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The New Condem Government


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I can.

But I suspect a lot of them didn't realise they were merely replacing one party of city-backed sleaze bags with another as the chaps at the top jobs decided to change tact after they realised Mr Brown wasn't as good a performing monkey as Mr Blair.

You actually thought the Torie party was NOT full of city backed sleaze bags. Have you heard of the Bullingdown club or have you looked at where the majority of there donations come from - you guesed it City co operates. The Irony in you last statement is unreal.

Some may argue that there is no difference I would argue there is a difference and a very big difference.

- Retirement age increased to 67.

- Privatization of the NHS.

- University fees increasing from 3k to 10k.

- Tax breaks for the richest 0.5%.

- pensions decreases.

- unemployment 2.5 million

- double dip recession

I can totally see why the average working person would vote for them. What Cameron knows about fairness, equality and basic rights you can right on a grain of rice with a marker pen...!

All those who voted for Cameron are finding out just what a Torie goverment is about.

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I can.

But I suspect a lot of them didn't realise they were merely replacing one party of city-backed sleaze bags with another as the chaps at the top jobs decided to change tact after they realised Mr Brown wasn't as good a performing monkey as Mr Blair.

You actually thought the Torie party was NOT full of city backed sleaze bags. Have you heard of the Bullingdown club or have you looked at where the majority of there donations come from - you guesed it City co operates. The Irony in you last statement is unreal.

I can't see where he says he thought that. Maybe you miss read his post?

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Only seen a small bit of this story and all sorts of suggestions seem to be in cyberspace

So is Fox gay, a super spy,an Israeli plant , a neo nazi , all of the above or are we still guessing ?

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Only seen a small bit of this story and all sorts of suggestions seem to be in cyberspace

So is Fox gay, a super spy,an Israeli plant , a neo nazi , all of the above or are we still guessing ?

Gay seems to be pretty much a given, though no-one seems too concerned about his sexuality (except many below-the-line comments in the Torygraph), but they don't like the lying that accompanies it.

Breaching the ministerial code is fully accepted even by Fox's most uncritical and fawning supporters (eg Peter Bone MP), though people like said Bone think that saying sorry is a perfectly adequate response to this.

Soliciting money from companies with direct financial interests in either making or selling on defence equipment seems to be the current concern.

Slightly below the surface, and where further inquiry is absolutely required, is the suggestion of being closely influenced by shadowy groups and individuals which are part of, variously, the further reaches of the neocon right, the US intelligence service, the Israeli government, and so on. It is suggested that he has in effect been running a shadow defence/foreign policy, working for the interests of this coterie of groups rather than following official policy. This is presently in the realm of suggestions rather than firmly established facts, hence the need for further investigation.

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All of the above then :-)

Suppose the question to ask is how the heck did he get away with it for so long , don't we have sone form of checks on MP's and cabinet ministers in particular !!!

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I can.

But I suspect a lot of them didn't realise they were merely replacing one party of city-backed sleaze bags with another as the chaps at the top jobs decided to change tact after they realised Mr Brown wasn't as good a performing monkey as Mr Blair.

You actually thought the Torie party was NOT full of city backed sleaze bags. Have you heard of the Bullingdown club or have you looked at where the majority of there donations come from - you guesed it City co operates. The Irony in you last statement is unreal.

I can't see where he says he thought that. Maybe you miss read his post?

I was talking to those with regards to those who voted Torie.

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I can.

- Retirement age increased to 67.

- Privatization of the NHS.

- University fees increasing from 3k to 10k.

- Tax breaks for the richest 0.5%.

- pensions decreases.

- unemployment 2.5 million

- double dip recession

I can totally see why the average working person would vote for them. What Cameron knows about fairness, equality and basic rights you can right on a grain of rice with a marker pen...!

All those who voted for Cameron are finding out just what a Torie goverment is about.

Weird set of things to make your point with!

- Retirement age increased to 67 - Plans to increase retirement age announced by former Labour government.

- Privatization of the NHS - NHS spending doubled under Labour government with no notable improvement in standard of care, is it wrong to try a different approach?

- University fees increasing from 3k to 10k. - University tuition fees introduced by Labour government, did they think they would never go up?

- Tax breaks for the richest 0.5%. - Not sure which piece of legislation you're referring to?

- pensions decreases. - This one is the most laughable point to make after Mr Brown's record on pensions.

