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Good to see that gobshite IDS being shown up yet again when challenged. Seems that the bully boy tactics are not just limited to Cameron

of course if you gave some clue or a link as to what you are referring we could try and make up our own minds or was it just another random rant ? ;)

Edited by tonyh29
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Good to see that gobshite IDS being shown up yet again when challenged.


Being shown up is not a new experience for him.


Take the humiliating revelations that he had repeatedly and systematically lied about his education and qualifications, for example; a sacking offence in most organisations.


The claim that he studied at the Universita di Perugia (founded 1308) was later found to be incorrect after an investigation by the BBC.[7] His office subsequently admitted that he attended the Italian Università per Stranieri (founded 1921) in Perugia for a year but he didn't obtain any qualifications or finish his exams.[8] In 1975 he attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and was subsequently commissioned into the Scots Guards.[9]

Duncan-Smith's biography, on the Conservative Party website, claimed he was "educated at Dunchurch College of Management" but following questioning by the BBC his office confirmed that he did not get any

qualifications there either, stating that he completed six separate courses lasting a few days each, adding up to about a month in total.[10] Dunchurch was the former staff college for GEC Marconi, for whom Duncan-Smith worked in the 1980s.[11]


Or the recent revelation that he is improperly channelling public funds to someone involved in his "think tank" (I use the term loosely):


"It's totally wrong to take money from a pressure group lobbying your own department," said the Liberal Democrat peer Lord Oakeshott, a former special adviser to Roy Jenkins when he was a Labour home

secretary in the 1970s.


"She must go now, and Iain Duncan Smith and the Cabinet Office must explain why on earth they condoned such a clear breach of the code [of conduct] and the seven principles of public life."


Or handing public cash to his wife for "keeping his diary", as I mentioned earlier.  I wonder what that might involve.  Must be pretty complicated.


Or having his own party pass a vote of no confidence in him.


Or having people he's met casually remark how stupid he is:


This reinvention of IDS, sacked by his party in 2003 on the twin grounds of being preternaturally incompetent and sensationally dim, is one of the wonders of the political age. Shortly after he beat Ken Clarke for

the leadership, I met a man almost literally scratching his head in disbelief. “I used to run into him from time to time at Sloaney country house weekends,” he bemusedly muttered. “Nice enough chap, but the

thickest ex-Guardsman I ever met. And that’s saying something.”


How shameful that such a man can ride roughshod over the living conditions of millions, in pursuit of his empty-headed "reform" agenda, while ramming his snout deep into the trough.

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I'm surprised IDS hasn't just told them to "Get on your bike and look for work".


He should tell the blighters to get out and find work, like his good lady wife does.


She earns £18,000 a year, paid by public funds, for managing Ian's diary. 


It's an object lesson to the idle paupers who can't be bothered to get out and compete for work in the marketplace, and just shows that jobs are there if only you can be bothered to look for them.


She should leave and get a job with Labour mp Tom Harris, she would get an extra £27,000 a year


136 MPs were doing this, in 2010-11.


It is an abuse of the system.


Sir Christopher Kelly, chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, called for Ipsa to look again at allowing the practice amid fears that it could be abused.

"In our report, the committee recommended that MPs should no longer be able to employ family members at taxpayers' expense," he said.


But most of them seem to do things which would be recognised as a proper job.  I'm intrigued by what wee Betsy actually does, because it doesn't sound like office manager, or researcher, or whatever.  As a Minister, he will have a diary secretary in his office.  What is it about his diary that requires his wife to be paid a further £18,000 of public money on top of this, I wonder?  Does he keep a personal diary in a wholly different form, which requires complex integration with his ministerial duties?  Or perhaps it's kept according to the Julian calendar, and she has to interpret his official engagements across to that framework?  Who knows.

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you may not like him, you may think he is useless. That's fine. But I don't think its fair to have a go about him on this, when as you say 136 other mp's do it, some employing more than 1 family member at least 6 pay about £25,000 more another 40 claim about £15,000 more. and IDS pays his wife about 60% of the median. Now I think there should be no relations employed by mp's at all. There should be a set wage for each job to eliminate these wide pay gaps for the same job title. But in terms of nepotism, if Tom Harris is manchester united IDS is probably norwich

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Oh they all reek of half-truths, lies and deceit.


And yet no-one does a thing about the Tories being in the pockets of middle-aged balding directors of Big Business, Big Oil, Big Banks, or that the Labour party is no longer about the labour movement and that it is so out of touch with the country's working class, or that the Lib-Dems are dithering dingleberries, because the electorate is too busy stressing themselves out over their monthly bills to worry about what actually goes on in the back-rooms of Downing Street or Westminster Abbey. And so it will get worse, and worse, and worse because there is no accountability and no solution, yet we cling to the belief that voting one corrupt party out and letting another one in will change a bloody thing.


