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The New Condem Government


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They have been against the NHS right from the start to be fair.


Why should poor people have access to healthcare?

You'd have to be a pretty sad individual to own a mug like that

It was also Beveridge's NHS in principal and he was a Liberal , though it was a labour govt that implemented the cross party proposals of the report



That's post on poster Tony. I believe that's against site guidelines.

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They have been against the NHS right from the start to be fair.


Why should poor people have access to healthcare?

You'd have to be a pretty sad individual to own a mug like that

It was also Beveridge's NHS in principal and he was a Liberal , though it was a labour govt that implemented the cross party proposals of the report

That's post on poster Tony. I believe that's against site guidelines.
Only if I knew you were the sad individual , which I didn't :) Edited by tonyh29
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I think it was pretty clear that's my cup as I posted it. Don't play innocent Tony you know what you were getting at :)


I would say it is more sad that there are certain posters out there who can give it out but can't take it in return, not mentioning any names of course ;)

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I assumed it was the mug of someone living in a time warp from a long lost era and as I knew you were a youngster I therefore thought it was something you had googled off yahoo

Nice attempt at an attempt to get a bite though but your going to need a bigger boat , this forum is full of posts taking the mick out if me , heck I started most if them :)

Edited by tonyh29
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In my opinion Mugs/cups of any sort usually signify trouble and I've no time for people who display them.

Damn Muggists* foisting their prejudice into the spotlight







*to be fair you don't only limit your prejudice to mugs but also include cups, but where do you stand on Glasses or other drinking apparatus

Edited by mockingbird_franklin
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but where do you stand on Glasses or other drinking apparatus


My advisers have suggested I make no further comments regarding the beverage containment community except to fully endorse their contribution to the food & drink society. 

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On the zero Hours contracts things  , in our Company basically we have a pool of workers on our books of about 500 - 600 people


these people can pick and chose when they work , and like wise we can only offer them work when it is available


perfect candidates for zero hour contracts wouldn't you say  ? ( our whole Industry works this way )


Only the government hammered our Industry a few years ago and decided that No actually these people were deemed to be "workers " and thus had to be treated as employees and given the same rights as everyone else we employ in the company full time (office based , regional supervisors etc)  ... so we have to pay these "workers" 12.5 % holiday pay and I'm now currently in the process of enrolling and them and what not in the Pension scam that has being introduced  .. what a f**k up that is let me tell you ... only winners there are the pension companies  .. as it's very complex we finally found someone prepared to handle our case ..£800 a month thank you very much + the money they will scam off everyone's contributions.... the contribution our company make will basically go straight to the pension company in their fees  in effect  ... the sensible ones will opt out , however people aren't always sensible  .... 


Oh and because these ad-hoc workers had to be treated the same we had to withdraw all the company benefits we offered to all the full time staff in the office like private health care  (well actually we started a new company and moved the interviewing side of the company over to that and kept the office staff separate but still it was a pain in the arse and not strictly legal  I should imagine )


anyway , rant over ... guess maybe we should just change our Company name to McDonalds and it wouldn't have applied to us ......

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Had a pension meeting a few weeks back.


A bloke told me the pension was coming from Scottish Widows (which was pretty ouch in itself considering their track record).


The bloke wasn't from Scottish Widows, he was from another company that was sorting the business end of the dual contribution/tax relief side.


Couldn't help thinking why the **** am I funding two layers of ******* useless finance suits?

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On the zero Hours contracts things  , in our Company basically we have a pool of workers on our books of about 500 - 600 people


these people can pick and chose when they work , and like wise we can only offer them work when it is available


perfect candidates for zero hour contracts wouldn't you say  ? ( our whole Industry works this way )

Yes, perfectly logical, no-one I'm aware of is saying any different either. Its totally different though when it comes to the likes of McDonalds et al, large multinational Co's whose demand for services is pretty much constant and predictable. They have no need of ZH contracts and are just using them to exploit people and make it easier to get rid of staff they don't like. And those are staff that have already been employed past the 6 month mark, otherwise you'd be able to pot them almost at will.

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On the zero Hours contracts things  , in our Company basically we have a pool of workers on our books of about 500 - 600 people


these people can pick and chose when they work , and like wise we can only offer them work when it is available


perfect candidates for zero hour contracts wouldn't you say  ? ( our whole Industry works this way )


Only the government hammered our Industry a few years ago and decided that No actually these people were deemed to be "workers " and thus had to be treated as employees and given the same rights as everyone else we employ in the company full time (office based , regional supervisors etc)  ... so we have to pay these "workers" 12.5 % holiday pay and I'm now currently in the process of enrolling and them and what not in the Pension scam that has being introduced  .. what a f**k up that is let me tell you ... only winners there are the pension companies  .. as it's very complex we finally found someone prepared to handle our case ..£800 a month thank you very much + the money they will scam off everyone's contributions.... the contribution our company make will basically go straight to the pension company in their fees  in effect  ... the sensible ones will opt out , however people aren't always sensible  .... 


Oh and because these ad-hoc workers had to be treated the same we had to withdraw all the company benefits we offered to all the full time staff in the office like private health care  (well actually we started a new company and moved the interviewing side of the company over to that and kept the office staff separate but still it was a pain in the arse and not strictly legal  I should imagine )


anyway , rant over ... guess maybe we should just change our Company name to McDonalds and it wouldn't have applied to us ......

