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The New Condem Government


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Applies cross party, but belonds here as the current government have such strong opinions on social security




A decent article, although the compulsory genuflection to doctors did cause a slight gag-reflex.


But no matter how many such articles are written they will never convince the vast majority of the public that their betters don't earn/deserve what they get.


The unrelenting propaganda might have something to do with it, or it may be that we are a nation of lick-spittle, toadying, sycophants, but there is little doubt that Tressell's 'ragged-trousered philanthropists', still dominate British public opinion.  

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Lets all celebrate consumer fuelled growth! The recovery starts here, what could possibly go wrong?

Crack open a bottle!


The Wall Street Journal has a nifty little animation of a graph of public debt versus private debt from 1995 to 2012: http://tinyurl.com/oe6qj5e


Debt as a percentage of GDP.


What it reveals is that all claims that New Labour took on huge amounts of public debt are false, and that the real problem was the growth of private debt from 1997 onwards.


Even now public debt is not extreme by post-collapse global standards.


The real problem is the huge amount of private debt which is ahead of America and equal with Portugal.


This is another example of how the government says in one breath that debt is bad and nasty things need to be done and yet they are encouraging an increase in private debt.


When it comes to who is responsible for the nation's debts, private citizens are far worse than the government but every British media outlet is sworn to silence.

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Hot on the heels of today's good news on the economy it's been reported that London has opened it's 1000th food bank. Unfortunately Cameron couldn't be there to cut the ribbon.

Cameron always wanted charities to substitute the welfare state, it is no surprise. 

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London clearing in the woods drain great for provinces

PROVINCIAL cities have hailed the capital’s boom in knobhead jobs as the best thing that’s ever happened to them.
With more than 80% of new jobs for complete tools being created in London, cities like Manchester and Newcastle are seeing record levels of clearing in the woods migration.
Professor Henry Brubaker of the Institute for Studies said: “London has now passed what we call the clearing in the woods Event Horizon.
“Put simply, once a core number of self-involved rocket polishers is reached then the city becomes as irresistibly attractive to clearings in the woods as it is repellent to everyone else. Thereafter, their numbers grow exponentially.
“More than 85 per cent of people now living in London are clearings in the woods.”
Shipworker Norman Steele said: “My son, who has an ironic basin haircut, moved to London because there weren’t any design agencies with ping-pong tables here in Sunderland.
“He says he’d love to visit but he can’t spend 24 hours anywhere without a vibrant DIY chillwave scene. It’s great.”
Mayor of Leeds Roy Hobbs said: “I walk the streets of my city, denuded as they are of dicks, rocket polishers, and shameless cocksticks, and I feel proud.
“We don’t need organic vegetables or truffle oil or quinoa anymore, so there’s more room in the shops for Toffos and Vimto and HP Sauce.
“Nightclubs are, by law, called either the Ritz or Zanzibar and are explicitly for getting drunk, dancing to happy hardcore and getting off with birds.
“In this land of dark satanic mills we have built a paradise.”


Daily Mash

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Quite astonishing.  While the unrepentant, blatant, serial criminality of bankers is rewarded with bonuses each bigger than the collective pension pots of the inhabitants of an average street, three guys who take discarded food from a skip are being prosecuted for theft.


The CPS claims there is significant public interest in taking forward the prosecutions.  I'd say there would be a slightly more significant public interest in prosecuting the bankers.  And having some personnel changes in the CPS.

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Quite astonishing.  While the unrepentant, blatant, serial criminality of bankers is rewarded with bonuses each bigger than the collective pension pots of the inhabitants of an average street, three guys who take discarded food from a skip are being prosecuted for theft.


The CPS claims there is significant public interest in taking forward the prosecutions.  I'd say there would be a slightly more significant public interest in prosecuting the bankers.  And having some personnel changes in the CPS.

Ah, a return to 'Victorian values' (for some), innit.
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Quite astonishing. While the unrepentant, blatant, serial criminality of bankers is rewarded with bonuses each bigger than the collective pension pots of the inhabitants of an average street, three guys who take discarded food from a skip are being prosecuted for theft.

The CPS claims there is significant public interest in taking forward the prosecutions. I'd say there would be a slightly more significant public interest in prosecuting the bankers. And having some personnel changes in the CPS.

The total value of the items they took was £33? If I knew the contents of my bin had value I'd have been charging the bin men years ago, they've been getting it all for free!
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Quite astonishing. While the unrepentant, blatant, serial criminality of bankers is rewarded with bonuses each bigger than the collective pension pots of the inhabitants of an average street, three guys who take discarded food from a skip are being prosecuted for theft.

The CPS claims there is significant public interest in taking forward the prosecutions. I'd say there would be a slightly more significant public interest in prosecuting the bankers. And having some personnel changes in the CPS.

The total value of the items they took was £33? If I knew the contents of my bin had value I'd have been charging the bin men years ago, they've been getting it all for free!


if the food was worth £33 way was it in the waste skip, could it be because it was out of date or unfit to be sold for another reason so in reality worthless, hence not actually worth what it would normally sell for. Does a 20 year old rust bucket car suddenly become worth it's as new list price if it happens to be taken by smeone after it is dumped as unwanted. yes i know something doesn't have to have a value to be considered as stolen, and it isn't right taking things that don't belong to you, but surely prosecuting in circumstances where the value is zero and the items have been disposed of as rubbish is vexatious. Of course we can't have the poor stealing scraps of rubbish to eat, otherwise where would their motivation to stop watching their widescreen tv's, put down the super strength lager, stub out those fags, get up off their lazy fat skiving tattooed arses and get a state subsidised zero hour, below living wage job come from?

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It's the duty of every responsible citizen Darren :D

Btw, we're probably the centre of some meta-analysis workflow diagram on the desk of a poor, unfortunate NSA subcontractor now (courtesy of the proximity of the words 'nest, enemy and burning', and the image location link in your previous post). ;)

Edited by snowychap
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