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The New Condem Government


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As long as global interest rates remain at an all time low, our economy will stumble on at 2% growth every year.  I can't see anyone ever dealing with our debt and deficit problem. It is too big now to manage.


Why would the tories want to cut the defict in a hurry ?


Its the best thing to ever happen to them, it got them elected , and enables then to pursdue policies they have always wanted to pursue

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As long as global interest rates remain at an all time low, our economy will stumble on at 2% growth every year. I can't see anyone ever dealing with our debt and deficit problem. It is too big now to manage.

Why would the tories want to cut the defict in a hurry ?

Its the best thing to ever happen to them, it got them elected , and enables then to pursdue policies they have always wanted to pursue

They have cut the deficit, but they haven't eliminated it - which was what they pledged to do.

That said the policy of Brown and Balls last time round was to actively increase it!

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What total amount is being missed in lost tax revenue by tax cuts for flying kids abroad to go skiing?

£390 million over the course of the next parliament according to HM Treasury table of Autumn Statement policy decisions.

source: OBR Economic and fiscal outlook – December 2014 p.212*

This is the Office for Budget Responsibility's latest Economic and fiscal outlook published on 3 December 2014.


*Edit - poor eyesight.

Edited by snowychap
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I think the economy is going well in the UK.

Is it?

Is it going well for quants in London?

Or is it going well for 'the City' that is still hugely benefiting from the cheap dollar of QE, FFL and so on?

Or is it going well for the south east of the country that is still being well fuelled by a property price boom?

How much experience of the UK economy outside of the square mile do you actually have, Conor?

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I think the economy is going well in the UK.

Is it?

Is it going well for quants in London?

Or is it going well for 'the City' that is still hugely benefiting from the cheap dollar of QE, FFL and so on?

Or is it going well for the south east of the country that is still being well fuelled by a property price boom?

How much experience of the UK economy outside of the square mile do you actually have, Conor?

If the crowds of people shopping in Manchester this week are anything to go by, there are people up there who aren't exactly on the bread line.

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They decide to make stamp duty fairer and in so doing create another housing bubble. Its going to make houses even more unaffordable for your average Joe, they are creating generations of people who will never own their own home.

I kind of agree with your post, but the thing about the bit quoted is that I find it hard to criticise them for, as you say, "making something fairer". A more graduated variation of stamp duty, where the more the house costs, the more % tax paid on it goes up doesn't seem like an evil thing to do. I kind of think that most normal people moving from one normal house to the next would appreciate paying less stamp duty, while rich folk moving to new mansions pay more.


You might be right, and Estate agents might just put up the price of the houses to rake more cash in for sellers and themselves (or they might not). But the move in itself I don't think will result in the overall "cost" of buying a house going up.

In the long term if the country can be weened away from treating houses as money/assets, then it might be a good thing.


I still loathe them mind. But just not for the above reason.

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How do you get house prices to a lower level?  In London new flats are built all the time with the tag affordable housing.  None of them are.  I think there were some built near the Arsenal ground and a 2 bed flat was something stupid like £550k. 

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Love how I'm somehow evil for asking questions haha. No care given to the fact I am all for higher taxation to be spent on public services. That these tax breaks for buying expensive property in my view is essentially political corruption. 


I'm working on a regulatory project which is to stop banks traders from proprietary trading and betting on the market. New regulations to stop that. I worked in Risk management before that in Ireland. 


But as I work in the City, I cannot have an opinion that is anything but lower taxes, cut spending etc.. as the view has to be if you earn a high wage, or work in financial sector you have to be grouped together as the bad guys


My problem with the extreme left is that I worked my ass off to get to where I am now. I grew up in 1980's Ireland in Northside Dublin which was poorer than almost anything people experience now. But I just applied myself and ended up where I am through hard work and importantly free 3rd level education payed for by the state


I am all for many things that would be very "socialist" to put a label on an opinion. Three things,


1) Health, quality healthcare is a human right and it should be funded by taxation. 

2) Free 3rd level education, the best people should have no barriers to getting to the best universities. 

3) State pension, nothing angers me more than the thought that our elders might be living in poverty.



But I work in the City so I obviously really just want tax breaks for my Helicopter. 

Edited by CVByrne
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