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The New Condem Government


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Well then, what is the VT cabinet waiting for?

Some leadership and direction from ChrisP.

Unfortunately, as seems the politicians' wont, within a day he succumbed to the temptations of the gravy train and is now more concerned with defending his expense claims. :D


Once again we see the ship of an idealistic new dawn crash on the rocks of human frailty. ;)

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If the Libs win, then it helps Cameron as much as hinders - if the libs win, Cleggy can carry on being his doormat, but if they lose, then his MPs will be more inclined to make waves and show they have a spine (hitherto largely invisible), Libs win and the calling for Boris will intensify and there will be more plots to oust call me Dave - so 50-50 in terms of good or Bad for Cameron.


If the tories win, it won't stop their loons calling for more bonkers stuff like ideological cuts and declaring war on Yurp. They'll say their candidate is a red-blooded right winger, and it shows that this is what people want, and they'll carry on being mean to their PR leader.


If the UKIPs win, the tories will go mental with anxiety. I almost want it to happen, just for a laugh at seeing that.


Labour doesn't stand an earthly.

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I'm sure I just saw a clip from Blair's thing on Newsnight where he used the Iranian loss of life in the Iran/Iraq war as some kind of balancing act for the number of lives lost since the invasion of Iraq.

**** me that's some kind of extreme form of self-justification.

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I guess the best gauge for Labour will be to see how much their vote increases and if their "one nation" bollocks is getting through, as you say they never stood a chance in this one

I'm not sure about that - especially as it would be comparing a local election with a general election specifically for one particular purpose.

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Tory vote down by 14%

Lib vote down 14.5%


Ukip vote up by 23%


does that suggest UKIP took the "protest"  vote ? or are they now a new force in UK politics ?




Lab did manage to increase their share of the vote by .22%..maybe the "one nation " message is working , and by 3122 Milliband will be PM :D

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turnout was massively down on the GE. IMO that suggest many Lib Demmers at the last election simply didn't vote, which is understandable given how they have been 'betrayed'.


I'd wager that there has been a large heammorhaging of votes from Tory to UKIP.


Presents Dave (and the tories) with a problem. For years the 'left/centre left' vote got split between Labour and Lib dem (still does), If UKIP are now a serious force, which it seems they are, then that really is a huge worry for The Tories, as it splits the vote on the right.

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does that suggest UKIP took the "protest"  vote ? or are they now a new force in UK politics ?


Mainly the former.  Sometimes in by-elections people will vote for the candidate who seems best placed to beat whoever they are most opposed to.  In this case, it seems quite a lot of people want to vote against the coalition.


Ukip claim to have picked up votes from a lot of people who haven't voted for a long time, which is interesting.  There's a lot of people out there who are disenchanted with traditional party politics and the minimal difference between the main parties.  I imagine Ukip could pick up some of the older, more right wing element of that, and keep it for a while.  I don't think that makes them a new force, so much as a repository for some parts of the widespread discontent with political parties.  At the same time, some of their support may see them as something of a new force.  I'd be surprised if they seem like that looking back ten years from now.

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Lab did manage to increase their share of the vote by .22%..maybe the "one nation " message is working , and by 3122 Milliband will be PM :D


Its early days yet isn’t it. What we can be certain of is that the “ We are all in this together “ and “ Big Society “ party are well and truly ****. They haven’t won an election in 20 years and thankfully it will be a hell of a lot longer before they win another one. :D 


This Eastfield by election couldn’t have gone any worse for the Tories. Trying to deflect any attention to Labour is quite frankly pathetic. Grant Shapps tried it last night on This Week and made himself look like a child. It was embarrassing for him and he really doesn’t come across well.

The knives were already sharpened by many in the Tory party and they will be well and truly out for Cameron now. It should be fun viewing. :D 






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Glad to see Labour didn't make any progress in this election. For all their attempted obstructionism and one nation crap they still couldn't make any progress here. Although unfortunately I can't see anything but a Labour landslide come 2015. I just hope Red Ed's been replaced by then because he would truly be an absolutely awful PM.

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The knives were already sharpened by many in the Tory party and they will be well and truly out for Cameron now. It should be fun viewing. :D


I'd imagine they are worried by two things apart from the simple voting numbers. 


First, the promise of a referendum was supposed to help neutralise Ukip, but hasn't.  I suppose this is only surprising if you see Ukip as mainly attracting votes from people who care passionately about the EU, whereas in fact they are more a repository for disgruntled right-wingers (right whingers, should that be?).


Second, they selected a plodding right-winger as candidate, but that doesn't seem to have worked.


So if playing to the xenophobe gallery on Europe and tacking to the right don't succeed in heading off a loss of votes to the right, that must look worrying.


The tory movers and shakers must be pretty disenchanted with Lord Snooty and Boy George.  Let the plotting commence.

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The knives were already sharpened by many in the Tory party and they will be well and truly out for Cameron now. It should be fun viewing. :D


I'd imagine they are worried by two things apart from the simple voting numbers. 


First, the promise of a referendum was supposed to help neutralise Ukip, but hasn't.  I suppose this is only surprising if you see Ukip as mainly attracting votes from people who care passionately about the EU, whereas in fact they are more a repository for disgruntled right-wingers (right whingers, should that be?).


Second, they selected a plodding right-winger as candidate, but that doesn't seem to have worked.


So if playing to the xenophobe gallery on Europe and tacking to the right don't succeed in heading off a loss of votes to the right, that must look worrying.


The tory movers and shakers must be pretty disenchanted with Lord Snooty and Boy George.  Let the plotting commence.

Merely being opposed to Britain being in the EU isn't xenophobic.

Edited by Mantis
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