- unemployment 2.5 million - Unemployment has been trending upwards since 1992

- double dip recession - Under which government did the economic crisis and first dip of the recession start? Do you remember who stood before parliament and proclaimed 'Gone are the days of boom and bust'?

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I can.

- Retirement age increased to 67.

- Privatization of the NHS.

- University fees increasing from 3k to 10k.

- Tax breaks for the richest 0.5%.

- pensions decreases.

- unemployment 2.5 million

- double dip recession

I can totally see why the average working person would vote for them. What Cameron knows about fairness, equality and basic rights you can right on a grain of rice with a marker pen...!

All those who voted for Cameron are finding out just what a Torie goverment is about.

Weird set of things to make your point with!

- Retirement age increased to 67 - Plans to increase retirement age announced by former Labour government.

- Privatization of the NHS - NHS spending doubled under Labour government with no notable improvement in standard of care, is it wrong to try a different approach?

- University fees increasing from 3k to 10k. - University tuition fees introduced by Labour government, did they think they would never go up?

- Tax breaks for the richest 0.5%. - Not sure which piece of legislation you're referring to?

- pensions decreases. - This one is the most laughable point to make after Mr Brown's record on pensions.

- unemployment 2.5 million - Unemployment has been trending upwards since 1992

- double dip recession - Under which government did the economic crisis and first dip of the recession start? Do you remember who stood before parliament and proclaimed 'Gone are the days of boom and bust'?

Not weird at all.

Retirement age increase accelerated.

Massive improvements WERE seen in the NHS.Length of waiting lists were at an all time low, they are now rising rapidly.

University fees were trebled within one year.

Tax breaks for the richest 0.5% were on Osbornes wish list, only the possibility of a Lib Dem revolt prevented this.

Brown demanded that pension funds carried enough funds to cover their future liabilities and set up a funded reserve to protect the pensions of workers whos employers go bust. Something no Tory government would ever do. Expect this protection to be removed if Georgie Porgy has anything to do with it.

Unemployment, particularly youth unemployment dropped drastically after 1997. It hasn't taken the Tories long to start making our young people pay that "price worth paying"

Still trying to blame Brown for the world banking crisis. That crisis is still with us. The only difference is we have a fiscal idiot with his hand on the

tiller now, so things are rapidly deterioating.Incidentally, Brown may not have achieved an end to boom and bust, but he did preside over the longest period of sustained growth in our economy in recent times. History I think will be a kinder judge of him than those with a vested interest in denigrating the man.

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I can.

- Retirement age increased to 67.

- Privatization of the NHS.

- University fees increasing from 3k to 10k.

- Tax breaks for the richest 0.5%.

- pensions decreases.

- unemployment 2.5 million

- double dip recession

I can totally see why the average working person would vote for them. What Cameron knows about fairness, equality and basic rights you can right on a grain of rice with a marker pen...!

All those who voted for Cameron are finding out just what a Torie goverment is about.

Weird set of things to make your point with!

- Retirement age increased to 67 - Plans to increase retirement age announced by former Labour government.

- Privatization of the NHS - NHS spending doubled under Labour government with no notable improvement in standard of care, is it wrong to try a different approach?

- University fees increasing from 3k to 10k. - University tuition fees introduced by Labour government, did they think they would never go up?

- Tax breaks for the richest 0.5%. - Not sure which piece of legislation you're referring to?

- pensions decreases. - This one is the most laughable point to make after Mr Brown's record on pensions.

- unemployment 2.5 million - Unemployment has been trending upwards since 1992

- double dip recession - Under which government did the economic crisis and first dip of the recession start? Do you remember who stood before parliament and proclaimed 'Gone are the days of boom and bust'?

Not weird at all.

Retirement age increase accelerated.

Massive improvements WERE seen in the NHS.Length of waiting lists were at an all time low, they are now rising rapidly.

University fees were trebled within one year.

Tax breaks for the richest 0.5% were on Osbornes wish list, only the possibility of a Lib Dem revolt prevented this.

Brown demanded that pension funds carried enough funds to cover their future liabilities and set up a funded reserve to protect the pensions of workers whos employers go bust. Something no Tory government would ever do. Expect this protection to be removed if Georgie Porgy has anything to do with it.

