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The New Condem Government


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So, McDonald's have just been doing what they've done for most of the last 40 years but only now it's a problem?

doesn't that count as ahhhh but ....... :)



Yes.  Ahhhhhh but Labour, Labour, Conservative, Conservative, Conservative, Conservative, Labour, Labour, Labour.

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In here we discus politics and the "Ahhh but... " type posts are just dull tbh, they ruin the thread.

Someone will post an argument based on the here and now or give a great opinion then the lazy amongst us will counter with an "Ah but when...". It makes you as bad as the flipping politicians, its all they do most of the time. That time has gone opinions change, counter an argument with one of your own. That is actually worthwhile reading

And yes I know I'm partially guilty too, I think we collectively should make a concerted effort not to do it, all of us.

We are actually better than that and we know it

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In here we discus politics and the "Ahhh but... " type posts are just dull tbh, they ruin the thread.

Someone will post an argument based on the here and now or give a great opinion then the lazy amongst us will counter with an "Ah but when...". It makes you as bad as the flipping politicians, its all they do most of the time. That time has gone opinions change, counter an argument with one of your own. That is actually worthwhile reading

And yes I know I'm partially guilty too, I think we collectively should make a concerted effort not to do it, all of us.

We are actually better than that and we know it




As for this thread ... well  tbh all it ever really seems to be is the "lefties" coming on here to post anything negative about the government  , personal attacks on Tories and their supporters ( the thread is full, of them ) and ignoring anything positive about the government ( of course there isn't anything positive  !! )   .. and so of course people like myself come on here to have fun at their expense  .....  sometimes it's a bit of light hearted fun / mischievousness  that for reasons unknown spiral out of control   ....  sometimes like with Murdoch it's a case of wondering why he was never evil prior till 2010   ...mainly it's just Prescott's fault


tbh Politics is dull and I'm not always that interested in discussing it , least not every single policy and decision down to the finest detail ...I appreciate some of you are interested and go to Levi'esque lengths in your posts  , my attention span is closer to that of a goldfish however so keep them down to few lines for me please chaps :)  ...


Sometimes a link on Google news will make me venture off to some obscure website like the Spectator :wacko:  but most of the politics stuff is just a bit meh tbh

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What Tony's trying to say is that we just to come on here to poke fun at the unkempt, smelly lefties.  I mostly don't really care what happens in the UK, as I'll hopefully never be in the position where I have to vote for one of the parties again anyway.

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tbh Politics is dull and I'm not always that interested in discussing it , least not every single policy and decision down to the finest detail ...I appreciate some of you are interested and go to Levi'esque lengths in your posts  , my attention span is closer to that of a goldfish however so keep them down to few lines for me please chaps :)  ...


Sometimes a link on Google news will make me venture off to some obscure website like the Spectator :wacko:  but most of the politics stuff is just a bit meh tbh

I'm less interested in the content of your post than the fact that it, containing the above, was 'liked' by the one person reading this thread that we know is an elected politician!

That's gotta be worrying, surely? :D

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Tony isn't...... ;)

Good thing you put a smiley or there would have been trouble. :rolleyes:

I know Mart so know the context in which he posted

Plus he added the smiley as you rightly pointed out :)

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tbh Politics is dull and I'm not always that interested in discussing it , least not every single policy and decision down to the finest detail ...I appreciate some of you are interested and go to Levi'esque lengths in your posts , my attention span is closer to that of a goldfish however so keep them down to few lines for me please chaps :) ...

Sometimes a link on Google news will make me venture off to some obscure website like the Spectator :wacko: but most of the politics stuff is just a bit meh tbh

I'm less interested in the content of your post than the fact that it, containing the above, was 'liked' by the one person reading this thread that we know is an elected politician!

That's gotta be worrying, surely? :D

He's only in it for the expenses , we all know that :)

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Well they weren't invented in 2010 either

Certainly they were around in 1990 so that's 23 years ago ... Only 17 more years to find :)

Edited by tonyh29
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Well they weren't invented in 2010 either

Certainly they were around in 1990 so that's 23 years ago ... Only 17 more years to find :)


If you mean zero hours contracts (and god knows Tony, it's hard to work out what the **** you mean with some of your posts) the point is they have expanded massively in recent years.


There's a place for them, in jobs where demand really is variable and unpredictable.  Serving hamburgers doesn't come into that category.


