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The New Condem Government


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I see that IDS is now responsible for online adverts that supposedly explain that this Gvmt are targeting people who don't work rather than families. What utter BS that is as all of the analysis has shown that families are some of the worst hit by this Gvmt's actions. I suppose if you are one of the millionaires that are receiving more monies because of the policies then that is OK.

Note: The internet is a wonderful thing :-) - the online ads show that the picture the Tory "ad" uses to portray a typical family has been lifted from an advert put out by Danone in the states for money back coupons. :-) . EDIT: The pic has also been used on various ad campaigns across the globe. Great marketing !!!

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Note: The internet is a wonderful thing :-) - the online ads show that the picture the Tory "ad" uses to portray a typical family has been lifted from an advert put out by Danone in the states for money back coupons. :-) . EDIT: The pic has also been used on various ad campaigns across the globe. Great marketing !!!

Pretty typical and you can find examples g

oing back hundreds of years of stock images. I ve seen images of the same man being hanged several times in the 19thC

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Is it just me that hates this whole "hard working " patronising approach

it's always the hard working nurses , the hard working teachers ..... in a bid to seem appreciative and suggest that anyone who gets paid more than people in these professions is a shirker or exploiter

Why don't we just assume that apart from Ed Millibands speech writer everyone who has a job works hard and then we don't have to constantly refer to "Hard Working " people at every opportunity ...

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No, Tony, it's not just you. The whole way politicians speak drives me mad. Almost all of them speak that way, and it's mostly because they have never had non-political jobs. It's all focus group based, and fear of the media.

It's not though, IMO about suggesting that anyone who gets paid more than people in these professions is a shirker or exploiter. It's just kind of political speak for grouping people together - public service workers are generally not highly paid, they're mostly not paid for (expensively acquired) skills or knowledge, they're not mostly degree holders - they're paid for their labour, their efforts. So they get called "hard working" because they're not "highly skilled" (as in say, engineering sectors), or "brave" (armed forces, firemen, police), or "wonderfully creative" (arts, actors, writers) or "innovative (software, computing, hi-tech start-ups)...you get the picture.

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Is it just me that hates this whole "hard working " patronising approach

it's always the hard working nurses , the hard working teachers ..... in a bid to seem appreciative and suggest that anyone who gets paid more than people in these professions is a shirker or exploiter

Why don't we just assume that apart from Ed Millibands speech writer everyone who has a job works hard and then we don't have to constantly refer to "Hard Working " people at every opportunity ...

Because that would not be true. Interesting that you single out the teachers and the nurses, two areas of the working population that have been particularly impacted by the Tory policies. The whole demonisation (SP?) of what could be called the poorer in society has been one of the core points in the way that the Tory party has tried to get it's message across and despite it being 99% untrue, believed by the general public.
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No, Tony, it's not just you. The whole way politicians speak drives me mad. Almost all of them speak that way, and it's mostly because they have never had non-political jobs. It's all focus group based, and fear of the media.

It's not though, IMO about suggesting that anyone who gets paid more than people in these professions is a shirker or exploiter. It's just kind of political speak for grouping people together - public service workers are generally not highly paid, they're mostly not paid for (expensively acquired) skills or knowledge, they're not mostly degree holders - they're paid for their labour, their efforts. So they get called "hard working" because they're not "highly skilled" (as in say, engineering sectors), or "brave" (armed forces, firemen, police), or "wonderfully creative" (arts, actors, writers) or "innovative (software, computing, hi-tech start-ups)...you get the picture.

Pete is that like saying that any benefit claimant is a scrounger which seems to be the basis of people like IDS and the like's message.
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I think that's a different (but valid) thing, Ian. Yes, they're trying to portray people on social security as lazy, and it's not true in the huge majority of cases, but I think when politicans of any party (they all do it) talk about groups of society, they can't help themselves adding in an adjective or two - hard working etc.

It's a little mini-battle ground they have, to make it seem like they understand exactly wha it's like to be a nurse, a soldier, or a fireman. And they almost all don't. They live quite differnt lives and in many cases don't care to try and actually understand the lives of others. And that's all mainstream parties. And it applies to bankers as well as to nurses. If they understood how merchant bankers thought, rather than chasing their donations, they'd maybe act differently.

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Yeah agree with what Pete is saying really , which was sort of what I was trying to say initially just not quite so well :blush:

To answer Ian's point about benefit claimers

I know a few people on benefits , they are anything but scroungers , my friends daughter is 23 , single mum , works and is putting herself through nursing college in the evenings .. I have a lot of respect for her .... However she then goes on facebook whining about Polish people and benefit scroungers ... I'd say on the whole it's the "hard working" working class people of the UK making more of an issue over the scrounger line than say your average investment banker .... IDS may be going after them , but it's the traditional Labour heartland that he seems to be appealing to and possibly why he can get away with it ...