Unemployment, particularly youth unemployment dropped drastically after 1997. It hasn't taken the Tories long to start making our young people pay that "price worth paying"

Still trying to blame Brown for the world banking crisis. That crisis is still with us. The only difference is we have a fiscal idiot with his hand on the

tiller now, so things are rapidly deterioating.Incidentally, Brown may not have achieved an end to boom and bust, but he did preside over the longest period of sustained growth in our economy in recent times. History I think will be a kinder judge of him than those with a vested interest in denigrating the man.

Great post.

The Tories have played the card, its Labours fault for getting us into this mess. Yet at the time of the boom I don't not recall Cameron or any of his chums saying we are heading for a recession lets stop the banks ect ect ect.

They committed themselves to Labours spending plans untill 2010. THATS RIGHT 2010.! Yet they still blame Labour even though they would have done exacly the same with the economy.

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again, it matters not who is in charge. both parties have vested interests and both have plenty of fingers in the cities pies.

no point squabbling over party politics, it's a system well past it's expiry date and anyone who still clings onto it in desperation of repeating past glories is a bit of a boob.

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this country has gone to the dogs

You can thanks the 10 million people who voted Torie for that.

like it would have been any better with Labour at the helm.

lol Did you see the points I made before.

Labour are not perfect far from it - but a lot more good would come from them than voting Torie for the average working person. However if you are in the 0.5% richest in the UK then there would be a lot more policies which you benefit from if you voted Torie.

- University Fees would NOT have been put up from 3 k to 10k.

- The NHS would not be privatized

- The cuts would not have been as reckless and as ruthless as the Tories although there would have been cuts.

- VAT would not have been incresed.

- Pension age would not have been increased.

- There would not be Tax breaks for the richest, in a time when we are being told that we have to cut cut cut, EXCEPT if your rich.

If you seriously want the above to happen then dont vote TORIE.

Dont even go there with the whole Labour would be just as bad card. It just does not add up.

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again, it matters not who is in charge. both parties have vested interests and both have plenty of fingers in the cities pies.

no point squabbling over party politics, it's a system well past it's expiry date and anyone who still clings onto it in desperation of repeating past glories is a bit of a boob.

Although a lot of the parties have vested intersted.

There is STILL enough differnces between parties in order to vote.

Hoe can you not want to better the NHS system, Schools, ecconomy and equality ect ect ect.

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this country has gone to the dogs

You can thanks the 10 million people who voted Torie for that.

like it would have been any better with Labour at the helm.

lol Did you see the points I made before.

Labour are not perfect far from it - but a lot more good would come from them than voting Torie for the average working person. However if you are in the 0.5% richest in the UK then there would be a lot more policies which you benefit from if you voted Torie.

- University Fees would NOT have been put up from 3 k to 10k.

- The NHS would not be privatized

- The cuts would not have been as reckless and as ruthless as the Tories although there would have been cuts.

- VAT would not have been incresed.

- Pension age would not have been increased.

- There would not be Tax breaks for the richest, in a time when we are being told that we have to cut cut cut, EXCEPT if your rich.

If you seriously want the above to happen then dont vote TORIE.

Dont even go there with the whole Labour would be just as bad card. It just does not add up.

how do you know labour wouldn't have done any of those things

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this country has gone to the dogs

You can thanks the 10 million people who voted Torie for that.

like it would have been any better with Labour at the helm.

lol Did you see the points I made before.

Labour are not perfect far from it - but a lot more good would come from them than voting Torie for the average working person. However if you are in the 0.5% richest in the UK then there would be a lot more policies which you benefit from if you voted Torie.

Its really not rocket science, its called reading their Manifesto.

- University Fees would NOT have been put up from 3 k to 10k.

- The NHS would not be privatized

- The cuts would not have been as reckless and as ruthless as the Tories although there would have been cuts.

- VAT would not have been incresed.

- Pension age would not have been increased.

- There would not be Tax breaks for the richest, in a time when we are being told that we have to cut cut cut, EXCEPT if your rich.

If you seriously want the above to happen then dont vote TORIE.

Dont even go there with the whole Labour would be just as bad card. It just does not add up.

how do you know labour wouldn't have done any of those things

Its really not rocket science, its called reading their Manifesto.

They have opposed nearly all of the above. Just because you dont hear about it in the Daily Fail and the tabloids it does not mean you have to make all of the above changes.

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