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The New Condem Government


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so, as bollitics appears to have dropped of the VillaTalk radar completely for some reason, I thought i'd bump with a:


The dodgy doc. Not content with name stealing ....




It the natural Tory order of things as far as I know.

Riots adn loss of law and order, create poverty where possible, create unemployment where possible, sleaze and coming soon a few Tory cabinet members found dead with oranges in gob on kitchen table or similar dressed in the normal Tory uniform.

I just want someone on the BBC to ask the Dr. what we all want to ask him.... "Is he your special travel friend" in the style of the Inbetweeners.


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so, as bollitics appears to have dropped of the VillaTalk radar completely for some reason, I thought i'd bump with a:

To be honest looking at the last few posts that were made on the thread there didn't seem to be much about politics in there, more about holiday destinations.
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I just want someone on the BBC to ask the Dr. what we all want to ask him.... "Is he your special travel friend" in the style of the Inbetweeners.


I'd like them to ask whether have been any payments either to Werrity or Atlantic Bridge coming from the Britain-Israel Communications and Research Centre, either direct or routed via the Conservative Friends of Israel or other groups; and what "advice" Mr Werrity has provided to Dr Fox with regard to foreign policy matters.

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I'd actually like the cabinet secretary to carry out the investigation he has been asked to and then maybe questions will be answered.

I'd actually like the independent adviser on ministerial interests, Sir Philip Mawer, to carry out the investigation he has pointedly and inexplicably not been asked to. It is after all the specific purpose of his role.

It might command more public confidence than having it done by someone who reports to Cameron, who the day after being given this inquiry was given a life peerage, and early retirement.

Cameron is after all also caught up in this, with his press secretary having been paid by the now defunct "charity" that is at the centre of this.

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Let's hope the inquiry isn't limited to Werrity. Fox has other "advisers". Last year he appointed a foreign national, Luke Coffey, as an adviser - something not usually welcomed in defence circles, I gather. He runs a right-wing lobby group based in London, and has close links with US intelligence. More recently he tried to appoint another US national, Lt Colonel Graham Livesey, but was knocked back because Livesey wasn't felt to be up to the role - so Fox created another role just for him, going against military and civil service advice in doing so. His own personal job creation scheme.

The agenda seems to be either the promotion of a more rightwing policy stance, or changing procurement practice to favour US firms, or perhaps both.

No wonder there are reports of demoralisation in the department and lack of trust between Fox and senior figures.

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This is interesting.

This information comes straight from a source with direct access to the Cabinet Office investigation into Fox’s relationship with Werritty.

Gus O’Donnell, Cabinet Secretary, has fixed with Cameron the lines of his investigation to allow him to whitewash Fox. This will be done by the standard method of only asking very narrow questions, to which the answer is known to be satisfactory. In this case, the investigation into Werritty’s finances will look only at the very narrow question of whether he received specific payments that can be linked directly to the setting up of specific meetings with Fox. The answer is thought to be no; that is what Fox was indicating by his extraordinary formulation to the House of Commons that Werritty was “not dependent on any transactional behaviour to maintain his income”.

So O’Donnell will announce that Werritty received no specific money for specific meetings with or introductions to Fox.

But the deal between Cameron, Fox and O’Donnell is that O’Donnell will not address the much more important question of who funded Werritty and why. Having claimed there was no wrongdoing, O’Donnell will say Mr Werritty’s finances are private and should not be made public. It was on that basis that Werritty agreed to give financial details to Sue Gray in the Cabinet Office yesterday.

The Cabinet Office will only look for direct evidence of a little grubby money-making for introductions to Fox. But what is actually happening is much worse and much more serious. Who paid for Werritty’s eighteen overseas trips with Liam Fox and his stays in exclusive hotels in the World’s most expensive destinations? What does he live on?

The answer is that Werritty is paid by representatives of far right US and Israeli sources to influence the British defence secretary. It has been discussed within the MOD whether Werritty is being – knowingly or otherwise – run as an agent of influence by the CIA or Mossad. That is why the chiefs of the armed forces are so concerned, and why there is today much gagging at the stitch up within the Cabinet Office.

This has parallels to the Christine Keeler case but is much, much worse.

That the British Defence Minister holds frequent unrecorded meetings in the Ministry and abroad with somebody promoting the interests of foreign powers is much, much worse than a little cash-grubbing. That the person representing the foreign powers is actually present, apparently to all as a ministerial adviser, at meetings of Fox with important representatives of foreign nations is simply appalling.

That we are being so easily misdirected to a narrow cash question – and that the media have followed that misdirection – is ludicrous.

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David Laws may come back in one form or another IMO in a mini reshuffle

Laws was another who completely failed to accept that he'd done anything wrong. Another whose fingers had to be prised from the legs of his ministerial desk.

The double standards of these people is breathtaking.

Tory after tory muttering to the press that Fox shouldn't go because they think him effective in his job.

Anyway, time to crack on and find out exactly what's been going on. There's a lot of questions that need much, much more investigation.

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This is interesting.

This information comes straight from a source with direct access to the Cabinet Office investigation into Fox’s relationship with Werritty.

Gus O’Donnell, Cabinet Secretary, has fixed with Cameron the lines of his investigation to allow him to whitewash Fox. This will be done by the standard method of only asking very narrow questions, to which the answer is known to be satisfactory. In this case, the investigation into Werritty’s finances will look only at the very narrow question of whether he received specific payments that can be linked directly to the setting up of specific meetings with Fox. The answer is thought to be no; that is what Fox was indicating by his extraordinary formulation to the House of Commons that Werritty was “not dependent on any transactional behaviour to maintain his income”.

So O’Donnell will announce that Werritty received no specific money for specific meetings with or introductions to Fox.

But the deal between Cameron, Fox and O’Donnell is that O’Donnell will not address the much more important question of who funded Werritty and why. Having claimed there was no wrongdoing, O’Donnell will say Mr Werritty’s finances are private and should not be made public. It was on that basis that Werritty agreed to give financial details to Sue Gray in the Cabinet Office yesterday.

The Cabinet Office will only look for direct evidence of a little grubby money-making for introductions to Fox. But what is actually happening is much worse and much more serious. Who paid for Werritty’s eighteen overseas trips with Liam Fox and his stays in exclusive hotels in the World’s most expensive destinations? What does he live on?

The answer is that Werritty is paid by representatives of far right US and Israeli sources to influence the British defence secretary. It has been discussed within the MOD whether Werritty is being – knowingly or otherwise – run as an agent of influence by the CIA or Mossad. That is why the chiefs of the armed forces are so concerned, and why there is today much gagging at the stitch up within the Cabinet Office.

This has parallels to the Christine Keeler case but is much, much worse.

That the British Defence Minister holds frequent unrecorded meetings in the Ministry and abroad with somebody promoting the interests of foreign powers is much, much worse than a little cash-grubbing. That the person representing the foreign powers is actually present, apparently to all as a ministerial adviser, at meetings of Fox with important representatives of foreign nations is simply appalling.

That we are being so easily misdirected to a narrow cash question – and that the media have followed that misdirection – is ludicrous.

This this this. Many times this.
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