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The New Condem Government


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well haven't you prejudged the views of many ukip supporters?

how? They have publicly available policies and statements. They have alliances that are in the public domain etc etc. again i see your comments as nothing more than a deflection of the topics being discussed and a resort to personal abuse, is that prejudiced? Why not return to discussing ukip, ids, condems etc Edited by drat01
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well you said


i find the thinking of ukip (and i suspect many of its supporters) very much in the same 'ball park' as a lot of the definitions re fascism which as i said have been all over the press re dicanio.


I read that as you suspect many supporters of ukip  think very much in the ball park as a lot of the definitions of facism. 


I think that's prejudiced. 

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I don't think UKIP have fascist ideologies though, they're far too soft. They're a part time party for party time racists.


I think you are falling into the trap that others fall into


Wanting out of Europe is currently supported by a majority of the UK population .... UKIP are the only party offering that , therefore a lot of people will put their vote in that box  ...doesn't make these people  racists or even closet racists in any way shape or form  ,



it's like when the working class dumped labour and voted BNP , they weren't racists but as labour had turned into a poor imitation of the Tory party , those working class people needed somewhere to go and BNP was the only party ticking some of the boxes they needed .. this working class move has been repeated in lots of Europe



so respectfully I can't agree with your statement 

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I don't think UKIP have fascist ideologies though, they're far too soft. They're a part time party for party time racists.


I think you are falling into the trap that others fall into


Wanting out of Europe is currently supported by a majority of the UK population .... UKIP are the only party offering that , therefore a lot of people will put their vote in that box  ...doesn't make these people  racists or even closet racists in any way shape or form  ,



it's like when the working class dumped labour and voted BNP , they weren't racists but as labour had turned into a poor imitation of the Tory party , those working class people needed somewhere to go and BNP was the only party ticking some of the boxes they needed .. this working class move has been repeated in lots of Europe



so respectfully I can't agree with your statement 


Then those people, who are happy to vote for an ( c)overtly racist party on the basis of one policy are ignorant. I've been searching for a nice way of saying that and couldn't find it. "Misguided" doesn't cover it. 

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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I don't think UKIP have fascist ideologies though, they're far too soft. They're a part time party for party time racists.


I think you are falling into the trap that others fall into


Wanting out of Europe is currently supported by a majority of the UK population .... UKIP are the only party offering that , therefore a lot of people will put their vote in that box  ...doesn't make these people  racists or even closet racists in any way shape or form  ,



it's like when the working class dumped labour and voted BNP , they weren't racists but as labour had turned into a poor imitation of the Tory party , those working class people needed somewhere to go and BNP was the only party ticking some of the boxes they needed .. this working class move has been repeated in lots of Europe



so respectfully I can't agree with your statement 


Then those people, who are happy to vote for an ( c)overtly racist party on the basis of one policy are ignorant. I've been searching for a nice way of saying that and couldn't find it. "Misguided" doesn't cover it. 

you work for Rotherham council and I claim my £5

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well you said


i find the thinking of ukip (and i suspect many of its supporters) very much in the same 'ball park' as a lot of the definitions re fascism which as i said have been all over the press re dicanio.


I read that as you suspect many supporters of ukip  think very much in the ball park as a lot of the definitions of facism. 


I think that's prejudiced. 

not sure why you coloured it all, but hey ho.you are wrong with your definition of prejudiced imo and again you are deflecting from the subject imo.
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Awol . As a ukip supporter how do you feel about the formal links the party has with bodies such as "europe of freedom and democracy" group.? Especially as some fellow members are confirmed fascists such as italialian liga nord etc?

My apologies for not replying promptly enough for you Drat, the carrier pidgeon bearing your post has only just arrived - one of the disadvantages of living abroad I'm afraid.


Honestly I don't care in the least what parties UKIP make common cause with in the EU Parliament, when the majority of parties represented are so pro the EU then UKIP may well have to sit down with people you don't agree with to advance your own agenda. Britain made common cause with Stalin's Russia to defeat Nazi totalitarianism, and the EU is imho a nascent fascist organisation, so needs must. Italianian liga nord are never going to be up for election in the UK so who cares?

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well haven't you prejudged the views of many ukip supporters?

I will admit that I have, personally. Following the debate so far I've yet to be proven incorrect in my assumption. The racial motivation is stark.

Well if you've read racism into my posts (which you appear to be suggesting above) then you are seeing what you want to see, not what is actually written.

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well haven't you prejudged the views of many ukip supporters?

I will admit that I have, personally. Following the debate so far I've yet to be proven incorrect in my assumption. The racial motivation is stark.

Well if you've read racism into my posts (which you appear to be suggesting above) then you are seeing what you want to see, not what is actually written.