Yet people still squabble over what a minister of one party did as if we lived in some alternate version of reality wherein pervades the idea that one party is actually better than an other. They are all the bloody same in the end.


Still, get worked up over who said what and who paid who but don't expect anything to get done about it. Meanwhile the men in charge will further **** us up because no-one has a bloody clue how to stop this current boom-bust cycle (or perhaps people do but get shouted down for being daft and non-conformist) and they won't do a bloody useful thing in terms of that great big energy crisis that is begining to loom on the horizon until it is too late and we end up paying through our teeth for oil and gas while eating cheap as shit shetland ponies for dinner.


Oh, shite and onions!

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Good to see that gobshite IDS being shown up yet again when challenged.

Take the humiliating revelations that he had repeatedly and systematically lied about his education and qualifications, for example; a sacking offence in most organisations.

But not serious enough an offence to stop matey boy who lied on his CV the other year winning the apprentice :winkold:

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Not sure that ids got the kicking there that some seem to think he got. Rude and aggressive interviewer trying to provoke him into a difficult place and ids held his own. Realise that wont go down well with some but I clicked on that link expecting to hear something totally different given the frenzy and reaction to how it was being reported

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have to say, listened to the full 15 minutes, they must have edited out the 'explosive bust up', because all I heard was two people with a pre prepared script that just wanted to make their own point and not engage


journalist vs polititcian predictable nil nil draw would have been a more apt appraisal

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have to say, listened to the full 15 minutes, they must have edited out the 'explosive bust up', because all I heard was two people with a pre prepared script that just wanted to make their own point and not engage


journalist vs polititcian predictable nil nil draw would have been a more apt appraisal

was sort of my take on it too
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Not sure that ids got the kicking there that some seem to think he got. Rude and aggressive interviewer trying to provoke him into a difficult place and ids held his own. Realise that wont go down well with some but I clicked on that link expecting to hear something totally different given the frenzy and reaction to how it was being reported

Biased views in this thread ...Surely not :)

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Not sure that ids got the kicking there that some seem to think he got. Rude and aggressive interviewer trying to provoke him into a difficult place and ids held his own. Realise that wont go down well with some but I clicked on that link expecting to hear something totally different given the frenzy and reaction to how it was being reported

Biased views in this thread ...Surely not :)


It's like we've all taken sides based on our political views or something!

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you may not like him, you may think he is useless. That's fine. But I don't think its fair to have a go about him on this, when as you say 136 other mp's do it, some employing more than 1 family member at least 6 pay about £25,000 more another 40 claim about £15,000 more. and IDS pays his wife about 60% of the median. Now I think there should be no relations employed by mp's at all. There should be a set wage for each job to eliminate these wide pay gaps for the same job title. But in terms of nepotism, if Tom Harris is manchester united IDS is probably norwich


Sorry but that it utter rubbish IMO. You are basing your defence solely on the "ahh but Labour ....." school of thinking that seems to prevail when any Tory politician is questioned. As Peter has rightly pointed out IDS has somewhat different circumstances to most other MP's because of his position in this Gv,mt and especially considering his shameful attacks on the less well off in society you would think that if he had a crumb of any social conscience - and I appreciate that this is not something your typical Tory comes with - he would not be claiming this money.


What you are correct about is the abuse that seems to be across various political figures - and I would suggest that this happens at all levels of politics and probably more in lesser jobs. But IDS certainly deserves more scruitiny than others and the resulting abuse

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have to say, listened to the full 15 minutes, they must have edited out the 'explosive bust up', because all I heard was two people with a pre prepared script that just wanted to make their own point and not engage


journalist vs polititcian predictable nil nil draw would have been a more apt appraisal

was sort of my take on it too


Was it?

Your earlier post didn't suggest that, did it?

IDS holding his own against a rude and aggressive interviewer (your post) v two people who wanted to make their own point and not engage (Chris's post).

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Not sure that ids got the kicking there that some seem to think he got. Rude and aggressive interviewer trying to provoke him into a difficult place and ids held his own. Realise that wont go down well with some but I clicked on that link expecting to hear something totally different given the frenzy and reaction to how it was being reported


Kicking?  Where did that come from?


My view is that he's handled it dreadfully, combining weak grasp of stats and inability to explain them, bluster, hectoring, getting drawn into talking over the interviewer and sounding patronising...lots of things which anyone running a media training course would point out as things not to do.  Or was your media training of a different kind?


As for kicking, the image that comes to mind is of a one-legged man at an arse-kicking contest.  Really, what use is the pathetic Iain to anyone?

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