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The New Condem Government


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I'd say there is a fighting spirit to the left that the Tories don't have because throughout the history of the Labour party at least, they have fought for things, workers rights, women's rights including those to vote, supporting the fight against fascism and against aprtheid where as the Tories were more than happy not to touch any of that because they have always looked out for their own kind, those that are privileged. Those who get everything handed to them via the Old Boys Network and a bit of brown nosing.


So yes, there is a point to the idea that the left are ready to fight for things, especially for what is right.

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KennyPowers, on 17 Oct 2013 - 6:15 PM, said:


Richard, on 17 Oct 2013 - 11:44 AM, said:


privateer, on 17 Oct 2013 - 10:01 AM, said:


Awol, on 17 Oct 2013 - 09:18 AM, said:


villaajax, on 17 Oct 2013 - 09:09 AM, said:


chrisp65, on 17 Oct 2013 - 09:03 AM, said:

Alan Duncan at No 256


he'll know about this list, and he'll be gutted


Literally, I hope, with a Bowie knife.


Well done, post of the year.


A real sickener for the rest of us who can only gape in awe at the scintillating wit of these snappy one liners. Not sure I can agree with post of the year because the competition is so stiff. They are all of the same quality.


This comes back to something I said last week actually.


For me the vitriolic hatred that laces political comments is more prevalent in those of a left wing nature in my experience.  Not being specific to this thread or this forum,  but in general.  And I'm not entirely sure why,  it is interesting though.



I think you're completely right. I tried to make a similar point earlier. I don't understand how people who claim to be so such bastions or tolerance and compassion can rationalise their abusive posts. Well I don't think they can really and as you allude to, their comments betray their hatred and intolerance. 


Somehow I can't see these posts lasting long but here goes ...


I think to a degree Richard and yourself have a small  point  ... I like the posters on here , some I've met and know personally and know that the politics thread can bring out a different side to them 


 If I was really pushed to express it  my personal opinion would also be that the left side on this thread are more abusive ( scum comments , Thatcher etc ) ... I think the left get more worked up about what they see as social injustice , where as the right seem to just want to take the piss out of millionaire Ed and his hypercritical policies


However  , I suspect that if you polled the left side  they would say oh no no it's all the right side of VT and give examples ( can't think of an example off hand  )


different opinions and all that  .. ultimately it's the interweb and 99.9% of it shouldn't be taken too seriously  .. Would Ajax go out with a Bowie knife and gut Alan Duncan thinking he was Iain Duncan Smith  , probably not  .. does saying it on a forum make him a bad bloke , probably not  .. should we spend the next dozens posts ripping the piss out of him for it ..Oh yes :)

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KennyPowers, on 17 Oct 2013 - 6:15 PM, said:


Richard, on 17 Oct 2013 - 11:44 AM, said:


privateer, on 17 Oct 2013 - 10:01 AM, said:


Awol, on 17 Oct 2013 - 09:18 AM, said:


villaajax, on 17 Oct 2013 - 09:09 AM, said:


chrisp65, on 17 Oct 2013 - 09:03 AM, said:

Alan Duncan at No 256


he'll know about this list, and he'll be gutted


Literally, I hope, with a Bowie knife.


Well done, post of the year.


A real sickener for the rest of us who can only gape in awe at the scintillating wit of these snappy one liners. Not sure I can agree with post of the year because the competition is so stiff. They are all of the same quality.


This comes back to something I said last week actually.


For me the vitriolic hatred that laces political comments is more prevalent in those of a left wing nature in my experience.  Not being specific to this thread or this forum,  but in general.  And I'm not entirely sure why,  it is interesting though.



I think you're completely right. I tried to make a similar point earlier. I don't understand how people who claim to be so such bastions or tolerance and compassion can rationalise their abusive posts. Well I don't think they can really and as you allude to, their comments betray their hatred and intolerance. 


Somehow I can't see these posts lasting long but here goes ...


