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The New Condem Government


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I realised things were going seriously tits about 15 years ago when Labour started pumping out PFI deals - hospitals, prisons etc.

Short term fix and now as a nation we are haemoraging billions on bad deals with private companies - many Arab owned

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but didn't they say in their manifesto the other time they were going to have a referndum on the euro and do the exact opposite

Yeah, damn them for bringing in the euro, I miss the pound ...oh wait.

They said they'd hold a referendum on the euro when certain key tests had been met that meant it was in our interests to join. They were never met, ergo no referendum, no euro.

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no not just the euro, when conditions were met, the manifesto said they would hold a referendom on the constitution, particularly the the Lisbon treaty. They did totally the opposite. Not that I am either for or against the EU, its more that its a bit rich to quote the labour manifesto as anything truthfull

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again, it matters not who is in charge. both parties have vested interests and both have plenty of fingers in the cities pies.

no point squabbling over party politics, it's a system well past it's expiry date and anyone who still clings onto it in desperation of repeating past glories is a bit of a boob.

That's right.

Party politics is not where it's at. The vacuous consensus of Labour and Tories has emasculated party politics for a generation, but the media, conditioned as they are to the past, still refer to these organisations for their quotes and guidance.

It's moved on. People have moved on. Politics is moving on to the street.

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but didn't they say in their manifesto the other time they were going to have a referndum on the euro and do the exact opposite

Yeah, damn them for bringing in the euro, I miss the pound ...oh wait.

They said they'd hold a referendum on the euro when certain key tests had been met that meant it was in our interests to join. They were never met, ergo no referendum, no euro.

The five economic tests were an invention because they knew they would never win a referendum.

What is essential for the success of EMU is genuine convergence among the economies that take part, without any fudging of the rules. However, to exclude British membership of EMU forever would be to destroy any influence we have over a process which will affect us whether we are in or out. We must therefore play a full part in the debate to influence it in Britain's interests.

In any event, there are three pre-conditions which would have to be satisfied before Britain could join during the next Parliament: first, the Cabinet would have to agree; then Parliament; and finally the people would have to say 'Yes' in a referendum.

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So, the report about Fox is as bland and superficial as predicted. Much lifting of carpets and sweeping of dirt.

It will be left to the newspapers to follow up the important questions.

And Fox steps into the shadows with a bung of £17,000, to return when they judge the dust has settled.

Though it raises an interesting possibility of an inventive defence for those accused of far lesser offences, eg theft: "It appears that the boundaries have become blurred between my property and that of other people. I recognise that this might give the unfortunate but mistaken impression that I may have done something wrong, and I wish to apologise if any such mistaken impression may have arisen. Can I get the 17 grand now?"

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Fair play to Cameron , stuck his neck out on Libya and it appears to have come off .. excellent speech outside number 10 , not gloating just statesman like ...

Libya wont be a vote winner for him in the UK but it will have enhanced his and the UK's reputation around the globe

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i'm not sure this 'show the libyans we are on their side so we can get cheaper oil and sell them guns' strategy will work. sure, they are thankful now, but I can't imagine many of the old men with long memories sure to take control will be too thankful of the pleasantries british prime ministers have shown their former dictator in the past.

it'll be interesting to see how it develops.

i agree that he's done no harm to his relations with the french and 'mericans, whether or not that is shared by the emerging countries is another matter. they probably just see it as another 'look at those westerners getting their grubby hands on oil again'.

which it is.

it's always a dodgy game, this whole 'national interest first' caper.

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'show the libyans we are on their side so we can get cheaper oil and sell them guns' strategy will work

wasn't that what the previous government did by wooing Gaddafi and freeing Ali al-Megrah because BP asked them to ?

Maybe Cameron saw the wind of change and gambled ..maybe he acted because it was the right thing to do ..you have to remember that despite Obama now trying to jump on the bandwagon the US didn't want to get involved in Libya so the UK and French went alone to start with

be interesting to see how it pans out .. bit of luck the cheap oil will follow though :winkold:

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not gloating just statesman like ...

Really. I thought he came across as he usually does. A pompous prick born with a silver spoon in his mouth spouting what had been fed to him and never speaking from the heart.

Statesman like he will never be.

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not gloating just statesman like ...

Really. I thought he came across as he usually does. A pompous prick born with a silver spoon in his mouth spouting what had been fed to him and never speaking from the heart.

Statesman like he will never be.

Oh, i dunno! :winkold:


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Really. I thought he came across as he usually does. A pompous prick born with a silver spoon in his mouth spouting what had been fed to him and never speaking from the heart.

would you like salt and vinegar with that chip ?

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'show the libyans we are on their side so we can get cheaper oil and sell them guns' strategy will work

wasn't that what the previous government did by wooing Gaddafi and freeing Ali al-Megrah because BP asked them to ?

Maybe Cameron saw the wind of change and gambled ..maybe he acted because it was the right thing to do ..you have to remember that despite Obama now trying to jump on the bandwagon the US didn't want to get involved in Libya so the UK and French went alone to start with

be interesting to see how it pans out .. bit of luck the cheap oil will follow though :winkold:

Saw the wind of change? Please. mr opportunist gambled with inflation to try and grab more oil. Its not the oil I have a problem with because whether we like it or not its the most valuable worldwide commodity and we all need it and consume it by the bucket load.

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Fair play to Cameron , stuck his neck out on Libya and it appears to have come off .. excellent speech outside number 10 , not gloating just statesman like ...

Libya wont be a vote winner for him in the UK but it will have enhanced his and the UK's reputation around the globe


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Cameron was trying to claim some sort of victory for himself yesterday. A more odious prick you will struggle to find. Statesmanlike? You are having a laugh Tony, he looked and sounded nothing like that.

It will be interesting how many Tory party donations are rewarded in the coming weeks in Libya

In a week where the Thatcher rumours are now so loud and her part in the Hillsborough cover up, it's interesting that Cameron is trying to claim that Gadaffi's overthrow by the people of Libya is in somehow a victory for the UK. Maybe he and his cronies would actually like to spend a few more weeks and efforts in the UK (must be due for holiday number 7 this year) trying to sort out the abortion that he and Gideon have put forward as economic salvation.

Or maybe a deflection with a referendum (and the associated lies) about EU will sufficiently deflect. Its not as though we should worry about rising inflation, massive job losses, stagnation in growth figures, rising heating bills and decreasing allowances to the elderly, crime figures rising, NHS being dismantled, sleaze in the cabinet (e.g. Fox), ineptitude in the cabinet (e.g. Letwin), Tory councils voting themselves 25% rises, Cameron telling liues again about the number of private sector jobs ....... - what a great week it has been again for statesman Cameron !

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Fair play to Cameron , stuck his neck out on Libya and it appears to have come off .. excellent speech outside number 10 , not gloating just statesman like ...

Libya wont be a vote winner for him in the UK but it will have enhanced his and the UK's reputation around the globe

Seriously? All the facts regarding the start of the conflict point towards the French government initiating the action. Cameron hardly stuck his neck out by agreeing with the French any more than condemning the French plans and actions would have been.

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