Interesting points about your thoughts on the new pension requirements, it was always my belief that it would be a nice cash cow for pension providers more than providing worthwhile benefits for employees, but having no experience of the practice working of the scheme it was just a suspicion, nice to get the input from someone with firsthand experience of the scheme. if the government was serious about making pension provision then the employers contribution wouldn't be tied to the employees contribution and everyone would be free to nominate which fund and provider the payments went too.

Edited by mockingbird_franklin
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On the zero Hours contracts things  , in our Company basically we have a pool of workers on our books of about 500 - 600 people


these people can pick and chose when they work , and like wise we can only offer them work when it is available


perfect candidates for zero hour contracts wouldn't you say  ? ( our whole Industry works this way )


Only the government hammered our Industry a few years ago and decided that No actually these people were deemed to be "workers " and thus had to be treated as employees and given the same rights as everyone else we employ in the company full time (office based , regional supervisors etc)  ... so we have to pay these "workers" 12.5 % holiday pay and I'm now currently in the process of enrolling and them and what not in the Pension scam that has being introduced  .. what a f**k up that is let me tell you ... only winners there are the pension companies  .. as it's very complex we finally found someone prepared to handle our case ..£800 a month thank you very much + the money they will scam off everyone's contributions.... the contribution our company make will basically go straight to the pension company in their fees  in effect  ... the sensible ones will opt out , however people aren't always sensible  .... 


Oh and because these ad-hoc workers had to be treated the same we had to withdraw all the company benefits we offered to all the full time staff in the office like private health care  (well actually we started a new company and moved the interviewing side of the company over to that and kept the office staff separate but still it was a pain in the arse and not strictly legal  I should imagine )


anyway , rant over ... guess maybe we should just change our Company name to McDonalds and it wouldn't have applied to us ......

Interesting points about your thoughts on the new pension requirements, it was always my belief that it would be a nice cash cow for pension providers more than providing worthwhile benefits for employees, but having no experience of the practice working of the scheme it was just a suspicion, nice to get the input from someone with firsthand experience of the scheme. if the government was serious about making pension provision then the employers contribution wouldn't be tied to the employees contribution and everyone would be free to nominate which fund and provider the payments went too.


all the government had to do was take it via NI  .... I think the problem is that they probably couldn't be trusted to not then spend it elsewhere and also the opposition would probably just stood their every week and shouted  "  you raised NI by XX %  " and it's a headline grabbing line


As it stands , it's a pig ears of a policy  , its basically a government privatising it's responsibility for old age pensions ....  Maybe i'm being harsh and once the system is up and running it will settle down and meet it's intended aim but for now it just appears a cash cow for the pension providers

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more good news for the economy it seems


The Office for National Statistics said exports of goods and services hit £43.2 billion ($67.02 billion) in June, the highest monthly total since records began in 1998. Exports of goods hit a record high of £26.9 billion, while exports to non-European Union countries surged to £14.2 billion, also a record, according to the agency's figures


but but but what would we do without Europe

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more good news for the economy it seems




The Office for National Statistics said exports of goods and services hit £43.2 billion ($67.02 billion) in June, the highest monthly total since records began in 1998. Exports of goods hit a record high of £26.9 billion, while exports to non-European Union countries surged to £14.2 billion, also a record, according to the agency's figures


but but but what would we do without Europe


From those figures, we'd lose out on either £12.7 thousand million worth of goods exports or £29 thousand million worth of goods and services exports (it doesn't make clear but I'd guess that it's poorly worded and the 14.2 is goods and services?). :P


Interestingly (from the Torygraph):


For June alone, exports outside of the EU rose by £1.3bn to £14.2bn. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that £1.1bn of that was down to “aircraft [including components] and works of art” - specifically paintings and sculptures.


Edit: Looking at the Indy article, I think I was wrong about it being goods and services:

The EEF added that exports to non-EU countries have grown by 49 per cent since 2009 and now exceed those to the EU.

Increasing exports to non-EU countries has been seen as key to helping the recovery after the eurozone crisis hit what was once the UK's biggest trade partner.

Exports to the EU fell by 0.6 per cent to £12.8 billion in June, although imports rose by 4 per cent to £18.2 billion.

Also, from there:

Despite the encouraging export data, imports still outstripped demand for British goods from abroad, hitting £103.3 billion in the second quarter - the highest level since the end of 2011.

David Kern, chief economist at the British Chambers of Commerce, said: "Our trade deficit is still too large and we aren't making enough progress in rebalancing our economy towards net exports.

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more good news for the economy it seems




The Office for National Statistics said exports of goods and services hit £43.2 billion ($67.02 billion) in June, the highest monthly total since records began in 1998. Exports of goods hit a record high of £26.9 billion, while exports to non-European Union countries surged to £14.2 billion, also a record, according to the agency's figures


but but but what would we do without Europe


From those figures, we'd lose out on either £12.7 thousand million worth of goods exports or £29 thousand million worth of goods and services exports (it doesn't make clear but I'd guess that it's poorly worded and the 14.2 is goods and services?). :P



come the revolution



Edited by tonyh29
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