I think to a degree Richard and yourself have a small  point  ... I like the posters on here , some I've met and know personally and know that the politics thread can bring out a different side to them 


 If I was really pushed to express it  my personal opinion would also be that the left side on this thread are more abusive ( scum comments , Thatcher etc ) ... I think the left get more worked up about what they see as social injustice , where as the right seem to just want to take the piss out of millionaire Ed and his hypercritical policies


However  , I suspect that if you polled the left side  they would say oh no no it's all the right side of VT and give examples ( can't think of an example off hand  )


different opinions and all that  .. ultimately it's the interweb and 99.9% of it shouldn't be taken too seriously  .. Would Ajax go out with a Bowie knife and gut Alan Duncan thinking he was Iain Duncan Smith  , probably not  .. does saying it on a forum make him a bad bloke , probably not  .. should we spend the next dozens posts ripping the piss out of him for it ..Oh yes :)



You clearly haven't seen him play GTA then ;)

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Kingfisher, on 17 Oct 2013 - 5:57 PM, said:

So, the government's Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission warned the target of ending child poverty by 2020 would "in all likelihood be missed by a considerable margin". Many people are being paid below a living wage, and social divisions are growing.

And in other good news, with winter just around the corner, British Gas has raised it's energy prices by 9.2%. It will be a long cold winter for the poor.

If that isn't more concerning than a tongue in cheek Internet comment about a government minister, you have issues.


Haven't British Gas etc always raised their prices  , indeed I may be wrong but they raised them during the period 1997 -2010 quite frequently did they not  .. Petrol went up over 100% during that same period , true we don't heat our homes by burning Catholics anymore but it leads us onto point 2 that had fuel not risen by 100%+ families would have had more money to spend elsewhere and possibly ease the poverty some faced


Wasn't Child poverty supposed to be halved by 2010 ..how did that go ? didn't the government chuck fortunes at this problem and yet fail to produce results like other countries at translating this into low child poverty


Like many of these issues I understand the concern , its' this notion that everything started in 2010  that  I find hard to fathom

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It's not unreasonable for prices to go up while inflation and wage prices go up.


However, when wages go up 0.7% and inflation around 2.2% and the gas prices go up almost 10%, it's taking the piss a tad isn't it?

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It didn't start in 2010, I never thought it, I never wrote it, please reply to what I write. If anybody else says that, have that argument, until then it's rather putting words in people's mouths.

Prices indeed go up, but it's the perfect storm if wages are not matching it, obviously.

The Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission report has recommended an increase in the minimum wage and wealth redistributive taxation amongst its key recommendations to tackling the demonstrably increasing and accelerating social divisions. These are left wing policies, maybe we need a left wing government, because as mentioned the policies of the labour and Tory right have failed children and increased social divisions. The further to the right we drift, the more this situation is accelerating, it seems.

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I agree Tony and it's an unfortunate consequence of the internet that posts appear much more matter-of-fact, much more forceful and aggressive than they are intended to be. The relative anonymity of the internet is an issue for me though. I do think people need to stop treating social media as a playground where anything is acceptable, it's in their own interest if nothing else as the illusion of anonymity on the internet has slipped away for me, everything you post on the internet is essentially permanent.

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Maybe the gas companies think Labour will get elected in 2015 so are hiking up their prices in advance of Miliband's big move? I don't think the market price has shifted significantly of late so it can't be that.

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StefanAVFC, on 17 Oct 2013 - 6:49 PM, said:StefanAVFC, on 17 Oct 2013 - 6:49 PM, said:

It's not unreasonable for prices to go up while inflation and wage prices go up.


However, when wages go up 0.7% and inflation around 2.2% and the gas prices go up almost 10%, it's taking the piss a tad isn't it?

That's what happens when a deluded fu**wit thinks he can implement a prize freeze in 2015 :)




Edit : now the page has refreshed  , that's kind of what awol just said  .. so ,  this

Edited by tonyh29
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KennyPowers, on 17 Oct 2013 - 6:15 PM, said:


Richard, on 17 Oct 2013 - 11:44 AM, said:


privateer, on 17 Oct 2013 - 10:01 AM, said:


Awol, on 17 Oct 2013 - 09:18 AM, said:


villaajax, on 17 Oct 2013 - 09:09 AM, said:


chrisp65, on 17 Oct 2013 - 09:03 AM, said:

Alan Duncan at No 256


he'll know about this list, and he'll be gutted


Literally, I hope, with a Bowie knife.


Well done, post of the year.


A real sickener for the rest of us who can only gape in awe at the scintillating wit of these snappy one liners. Not sure I can agree with post of the year because the competition is so stiff. They are all of the same quality.


This comes back to something I said last week actually.


For me the vitriolic hatred that laces political comments is more prevalent in those of a left wing nature in my experience.  Not being specific to this thread or this forum,  but in general.  And I'm not entirely sure why,  it is interesting though.



I think you're completely right. I tried to make a similar point earlier. I don't understand how people who claim to be so such bastions or tolerance and compassion can rationalise their abusive posts. Well I don't think they can really and as you allude to, their comments betray their hatred and intolerance. 