Even if that were true, I've yet to form a solid opinion on your own motivations for whatever that's worth because I'd like to think I 'know' you better, you don't have to look far or hard to see the motivation in others. Certainly that of UKIP themselves, which was my main point. 

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Awol . As a ukip supporter how do you feel about the formal links the party has with bodies such as "europe of freedom and democracy" group.? Especially as some fellow members are confirmed fascists such as italialian liga nord etc?

My apologies for not replying promptly enough for you Drat, the carrier pidgeon bearing your post has only just arrived - one of the disadvantages of living abroad I'm afraid.


Honestly I don't care in the least what parties UKIP make common cause with in the EU Parliament, when the majority of parties represented are so pro the EU then UKIP may well have to sit down with people you don't agree with to advance your own agenda. Britain made common cause with Stalin's Russia to defeat Nazi totalitarianism, and the EU is imho a nascent fascist organisation, so needs must. Italianian liga nord are never going to be up for election in the UK so who cares?

I am surprised by your response (and I have no idea what the little comment was re timing of reply was about). The Italian party was one of those that were mentioned in the general comments re fascism and considering your stance previously that UKIP's thinking was in no way akin to that of anything to do with fascism etc, the fact that UKIP are closely aligned to parties who are more open with their views would certainly be worthy of a question, no? The fact they have no vote in the UK has no relevance whatsoever, UKIP have willingly become closer to various political parties around Europe who's views are for a lot somewhat suspect.


But you have no issues with that, so fair enough, I look forward to similar stance to any similar discussions that will no doubt occur

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Seems Mr £53 a week may have been telling a few untruths and he actually has £156 a week according to reports ... Hardly a fortune but one wonders why he decided to put out his original claim !!

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Seems Mr £53 a week may have been telling a few untruths and he actually has £156 a week according to reports ... Hardly a fortune but one wonders why he decided to put out his original claim !!


£156 disposable cash, as in after rent, council tax, bills etc?

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I don't think UKIP have fascist ideologies though, they're far too soft. They're a part time party for party time racists.


I think you are falling into the trap that others fall into


Wanting out of Europe is currently supported by a majority of the UK population ....  


Is that just subliminal messaging to the good volk of VT, or have you found a recent poll that says 50.1% + want out?

Highest number I can find is two polls back in january that had 40% wanting out. Even the establishment biased BBC says it isn't 50%.


I've found lots of polls where more than 50% want a referendum, but that doesn't auto translate into wanting out.


But anyway, that's a side issue. Are UKIP racist? I don't think they are overtly deliberately conciously racist, they just like people to be and act and think like 'us'. 'Us' being that collective group of middle aged whities that read the Mail or the Sun and presume their personal prejudices are actually just plain good and right. They know they are right, because their media and their social circle agrees with them. They do not posess that self questioning constant reassessment and review thing that afflicts us deep thinking lefties.


These people liked the 1950's and 60's. We had pop music we could be slightly alarmed by, because hair had crept over the collar. We had people called 'the major' that wore cravats but weren't benders. Benders hadn't been invented. Europe was still bloody grateful. Leicester, Luton and Slough were full of stout working class chaps. Cutting edge technology was easier to handle, it was called Angel Delight. The Church of England was all about sensible hair, hetrosexual marriage and a general sense of well being.


They basically jolly well want to turn back the clock. If it could just be 1961 again we'd all be happy.


They like words like:




two hundred weight of potatoes

half inch pipe


coronation chicken


Austin Cambridge



Half ounce of shag








2 days leave booked, I've had a drink

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pints I hope not litres, or maybe a sixth of a gill if its spirit


oooh six of a gill is an excellent call, should have remembered that from my barman days


deliberately didn't use pint as it has too many positive connotations.

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Seems Mr £53 a week may have been telling a few untruths and he actually has £156 a week according to reports ... Hardly a fortune but one wonders why he decided to put out his original claim !!


£156 disposable cash, as in after rent, council tax, bills etc?

I didnt see the original story tbh so dont know more about how his £53 was made up but its being reported in the torygraph as Three times what he claimed on the interview so presumably they've applied the same equation to both

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Seems Mr £53 a week may have been telling a few untruths and he actually has £156 a week according to reports ... Hardly a fortune but one wonders why he decided to put out his original claim !!


£156 disposable cash, as in after rent, council tax, bills etc?

I didnt see the original story tbh so dont know more about how his £53 was made up but its being reported in the torygraph as Three times what he claimed on the interview so presumably they've applied the same equation to both


The £53 will be his allowance, for food, travel etc. The other money is no doubt to cover his rent and bills. It's fairly obvious nobody can pay all their bills AND eat on £53 a week. I can't believe anyone thought that in the first place. 

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