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The New Condem Government


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:-) - I see the Tory party followers are pretty deafening re that complete and utter idiot Theresa May. Yet another member of this awful abortion of a Gvmt who has tried to blame their own failings on others. She is a complete and utter waste of air (as are most if not all of the Gvmt) and the sooner she resigns the better

Play along at home now folks ....


Good to see that you resort to abuse of posters rather than any comment on May. Well within the rules of VT I see

Your hypocrisy at outrage you used to rush to VT about when Labour were in power shines through like a 100000000W bulb Tony. why not actually comment on how you think May is doing, on the mistakes and lies she is guilty of. Why not comment on other members of the Gvmt and their performance, as Gareth points out it seems that the Tory party are still full of rewarding their own.

How's about some comment on the increases in the unemployed?

What about Gideon's failing as the Gov of the Bank of england downscales growth estimates yet again?

What about the defence cuts that have caused increased spending?

As for hypocrisy how about the changes that Cameron wants to make about his e-petition initiative?

How about the deflection that some tried in announcing that a drop in inflation to ONLY 5% was somehow a success?

Come on Tony unless you want to play abuse other posters as your only contribution. I look forward to yours and the Tory supporters defence on their Gvmt ........... and the usual ahhhh-but-Labour reply

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calm down Dear ... where is the abuse of a poster ? surely if a rule had been broken then there would have been some nice red ink under my post ?

firstly 100000000W bulbs were outlawed when Blair signed us up to the climate change programme when he mistook 15% cuts on domestic emissions for 60% of an entire country but I digress

What lies is May guilty of exactly ? She authorised a pilot scheme which involved some relaxation of border controls for certain groups who were, fairly obviously, not terrorists. She expressly stated that this relaxation should not extend to dropping the fingerprint test ....Clarke then authorised the relaxation of fingerprint tests.

EDIT :hasn't Clark admitted on this morning's Today programme he was at fault not to check before going native on fingerprint confirmations ?

Maybe when hard evidence that May was given information, orally or in writing, about what was actually going on at the borders comes out then I guess she becomes guilty , but surely not before ?

Weren't the relaxing of certain checks on EU nationals from pre-existing health and safety guidance dating back to 2007 anyway ?

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:-) - I see the Tory party followers are pretty deafening re that complete and utter idiot Theresa May. Yet another member of this awful abortion of a Gvmt who has tried to blame their own failings on others. She is a complete and utter waste of air (as are most if not all of the Gvmt) and the sooner she resigns the better
Not a comment about this post specifically, but this is just one of many posts by people on a topic that has intrigued me for a while and that it how strange it is that people feel free to make a personal comment on someone, some abuse if you will when they have never actually met them.

I mean there are people I would gladly describe as a twunt or waste of air but then at least I have had the chance to have met them in the main. I just find it strange that people can offer personal comments on others they have never met. It is a trait that people have when talking about others in the public eye. We see the comments about so and so on such and such show or in the public eye all the time and I often feel that should we have to meet these people we may actually be entirely different with them and may even end up liking them, but nevertheless we feel free to make the abuse. For me it can weaken the point trying to be made. I mean in this case in particular, sure someone might have an issue with the way in which this role has been carried out, but to call someone a waste of air because of that does the point no favours. I mean she has not been responsible for mass murder or such a thing I would normally say someone does not deserve air for?.

On Theresa May, as with everything, if she has done wrong and so it is proved then I am sure appropriate action will be taken against her. But she still deserves the air to breath as much as I or anyone else.

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On Theresa May, as with everything, if she has done wrong and so it is proved then I am sure appropriate action will be taken against her.

Why should it have to be 'proved'?

BTW, having watched the testimony of both Brodie Clark and Rob Whiteman yesterday and some of the appallingly poor (and in some cases pretty partisan) questioning, I would say that none of the main protagonists ought to come out of this in a good light.

I think that the worst of May's actions (rather like that of Mr Bollocks with Shoesmith) was the speed at which she sought to hang someone else out to dry.

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On Theresa May, as with everything, if she has done wrong and so it is proved then I am sure appropriate action will be taken against her.

Why should it have to be 'proved'?

Because if someone is going to have some form of disciplinary action taken against them then surely we would want that proven? Innocent until proven guilty extends to all doesn't it?

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On Theresa May, as with everything, if she has done wrong and so it is proved then I am sure appropriate action will be taken against her.

Indeed. If Ms.May is found guilty of wrongdoing, and recent history is anything to go by, I am sure that she will be condemned to some commissioners job in Brussels with a piffling 6 figure salary, and expenses that are fixed beforehand.

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So basically May is telling lies to protect her own arse.

Also little I see in respect to the frankly appalling jobless figures and the record long term youth unemployment levels? I remember how the "mob" were preaching about a scorched earth policy, which was proven to be incorrect. The ironic thing is this Gvmt are actually carrying that out with a passion with its policies which have done nothing in terms of generating new work, especially when one of their flagship soundbites was "don't worry about the massive Job losses from the Public sector the private sector will pick these people up".

There is nothing whatsoever coming from the mouths of Gideon, Cameron and their hangers on to install any sort of credibility to their flawed policies. They have no idea, nor do they care. The riots we saw will happen again and again and the social damage that the Tory policies are forcing through with support from Tory-Lite Lib Dems will cause major mayhem for years to come. As we had before when Thatcherism imposed on this country the haves and have-not's will be clear dividing lines. I wonder what the actors from the "blackstuff" are doing? they may well soon have another series to act in

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Because if someone is going to have some form of disciplinary action taken against them then surely we would want that proven?

