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The New Condem Government


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If the general election was tomorrow For the first time in my voting life I don't think I could cast my vote. I don't feel that any of the parties represent me in anyway.

I've always been dead against people not voting but I currently don't feel like I could vote for any of them.

We now have two chambers in our political system that only appear to represent a tiny fraction of our society.

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If the general election was tomorrow For the first time in my voting life I don't think I could cast my vote. I don't feel that any of the parties represent me in anyway.

I've always been dead against people not voting but I currently don't feel like I could vote for any of them.

We now have two chambers in our political system that only appear to represent a tiny fraction of our society.

You've reached the point I did round about the mid to late 90's

Edited by mockingbird_franklin
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If the general election was tomorrow For the first time in my voting life I don't think I could cast my vote. I don't feel that any of the parties represent me in anyway.

I've always been dead against people not voting but I currently don't feel like I could vote for any of them.

We now have two chambers in our political system that only appear to represent a tiny fraction of our society.

I do feel that way too Ash, although I would stil feel compelled to go down and stick my X in the Green Box. Even though it'll make not a jot of difference.

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If the general election was tomorrow For the first time in my voting life I don't think I could cast my vote. I don't feel that any of the parties represent me in anyway.

I've always been dead against people not voting but I currently don't feel like I could vote for any of them.

We now have two chambers in our political system that only appear to represent a tiny fraction of our society.

I do feel that way too Ash, although I would stil feel compelled to go down and stick my X in the Green Box. Even though it'll make not a jot of difference.

If you really want to be Green save the paper and the petrol used getting there's it will do more good than your vote. :)

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If the general election was tomorrow For the first time in my voting life I don't think I could cast my vote. I don't feel that any of the parties represent me in anyway.

I've always been dead against people not voting but I currently don't feel like I could vote for any of them.

We now have two chambers in our political system that only appear to represent a tiny fraction of our society.

I do feel that way too Ash, although I would stil feel compelled to go down and stick my X in the Green Box. Even though it'll make not a jot of difference.


Democracy has been reduced to voting for whoever and whatever party you think will be the least corrupt or damaging in the main and for a significant majority of the electorate (even if they don't realise that's what they are doing), a small minority have reached appropriate awareness of the situation and a small minority are either suitable bigoted or have enough ideological self interest in the result to vote a particular way.  If your lucky you may get a good honest politician to vote for in your constituency, but they are pretty thin on the ground. A pretty damming state of affairs.

Edited by mockingbird_franklin
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One thing I am looking forward to is local party members knocking on my door asking for my vote. I hope I'm in when they come knocking because I'm going to give each of them a going over and make them wish they never knocked on my door.

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If the general election was tomorrow For the first time in my voting life I don't think I could cast my vote. I don't feel that any of the parties represent me in anyway.

I've always been dead against people not voting but I currently don't feel like I could vote for any of them.

We now have two chambers in our political system that only appear to represent a tiny fraction of our society.

I do feel that way too Ash, although I would stil feel compelled to go down and stick my X in the Green Box. Even though it'll make not a jot of difference.


Democracy has been reduced to voting for whoever and whatever party you think will be the least corrupt or damaging in the main, If your lucky you may get a good honest politician to vote for in your constituency, but they are pretty thin on the ground. A pretty damming state of affairs.


Dichotomy for certain

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If the general election was tomorrow For the first time in my voting life I don't think I could cast my vote. I don't feel that any of the parties represent me in anyway.

I've always been dead against people not voting but I currently don't feel like I could vote for any of them.

We now have two chambers in our political system that only appear to represent a tiny fraction of our society.

I do feel that way too Ash, although I would stil feel compelled to go down and stick my X in the Green Box. Even though it'll make not a jot of difference.


Democracy has been reduced to voting for whoever and whatever party you think will be the least corrupt or damaging in the main, If your lucky you may get a good honest politician to vote for in your constituency, but they are pretty thin on the ground. A pretty damming state of affairs.


Dichotomy for certain


Unfortunately, probably true, as unlikely as they are to exist I believe a few do, However it's even less likely they would stand any chance of being selected to stand and even less likely it would be in a seat with any likely-hood of success. Political Parties want obedient Mp's not morally upstanding ones.

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If you really want to be Green save the paper and the petrol used getting there's it will do more good than your vote. :)

Actually, Greens would suggest you consider walking or cycling to cast your vote. Better for you, better for us.

