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Gove is good at this isn't he


He's twice been described as 'creepy'.  :)



He's definitely creepy and doesn't have a clue what he's on about in the role he's in. He is charismatic though. Probably how he talked himself into the Education job

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Gove is good at this isn't he


He's twice been described as 'creepy'.  :)



He's definitely creepy and doesn't have a clue what he's on about in the role he's in. He is charismatic though. Probably how he talked himself into the Education job




The first thing he should do is sort out those 55 hours per week contracts for teachers that see them not getting paid in the holidays.....

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Gove is good at this isn't he

He's twice been described as 'creepy'. :)

He's definitely creepy and doesn't have a clue what he's on about in the role he's in. He is charismatic though. Probably how he talked himself into the Education job

As the silver haired bloke just said , getting voted down by the NUT is probably a badge of honour for Gove :)

Interesting he got a better audience response then Will Self during their little exchange ....

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I wonder Tony who once posted

"Ok ... it's just I could have sworn Balls was proposing that we spend our way out of our troubles and that the Government approach was wrong .... and yet it doesn't appear that any of the countries coming out the other side spent their way out ???" :D


Close but no buffalo .... you need to try harder I'm afraid

Hint - Balls bloomberg speech will point you in the right direction


Tony a bit bigger hint - it was you that posted the quote  :D

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Gove is good at this isn't he


He's twice been described as 'creepy'.  :)



He's definitely creepy and doesn't have a clue what he's on about in the role he's in. He is charismatic though. Probably how he talked himself into the Education job




The first thing he should do is sort out those 55 hours per week contracts for teachers that see them not getting paid in the holidays.....


Or paying their taxes from off-shore ........ oops  :)

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He's a better leader than Ed.


:huh: You're joking, right?



I don't agree with the bloke on anything he says and he's a complete spunktrumpet, but he's a natural leader. That isn't a good thing though, as he could talk his way into anything really.


Good on Will Self haha

Edited by StefanAVFC
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Was Gove just applauding the chap in the audience that was suggesting supporting the Kenyan government with money in support of any offensives in Somalia?

That was Gove suggesting that we give aid directly to Kenyatta? Wow.

Edited by snowychap
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He's a better leader than Ed.


:huh: You're joking, right?



I don't agree with the bloke on anything he says and he's a complete spunktrumpet, but he's a natural leader. That isn't a good thing though, as he could talk his way into anything really.


Good on Will Self haha



You must be talking about a different Michael Gove.

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I wonder Tony who once posted "Ok ... it's just I could have sworn Balls was proposing that we spend our way out of our troubles and that the Government approach was wrong .... and yet it doesn't appear that any of the countries coming out the other side spent their way out ???" :D
Close but no buffalo .... you need to try harder I'm afraid Hint - Balls bloomberg speech will point you in the right direction
Tony a bit bigger hint - it was you that posted the quote :D
You need to read it again ( the content that is )I'm aware it's my post Edited by tonyh29
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There will be a lot of Union Jacks

Was it just me that found it amusing to note Labour had the union flag as the back drop to their "one Nation" logo at the conference on the clip they just showed on "this week"

Comedy gold :)

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Whoosh... it goes well over Tony's head.

Henceforth you shall now be known as Baldrick

Baldrick: I think he looks like a bird who's swallowed a plate, my Lord.

Blackadder: No, that's what I think. What do you think? Try to have a thought of your own; thinking is so important. What do you think?

Baldrick: I think thinking is so important, my Lord.

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The health service is certainly in better hands under Labour - they virtually bust our economy with the massive spending on it during their tenure, which is borne out by how long it is taking the present government to bring the deficit down.

That's just so wrong that I can't believe you've read anything about the causes of the financial crash that didn't come out of tory central office or the rags which reprint its press releases, unless you're just on a windup.  Do you really believe that the global financial crisis was the result of the UK government's spending on the HNS or anything else?  Really?

Nope, but I don't wear the left's overuse of the word 'global'

It is clear that our 'shit' was much deeper than any of our Northern European neighbours, and we climbed into that 'shit' during a long period where one very intelligent man ran the economy.

In my opinion that man, and the people in Government with him, let the people of this country down badly. The people most affected were the honest, working people, who don't benefit from good education, and who were duped into spending non-existent equity by banks, credit companies and the like, all of whom were under the watchful eye of a government that was happy to reap the platitudes of running the world's 4th largest economy.

The irony is that the people who have been badly let down are the ones who vote Labour, but then we are all sheep in the world of politics.



What figures or analysis are you looking at that leads you to think our problem was so much worse than others?  Can you link to them, please?


Could you say a little more about how "one man ran the economy", and perhaps say a bit about the big contradiction that people of right-wing persuasion tend to think that it's impossible even for the state to run the economy, never mind one man?

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Privatisation doesn't make nurses ignore patients, or doctors mis-diagnose and then cover up. It doesn't make people racist, ageist or uncaring. Those are the things that need sorting out the most.

We have very clear evidence that privatising social care has led to pressure on staff time and wages, so that they are cutting time spent with service users, reducing the quality of care, cutting things to the limit.  Several documentaries have explored this, and they bear out what we can predict by analysis, and what we are led to believe by anecdote and experience.  The evidence is one-way.


This is called "the benefit of competition".  Its aim is to deliver more profit to the owners, the ones who don't actually do any of the work.


The effect on staff is what both Marx and Weber discussed under the term "alienation".  It's not pretty.


The same thing is increasingly happening in the nhs.  Functions and procedures are increasingly tested against "market alternatives", and in many cases, services are privatised.  This affects obviously the services which have been privatised, but also others, which now have (from a non-market base) to show they can compete against services which were established with a very different ethos and raison d'etre, to make money.


It is the pressure of these financial "imperatives" that makes people more uncaring, more concerned to cut corners.  Most people, given the choice, don't enter caring professions to be uncaring, and neither do very caring people end up in trading and hedge funds.  Some people, pressed to get a job, any job, take jobs for which they are wildly unsuited.


On a purely financial level, it puts employers into a hard place.  You want to recruit people with the right values - caring, empathy, patience, consideration.  But you have to recruit for people who will work for the hourly rate the contract requires.  These two groups are different.  A Venn diagram would show only slight overlap.  So you end up employing people who don't suit the service users or the provider, but who are dictated by "market conditions".


That's how it works.  That's how you import wrong behaviours and attitudes into what was, and should be, and shall be again, a caring service.  And that's also why we must drive out the thieving, amoral tory scum, and never again give them the slightest influence over anything which really matters to us and our loved ones.

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