Businesses know, as a matter of course, where demand arises, how it changes day to day, hour to hour.  That's the whole basis of distribution, "fulfilment", of "just in time".  Even hospitals manage to plan the availability of surgeons based on past demand.  It's not brain surgery.  (Well in my example, it might be).  Serving up burgers is pretty predictable.


Zero hours contracts are just another way for employers to shit on employees.  Let's not be coy about admitting it.

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I thought as we were discussing zero hour contracts it was perfectly obvious my post was about the cost of ice cream :confused:

So you concede the point that Risso was making then at least that zero hour contracts haven't just come about and have been about for years , even if it isn't as many as 40 ...

This article headline made me chuckle , feel free to rip to shreds as required , obviously its author makers it slightly biased


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So you concede the point that Risso was making then at least that zero hour contracts haven't just come about and have been about for years , even if it isn't as many as 40 ...

Was that the point he was making?

I thought he was making a nonsense point about the practice claimed in one sentence by a spokesperson being the same practice as now?

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speaking as a smelly leftie, who just comes in here from time to time, because there's nothing much to do, but sit and rot in front of televisions, there's always the feint glimmer of hope that some self-made, go-getting, naturally superior, sense of self-entitlement and sod the rest Tory boy (or girl) will have contributed something, some pearl of wisdom, which shows just what a bally good job those shiny faced Eton johnnies are doing. You know, a good policy, or a well thought through idea based on evidence and intellect and research and a vision for the future that goes wider than grabbing for themselves whatever they can....Never seems to happen, though.

Isn't that a fair assessment of all in government over the past 15 years?

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speaking as a smelly leftie, who just comes in here from time to time, because there's nothing much to do, but sit and rot in front of televisions, there's always the feint glimmer of hope that some self-made, go-getting, naturally superior, sense of self-entitlement and sod the rest Tory boy (or girl) will have contributed something, some pearl of wisdom, which shows just what a bally good job those shiny faced Eton johnnies are doing. You know, a good policy, or a well thought through idea based on evidence and intellect and research and a vision for the future that goes wider than grabbing for themselves whatever they can....Never seems to happen, though.

Isn't that a fair assessment of all in government over the past 15 years?


:-) - I notice how you conveniently miss out the Thatcher era :D


Re the Zero hours, I find it somewhat annoying the dismissive way that the Tory supporters argue about them. As Peter rightly says it's not the introduction of them, and I am struggling to find anywhere where anyone on this thread are claiming that they are the creation of this or any Gvmt, it's the massive increase in them and the various implications of them that are not being discussed. Now why exactly would any Tory not want to discuss this matter especially in relation to the economy and the ridiculous claims about how things are improving?


So, and apologies for making this personal but they are the Tory ones (and I know Tony you have only voted Tory once - finally admitted :D ) who are trying to avoid any discussion on this, Mart and Tony - feel free anyone else to join in also - do you see the massive rise in Zero hours contracts as a good thing? If so why? Are they artificially massaging jobless figures, are they widening the gaps between rich and poor? basically any views other than some deflection and trying to blame Labour or any previous Gvmt for something that is not even being debated - cheers

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speaking as a smelly leftie, who just comes in here from time to time, because there's nothing much to do, but sit and rot in front of televisions, there's always the feint glimmer of hope that some self-made, go-getting, naturally superior, sense of self-entitlement and sod the rest Tory boy (or girl) will have contributed something, some pearl of wisdom, which shows just what a bally good job those shiny faced Eton johnnies are doing. You know, a good policy, or a well thought through idea based on evidence and intellect and research and a vision for the future that goes wider than grabbing for themselves whatever they can....

Never seems to happen, though.




You summed things up nicely for a lot of us there Pete. As for what your holding out for it isn't going to happen sadly.


This thread is a farce in all fairness. Tony gave an indication of one of the reasons why when he said that he was using this thread for a little light hearted fun that for some unknown reason spirals out of control. I guess the reason it does spiral out of control is that many don't see anything that this Government is doing as anything that should be used as a means to amuse yourself. They are destroying peoples life's but you would be hard pushed to get any Tory to even come close to acknowledging that.


Of course the aahh but Labour crap also adds nothing to most debates and is in no way a means to defend what is happening under this mob. Two wrongs have never made a right but this thread is full of posts trying to do just that.

Edited by markavfc40
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 god knows Tony, it's hard to work out what the **** you mean with some of your posts.


I'm working on a device called a Loc decoder. It's an advanced model from the Demglish range, although needs greater intricacy of design and spec, as Demgish is simply confused and random 'English' whereas loc-speak is often far more cryptic and tends to veer of at tangents. :mrgreen:

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