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yup. One of the reasons I particularly dislike Ed Balls, how can a Norwich supporting, London dwelling, Public Schoolboy ever get to represent a Labour stronghold in West Yorkshire. 


I'm sure there are plenty like that on the Tory benches too

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If the general election was tomorrow For the first time in my voting life I don't think I could cast my vote. I don't feel that any of the parties represent me in anyway.

I've always been dead against people not voting but I currently don't feel like I could vote for any of them.

We now have two chambers in our political system that only appear to represent a tiny fraction of our society.

I do feel that way too Ash, although I would stil feel compelled to go down and stick my X in the Green Box. Even though it'll make not a jot of difference.

Democracy has been reduced to voting for whoever and whatever party you think will be the least corrupt or damaging in the main, If your lucky you may get a good honest politician to vote for in your constituency, but they are pretty thin on the ground. A pretty damming state of affairs.

Dichotomy for certain

Unfortunately, probably true, as unlikely as they are to exist I believe a few do, However it's even less likely they would stand any chance of being selected to stand and even less likely it would be in a seat with any likely-hood of success. Political Parties want obedient Mp's not morally upstanding ones.

Exactly, which is why parties are morally bankrupt and by their very nature anti-democratic. I'd rather vote for a Bez type candidate, who at least might ruffle a few feathers. At the moment I'm definitely leaning towards green, not because I'm some eco warrior but because the party appear to most mirror my own ideas in other areas like education, transport and the energy companies. They won't win but they sure have the Red Tories shitting bricks, I got a local election leaflet through the door yesterday from Labour which was at pains to point out that the greens had no chance of winning the ward - that made me more determined to vote for them.

Trent - you have actual candidates knocking on actual doors? Do you live in a time machine? I can't remember the last time someone did that

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I had one knock on my door the other day. "I'm from the tories, will you be voting for us?" "No, not a chance".

Thing is the bloke who runs the post office is running as a ratepayer. Normally I'd never vote for ratepayers, due to their mildly tea pot type views, but in a local thing, I'm slightly inclined to because he's a good bloke and local politicians can't do much anyway.

Should I seek help?

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Voting does seem like a waste of time but it is a measure of how we have internalised democratic values that we can't help thinking that if we don't vote we send a message of dissent.


We can't help getting an exaggerated idea of the significance of our vote, like we can't help exaggerating our chances of winning the Lottery: and that exaggeration makes us frustrated with outcome.


I certainly don't think the democracy functions any worse than it used to and in many ways I think it is actually better, even though constitutional reform does seem overdue.


But I don't actually think not voting is a cure for the shortcomings of our system.


I think it is quite easy to make the case that the real reason this government picks on the poor, is not because they are poor, but because they tend not to vote.


The government could cut the welfare bill overnight if they chose to, but they find themselves powerless to remove benefits from those who vote, and so concentrate their cuts on those who have disenfranchised themselves by not voting. Not voting is to join the disenfranchised and to invite the unaccountable enmity of the government. 


Even Red Ed doesn't seem to have any plans to redress the attack which has been made upon the poorest, by regressive taxes and the rising cost of staples and housing: is this because the poor don't vote?.


I think the biggest problem with the state of our democracy is the increasing tendency for society to be atomised into isolated individuals. This seems likely to have been brought about deliberately and always seems like Thatcher/Blair's greatest victory as far as I am concerned, with the destruction of trade unions and other lobby groups for ordinary people.


For those who decide not to vote, they only have to think of one thing; and that is to anticipate what certain politicians would be capable of doing if they weren't prevented from doing so by public opinion.


And, voting is the most accurate expression of public opinion we have available. 


The only thing to do is to vote for the least worst candidate available.

Edited by MakemineVanilla
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Out of interest on the pension changes, does anyone know what impact it has with regard to asset limits for financial assessment, i.e. now that it is an 'option' to draw down as much of it as you wish, will people be expected to use their pension pot to pay for care fees/care home fees?

Here is a bit on that.


I must admit I'm not the most knowledgable on pensions. Besides all this talk of pensions and savings seem like another world to me and many other 30 something's who's main concern is next months rent.

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I believe that all ballot papers should have a 'none of the above' option.

In that way people can exercise their democratic right to express their dissatisfaction as a whole, while still being registered as part of the 'turnout' , and therefore not being dismissed as a no show because of bad weather, voter apathy, or anything else.

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