Who is suggesting that she has 'disciplinary measures' taken against her?

I am suggesting that her position on the matter (together with the others involved) looks, at least, a bit dodgy and almost certainly a bit incompetent.

Innocent until proven guilty extends to all doesn't it?

Why so absolute?

She's not being charged with a criminal offence, is she? Her actions and judgement (as with Brodie Clark and Rob Whiteman) are, for me at least, of questionable quality.

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Because if someone is going to have some form of disciplinary action taken against them then surely we would want that proven?

Doesn't look like Brodie Clark was able to have that apply to him, by the way.
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So basically May is telling lies to protect her own arse.

Says who ?

Id have thought if someone was going to raise allegations then surely they would post the evidence to go with it ? Otherwise the sentence needs an "IMO" at the end of it because that is all it appears to be at the moment ?

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Says the civil servant - Clark. He says she blamed him (which she did) without evidence. And she won't release the e mails etc. No credit to anyone has come from this, as I think Richard said. It'll run and run, I imagine.

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Unemployment continuing to rise at an alarming rate at now at its highest level since 1994. Youth unemployment at its highest level since records began. Growth forecasts revised down.

Another day that shows what most already know - that what the Government is doing simply isn't working. I genuinely fear for where this country is heading. We are on the verge of having a lost generation and it all has the distinct smell of the eighties under Thatcher.

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Out of interest do you beleive had Brown formed another government that the UK economy would now be booming and everything would be ok in the uk ? Or would things still be pretty much as they are just with a Greek style bailout on the cards due to out of control spending ?

I'm fairly sure things wouldn't have been any different no matter who was / is in charge

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Out of interest do you beleive had Brown formed another government that the UK economy would now be booming and everything would be ok in the uk ? Or would things still be pretty much as they are just with a Greek style bailout on the cards due to out of control spending ?

I'm fairly sure things wouldn't have been any different no matter who was / is in charge

And of course, they could be considerably worse. I assume that the left would try to spend the way out of their recession, which is basically what the Greeks have been doing.

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Unemployment continuing to rise at an alarming rate at now at its highest level since 1994. Youth unemployment at its highest level since records began. Growth forecasts revised down.

Another day that shows what most already know - that what the Government is doing simply isn't working. I genuinely fear for where this country is heading. We are on the verge of having a lost generation and it all has the distinct smell of the eighties under Thatcher.

It has the same smell because the circumstances are the same as 1979. A useless, half-witted socialist government had made a complete mess of the economy and it is up to a capitalist government to sort it out.

The difference this time is that the socialists had a much longer period over which to screw things up, and the capitalist government has a number of socialist liberals in its ranks.

And your generation, and the next one, have already been lost by Blair, Brown and their cronies.

The country is completely screwed, and there is no way out.

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This is the major problem in all this isn’t it. The current people running the country failing to take responsibility for what is happening – lack of growth, rising unemployment, is either down to the previous Government and now down to the problems in the euro zone.

Did the previous Government make mistakes? Damn right they did but they certainly are not solely responsible for where we and the rest of the world found ourselves when this mob took charge in 2010.

They have now been in power for 18 months. They hid behind reducing the deficit to bring in what were/are clearly ideologically led policies in terms of the reckless cuts to public services. The promise was that the hundreds of thousands of job losses in the public sector would be offset by the jobs created in the private sector. Well what have we now found 18 months down the line? Unemployment rising at an alarming rate, now at levels not seen since the early 90’s and certain to get worse, youth unemployment at its highest since records began and growth at 0.5% and mid term predictions revised down.

The general consensus is now that the deficit will not now be wiped out by 2014/15, which was given as the carrot for the austerity measures/cuts, but that the deficit may well be as high as 100 billion come the end of this parliament.

We can argue the toss for ever and a day as to the reasons for where we found ourselves in 2010 and it won’t make a blind bit of difference. What matters is the here and now and it is clear for all to see that the measures the Government has taken since coming in to power, and continue to make, have not and will continue not to work.

On a very human level what I find most concerning is that once again it is the poorest and most vulnerable that are suffering under the Tories and that is simply not a price worth paying.

I’ll be honest I’m pretty comfortably off and would welcome tax rises for those that can afford it if that ensures that public services are kept to or helped to reach a high standard, pensioners don’t have to choose between keeping warm or going hungry, a disabled person doesn’t have their benefits cut and someone else can keep their job.

It is sickening to see the effects the Governments policies are having now and no one with any morals should be happy with what is happening.

Being led by a Government sticking their heads in the sand, continuing forward with policies that clearly aren’t working and blaming everyone else is not the way forward for this country. They need to accept that they have gone about things in the wrong way and come up with a plan B ASAP.

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Did the previous Government make mistakes? Damn right they did but they certainly are not solely responsible for where we and the rest of the world found ourselves when this mob took charge in 2010.

Had you used the word 'global' it would have been straight out of Gordon's book. Reckless is an adjective you used to describe the current government, a word that is so appropriate for those who put us in this mess.

I’ll be honest I’m pretty comfortably off and would welcome tax rises for those that can afford it if that ensures that public services are kept to or helped to reach a high standard, pensioners don’t have to choose between keeping warm or going hungry, a disabled person doesn’t have their benefits cut and someone else can keep their job.

You know, I am pretty comfortably off as well, and I have long been a supporter of raising income taxes for all. If you are a low earner you don't pay much, and if you are a higher earner you pay a lot more, the fairest way.

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