Somehow I can't see these posts lasting long but here goes ...


I think to a degree Richard and yourself have a small  point  ... I like the posters on here , some I've met and know personally and know that the politics thread can bring out a different side to them 


 If I was really pushed to express it  my personal opinion would also be that the left side on this thread are more abusive ( scum comments , Thatcher etc ) ... I think the left get more worked up about what they see as social injustice , where as the right seem to just want to take the piss out of millionaire Ed and his hypercritical policies


However  , I suspect that if you polled the left side  they would say oh no no it's all the right side of VT and give examples ( can't think of an example off hand  )


different opinions and all that  .. ultimately it's the interweb and 99.9% of it shouldn't be taken too seriously  .. Would Ajax go out with a Bowie knife and gut Alan Duncan thinking he was Iain Duncan Smith  , probably not  .. does saying it on a forum make him a bad bloke , probably not  .. should we spend the next dozens posts ripping the piss out of him for it ..Oh yes :)



You clearly haven't seen him play GTA then ;)



That was a shotgun, not a knife :rolleyes:

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The gas and electric prices are not driven by UK inflation.


We don't like wind turbines, we don't like coal. we don't like nuclear, nobody wants a field of solar panels near them, nobody wants a severn barrage, nobody wants anything anywhere to be built in Britain. That's fair enough, we can buy our energy from johnny foreignor. Johnny says pay more. End of.


Perhaps, just perhaps, we should have a UK self sufficient in energy and food?


Perhaps, just perhaps, we should all recognise that there are massive savings still to be had by using energy more efficiently. How many lights are on around your house right now? How many phones left on charge? TV's on stand by? I'm no hippy, but there's more to this than greedy British Gas.


....and whilst I'm on it, what the fucksox are the government doing negotiating building and managing a nuclear power station with the Chinese! There's a disjointed national energy security policy, and then there's inviting China in to sell us nuclear.

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Dunno if this has been posted yet. (I tried C+P'ing the story but the formatting cocked up)




Obviously it's only one example, but Gove's vision for privatising the schools has hit a bit of a hiccup hasn't it? 



This is a school that has been set up and run by representatives of the community with limited knowledge and experience. Leadership and management, including governance, are inadequate and have been unable to improve the school 


Looking at the OFSTED report, it really is absolutely shocking. This is what happens when unqualified teachers and business people come in and try running schools.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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it's a single free school, there are apparently many more state schools failing but not hitting the media in such a big way


a single example of anything cannot be extrapolated out across the whole piece as 'shit idea'


don't get me wrong, it is a shit idea, but this isn't the sum total of the proof

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I did say that Chris, keep up ;)


Another wonderful snippet that, in particular, angers me.




Failures in leadership and management are at the heart of the school's dysfunctional situation.
There is no coherent staffing structure.
Staff have been appointed to key roles for which they do not have the qualifications and
experience. For example, most of the primary school teachers have not taught before and the
head of the primary school is experienced in teaching secondary-aged pupils only. They work
hard and are keen to do well by their pupils but they have not had the training and support they
need to do so.
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Schools are going to become increasingly isolated and insular under the new approach, being encouraged to "look after their own" and withdraw from local authority support. Yes, money is dwindling in education and local authorities can't afford to provide the provision they once could for professional development and grants, but this is not a solution.

Budgets, curriculum, intervention, behaviour management, staffing procedures and now assessment are being handed over explicitly to individual schools, whether they be academies, fee schools, voluntary aided or state.

My cynical take on that...?


Now I believe that everyone should be accountable for the job they do to an extent. Some people do cruise by and that annoys me. But making all schools, regardless of their context, completely accountable for their own curriculums and their own budgets and their own staffing and their own assessment isn't about freedom.

It's about giving you enough rope to hang yourself. It's about giving you carrot and then beating you with the stick that dangled it.

Then, when Ofsted come in, it's ALL your fault.

What happens to failing schools that don't have that experience or that confidence? In an ideal world, they'd have that support.

Will they have it now?

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If you allow it, I'd love to jump in from a training point of view.


At university, we've had that word rammed down our throats to a huge extent. 'Accountability'


PRP is one I could get behind though, if it was assessed on your teaching, rather than the pupil's levels as a whole. Base it on observations and the levels achieved by individual pupils, as StigVillan rightly says, it is too easy for a shit teacher to cruise in the current system. However, once your PRP is assessed on 'how many level 4's you get' then there's a huge problem.

Edited by StefanAVFC
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