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The New Condem Government


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The turnout for the by election will be very low, Lib tossers will win because;-

  • outgoing criminal was very popular MP and his wife and the jury seem to be getting all the bad press
  • the lib voters aren't going to vote Lab (no chance here), Tory (erm do I need to explain?) or UKIP (Libs voting UKIP - nah)
  • UKIP will take Tory votes. Dave is a pinko to some Tories

My prediction

  1. Lib
  2. Tory
  3. UKIP
  4. Lab

with positions 2) and 3) being the closest faught

Lib - no more damage done
Tory - nothing positive will come out of this
UKIP - they'll claim victory from third
Lab - can do no wrong

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George Osbourne lost his credibility a couple of years ago and he has now lost the triple A rating that he has clung onto and raved about. Oh dear oh dear how this **** keeps his job is anyone's guess.

Edited by markavfc40
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George Osbourne lost his credibility a couple of years ago and he has now lost the triple A rating that he has clung onto and raved about. Oh dear oh dear how this **** keeps his job is anyone's guess.


It doesn't matter in the slightest, though Georgie boy seems to think it does.  Another one of his delusions.  Tosser.

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George Osbourne lost his credibility a couple of years ago and he has now lost the triple A rating that he has clung onto and raved about. Oh dear oh dear how this **** keeps his job is anyone's guess.

It doesn't matter in the slightest, though Georgie boy seems to think it does. Another one of his delusions. Tosser.
Correct me if im wrong Peter but haven't you argued in this very thread that the credit agencies opinions count for zilch ??

Edit : ignore me you do indeed say at the beginning of your reply that it doesn't matter ... Must learn to read !!

Edited by tonyh29
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As per one of the bods on Newsnight: economically it ought to (and probably will) matter very little (unless he does indeed use any potential 'wriggle room' - or is it 'wiggle room' (I think that's been debated before on VT) - to look again at policy) but politically it matters a lot.

Edited by snowychap
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George Osborne lost his credibility a couple of years ago and he has now lost the triple A rating that he has clung onto and raved about. Oh dear oh dear how this **** keeps his job is anyone's guess.


It doesn't matter in the slightest, though Georgie boy seems to think it does.  Another one of his delusions.  Tosser.



I am sure Osborne will now agree with you that it doesn't matter one iota despite stating for over 2 years the complete opposite and ramming it down our throats as part of the justification for the ideological cuts.

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George Osborne lost his credibility a couple of years ago and he has now lost the triple A rating that he has clung onto and raved about. Oh dear oh dear how this **** keeps his job is anyone's guess.


It doesn't matter in the slightest, though Georgie boy seems to think it does.  Another one of his delusions.  Tosser.



I am sure Osborne will now agree with you that it doesn't matter one iota despite stating for over 2 years the complete opposite and ramming it down our throats as part of the justification for the ideological cuts.


Yes, he and wee Danny Bhoy are now feverishly talking down the importance of the ratings agencies, having talked them up for the last five years or so.  Idiots.


The ratings agencies are utterly useless.  They give ratings after the event while pretending to predict.  They claim financial expertise while demonstrating a level of incompetence which would be criminally culpable in any other walk of life.  They operate on the basis of an utterly flawed analysis, if such it can be called, of what will sort out the economy.


They know nothing, they are worth nothing, and they should be placed in the ducking stool forthwith.


To his credit, Ed Balls has apparently made similar points, rather than crucifying the pathetic Osborne on the altar of his own genuflection to the morons of the ratings agencies.

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Oh dear oh dear how this **** keeps his job is anyone's guess.

You rarely post anything I agree with but this is unarguable. Osborne is a complete idiot, much like his bezzer the PM. Faced with either these clowns, the two Ed's, or Cleggy, the country really is screwed.
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George Osbourne lost his credibility a couple of years ago and he has now lost the triple A rating that he has clung onto and raved about. Oh dear oh dear how this **** keeps his job is anyone's guess.

Bullingdon and Eton

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"The economic risk of not setting ourselves this benchmark is not one that I am willing to take" - Osborne, 7 Feb 2010


"Safeguard Britain's credit rating..we are taking a political gamble to set this up as a measure of success" - Osborne, 7 Feb 2010


"A downgrade... would mean higher interest rates... could tip us back into recession" - George Osborne, 7 Feb 2010


"Our credit rating is secured" - David Cameron, 16 Feb 2011


"What investor is going to come to the UK when they fear a downgrade of our credit rating" - George Osborne, 27 Feb 2010


"It's absolutely essential that we don't have the downgrade that hangs over the country at the moment" - Osborne, 8 Oct 2009


"Britain faces the humiliating possibility of losing its international credit rating" - George Osborne, 11 Aug 2009




"Benchmarks against which [people] can judge economic success or failure of next govt. 1..Safeguard Britain's credit rating" 2010 Tory manifesto !!!



Edited by drat01
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why oh why did Osborne ever set himself up as a victim of this stupid juvenile self imposed cock up?


because he is too narrow minded and bullishly thick and poorly advised to imagine anything could possibly go wrong with the pure economic genius that was: 'if we stop investing and make ordinary jobs unsafe and unpredictable the private sector fairy will save us all!'


a decent man that understands what he has done to people would now stand down

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because he is too narrow minded and bullishly thick and poorly advised to imagine anything could possibly go wrong with the pure economic genius that was: 'if we stop investing and make ordinary jobs unsafe and unpredictable the private sector fairy will save us all!'


More like "If we make ordinary jobs unsafe and unpredictable, we will drive down wages and drive up profits.  Let's have a low wage, low productivity economy with a parasitic class of financiers attached, who make their money from asset price speculation, not producing things of value."

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because he is too narrow minded and bullishly thick and poorly advised to imagine anything could possibly go wrong with the pure economic genius that was: 'if we stop investing and make ordinary jobs unsafe and unpredictable the private sector fairy will save us all!'


More like "If we make ordinary jobs unsafe and unpredictable, we will drive down wages and drive up profits.  Let's have a low wage, low productivity economy with a parasitic class of financiers attached, who make their money from asset price speculation, not producing things of value."

Add to that the management by fear that this sort of policy encourages and the recipe is all there for the many problems to add to the world induced issues we face.

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I found it interesting that the Mail covered this story of a man who is richer than the Queen deciding to double the rents of his tenant farmers.


Being the Mail, it doesn't go on to ask why we should reward someone who does literally nothing to tax others in this way, while the one who does the productive work gets hammered.  Nor does it wonder how it came about that such a vast amount of land is owned by one man, and why we don't tax land appropriately, break up these big estates, and support productive enterprises.  It doesn't wonder what happens to our food system if food producers must pay vast tributes to the squire, or whether there can conceivably be some connection between this and sourcing horsemeat from dodgy suppliers.


But hey, at least they covered the story, and didn't even include some shots of his teenage daughter outside a club, or his wife in a bikini on a yacht.

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