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So it turns out today that an officer who wasn't even present at the House of Commons was the witness to events of plebgate ... And that its quite possible that the story was made up

Who'd have thunk it

Of course Mitchell was posh and didnt deserve a fair hearing but heaven forbide could he have been telling the truth all along and the police were fibbing

Watch this space

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So it seems that David Cameron's hunt (and that is not a rhyming slang) has been prosecuted for cruelty. While he is associated with organisations like that it's not hard for the average person in the street to question his upbringing and ability to relate to them.

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So it turns out today that an officer who wasn't even present at the House of Commons was the witness to events of plebgate ... And that its quite possible that the story was made up

Who'd have thunk it

Of course Mitchell was posh and didnt deserve a fair hearing but heaven forbide could he have been telling the truth all along and the police were fibbing

Watch this space

So where is this Tony? From what I read on the BBC, it said

A police officer's claim that he witnessed a row outside Downing Street involving ex-chief whip Andrew Mitchell is being probed by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

It said it was "considering the validity of the officer's claim", which he apparently made to his local MP.

The police constable was arrested on suspicion of misconduct in a public office on Saturday.

As you well know Mitchell admitted abusing the police, if he was as innocent as you are making out then why did he not stay?

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Funny how some of the deflection stories concerning the Tory party are emerging just at the same time as people are questioning their views on subjects such as Gay Marriage. Cameron et al would have you believe that the Tory party are forward looking and has depending on which day it is both supported and been against the idea of gay marriage. It seems that some of the rank and file members are pretty vocal with their homophobic views (maybe that is what happens when you get close to Russians? :-) ) and that is not good for the party image.

Cameron has handled the whole Gay marriage thing really badly. His last view that he stated was he was in favour and he should have at that point either come out (oooo errrr missus) and said that all MP's had a free vote on this or declared the party line for the Tory / Lib Dem's. Basically it's a mess

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So where is this Tony? From what I read on the BBC, it said

As you well know Mitchell admitted abusing the police, if he was as innocent as you are making out then why did he not stay?

You and a few others wouldn't even accept the notion that he didn't use the word pleb.. He had to be lying and the police don't make stuff up (except of course when it fits the agenda that the police do of course make things up )

He admitted swearing towards the police , he denied using the word pleb and still does

The papers whipped ( did you see what i did there ) up a storm and Mitchell lost his job

But nobody seemed to care that maybe Mitchell was telling the truth , it wasn't called doyourfuckingjobgate , it was called plebgate...and was all about the have's and have nots , PROOF that this government was out of touch etc etc

And now it seems the chief witness who leaked his notes to the press , doesn't appear to have even been there

It's "possibly"another nail in trial by media / twitter / Stephen Fry and maybe people at large will wait for enquiries etc to be held rather than baying for blood .... But we all know that wont happen

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Funny how some of the deflection stories concerning the Tory party are emerging just at the same time as people are questioning their views on subjects such as Gay Marriage. Cameron et al would have you believe that the Tory party are forward looking and has depending on which day it is both supported and been against the idea of gay marriage. It seems that some of the rank and file members are pretty vocal with their homophobic views (maybe that is what happens when you get close to Russians? :-) ) and that is not good for the party image.

Cameron has handled the whole Gay marriage thing really badly. His last view that he stated was he was in favour and he should have at that point either come out (oooo errrr missus) and said that all MP's had a free vote on this or declared the party line for the Tory / Lib Dem's. Basically it's a mess

As own goals go this up there with very your best :-)

Three MPs – Joe Benton, Jim Dobbin and Mary Glindon – and the Labour peer Lord Anderson of Swansea signed an open letter protesting that the Government had no mandate to “redefine marriage”.

Other senior Labour MPs, including frontbench spokesmen, are expected to vote against the proposals out of religious conviction.

Miliband argued that the issue was a matter of conscience and “religious principle” and should be subject to a free vote for MPs other than shadow Cabinet members.

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So it seems that David Cameron's hunt (and that is not a rhyming slang) has been prosecuted for cruelty. While he is associated with organisations like that it's not hard for the average person in the street to question his upbringing and ability to relate to them.

Tbh the fine wasn't big enough , no place in the 21st century for hunting animals and prison would have been better

but i do have to question the value of the RSPCA spending nearly £350k on this ...

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The papers whipped ( did you see what i did there ) up a storm and Mitchell lost his job

I don't think that's really true.

I think that Mitchell's job was done for from the moment he lost his rag with the police at the gates, regardless of what he actually said.

It could be argued that 'plebgate' actually stayed the executioner's axe.

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