as good as I remember.

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51 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

I swear Gillian Anderson has got worse at acting! 

I actually thought she as one of the few who came out of it with some credit - the other being Mitch Pileggi, aka. Skinner. David Duchovny on the other hand was pretty woeful, it was like he just waltzed on to set having scanned the script, trying desperatly to recall what it was like to play Mulder. Oh hang on, that's almost certianly what did happen.

As for it being rushed, boy is it ever. They've only got 6 episodes, in which time they've got to build this new mythos, stick in some stock monster of the week and comedy episodes, and then end the mythos, as who knows if it'll ever be back. As Stevo alludes to, it used to scrawl at a snails pace in regards to the overarching storyline, the rapid plot development just isn't very x-files, really. Having said that, if they do produce one or two monster of the week episodes and totally nail them, it'll be worth a watch.

In regards to the first series, I don't really have very fond memories of it, it just seems so old now. Dated doesn't seem to be the right word, I watched the pilot not long ago and it's just plain old. In later series it really finds it's feet, the writers (of which there are many, and a lot of guests too) had a lot of fun with it, as did the actors, and it really shows. It's the reason that when you see these lists of best x-files episodes there are never any mythos ones, as they were usually a bit boring in comparison.

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Yeah it does appear very dated watching back.

I'm going to plough my way through it. It's the kind of show and subject that I like, and watching it as a 10 year old means there will be plenty there that I missed first time round.

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I think a show like X Files is best enjoyed in it's own terms and not in comparison with the successful HBO type shows that have come since. Having said that I think a good modern day comparison to it would be 'Elementary'.

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1 hour ago, villa4europe said:

the bloke who could stretch was my favourite,

That one sticks out in my mind as well, I think it was one of the first episodes and possibly the first one I saw.

34 minutes ago, Meath_Villan said:

Still would tho

She was incredibly sexy in The Fall. I'm not usually attracted to older woman, but damn!

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The devil gets bored in Hell and moves to California or wherever, sounds really cheesy but it's really good. Plus they have a Brit in the lead role.

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I've never read the lucifer comic and I enjoyed it. I forgot to add that I really liked the music too.


Preacher on the other hand, having read the comic there is no way that 90% of the comic would ever be allowed on TV. In the first comic alone you'd lose the whole "go **** yourself" and the aftermath of it.

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9 hours ago, Meath_Villan said:

Still would tho

I once (about 10 yrs ago) had to deliver something to her house. I had no idea it was her until she opened the door in her negligee. Completely dumbstruck, I handed over the delivery note and the product. She smiled and shut the door. 

Lovely looking woman.

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7 hours ago, villa4europe said:

Do you think lucifer and preacher will be enjoyable if I haven't got a clue about the source material?

Is the criticism that it's nothing like the comic? A comic I've never read...

In both cases I'd be surprised if not having read the source material is a barrier to entry on it. As said Lucifer is supposedly nothing like the comic, which it's used for inspiration more than anything apparently, and I believe it's already been said Preacher won't be a straight adaptation either. Which isn't a shocker as Preacher has some particularly dark stuff in it.

Lucifer in the comic is all about freedoms and will, contradicting god and all that sort of thing. The series seems to be rather more a gimmicky police procedural, which some people seem to quite line while others think it's just glossy meh TV...

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9 hours ago, choffer said:

I once (about 10 yrs ago) had to deliver something to her house. I had no idea it was her until she opened the door in her negligee. Completely dumbstruck, I handed over the delivery note and the product. She smiled and shut the door. 

Lovely looking woman.

Isn't this the start of every porn ever made?

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