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The New Condem Government


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On a day when Hector Sants head of the FSA has received an honoury Fellowship of the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment.

despite letting RBS et al nearly bankrupt UK PLC. What for I ask myself?

Hot on the heels last week of announcing that the FSA found unbeleivably that they could find no "lack of integrity" regarding RBS Sir Fred etc...., leading up to their collapse in October 2008.

It has been revealed that this same failed regulator, may well keep their investigations into HSBC & B & B a secret.

Whitewash anyone??!! Absolutely scandalous.. a state within a state that is being manipulated by banks that reward the staff at the FSA lucrative positions once their tenure at Canary Wharf is ended.....accountable to no-one, not even parliament!

Guardian Agrees!

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I don't think he can manage to take it to that extreme of preening, oily, self-satisfied smirking that Howard does, though.

Michael Portillo ?

But since he's left Politics I have really warmed to him , I think he is usually fair and pretty much on the money most of the time on "this Week" .. saying that I liked Diane Abbot on that show as well :shock:

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This coalition will tear itself apart

i still can't help but wonder if that is the plan ...

if another election was called tomorrow , would the UK really elect Ed ?

What's wrong with little Eddy?

Apart from being an utterly clueless tube? He makes Cameron look good which is no easy task.

Eddy has gained on Dave in the polls recently, which reflects enormously on this current Government's uncomfortable position in the public's opinion; and certainly shows us the weak leadership of Cameron.
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I don't think he can manage to take it to that extreme of preening, oily, self-satisfied smirking that Howard does, though.

Michael Portillo ?

But since he's left Politics I have really warmed to him , I think he is usually fair and pretty much on the money most of the time on "this Week" .. saying that I liked Diane Abbot on that show as well :shock:

I quite like Portillo now. He seems to be able to speak with honesty, a trait which never afflicted him while burdened with ministerial office.

But even at his worst, he was never within miles of Howard in the smug, gloating arsehole stakes.

Never seen the show you mention, but I doubt Frau Abbott would manage to impress me with her honesty on this or any other platform. Sometimes provocative, one or two momentarily amusing putdowns, and that's about it.

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Never seen the show you mention,

it's not a bad show , worth a view if you are a little interested in Politics , Portillo is on it every week and although I'm sure Ian will have a differing view I think he is pretty much on the money

Jon Cruddas was on the other week and was totally honest about the benefit reforms saying they were long overdue and he wishes Labour had tackled it rather than the Tories .. very refreshing to have an honest view rather than a political one .. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'd vote for him but I wouldn't egg him if he walked down my street :-)

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Big day tomorrow, I hope Nick Clegg does the right and decent thing.

Nick Clegg - decent? :crylaugh:

He's not going to do anything other than vote for his government's policy (I'm assuming that's not what you hop he'll do).

Edit: Nor what you hope he'll do. :oops:

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Big day tomorrow, I hope Nick Clegg does the right and decent thing.

Nick Clegg - decent? :crylaugh:

He's not going to do anything other than vote for his government's policy (I'm assuming that's not what you hop he'll do).

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Big day tomorrow, I hope Nick Clegg does the right and decent thing.

Nick Clegg - decent? :crylaugh:

He's not going to do anything other than vote for his government's policy (I'm assuming that's not what you hop he'll do).


I'm not sure that his 'right and decent thing' will help your party out as much as you might believe.

I doubt the electorate worry that he's a duplicitous, self-serving Tory wannabe.

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Government introduces anti tax-avoidance legislation

This will hit the rich, and completely leave the poor untouched.

Drat should be well pleased!

Horse, Bolted, Door, Shut is some different order

If they could look at these retrospectively then we are at least progressing.

Tony it's not "my" party ................... and you can cry if you want to :-)

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Fair play to Clegg putting the countries interest over his party and his own

The country needs more politicians like him

You wind up merchant :-)

The "fraudmaster of Sheffield" is the new name that was painted on a wall near his "ahem" house recently - so apt

Clegg and Cable today formally kill off the Lib Dems. Those who "pledged" to vote against the rises but think they can get away with abstaining are just as guilty as those enjoying the silver pennies handed out by their new bosses the Tory party. The LibDems tonight can hang their heads in shame.

Just watching Sky news while I have a cup of coffee and their woeful amateurish coverage of the demo's. A classic from the woman (where is that anchor Kay Burley?) "So leader of the students where are you at the moment?" "Ermm I'm in your studio!"

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Ian serious question, what is difference between Labour breaking their election pledge not to introduce tuition fees and the Lib Dems breaking their pledge not to increase fees?

Seems to me there is no difference at all but when Labour broke their promise I don't recall you forecasting that Blair had "killed off" the Labour Party.

I know the 'H' word is Tony's thing with you but can you not see how it applies here?

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Jon - this was a pledge, something they signed to. A lot of people voted for them based on that, as you will see from interviews today. They have gone back on this within day of coming into power. I remember you claiming that they are not the same party as the Tories, if that was the case they do not have to vote for this very retrograde step that is part of Tory ideology but very much against what the Old Lib Dems stood for. The polls show the support for the LibDems as such is now virtually gone completely, the party as it was is dead, its leadership has shown its true colours and they are blue.

Jon use the word hypocrite because I remember very well the "outrage" and the many comments you made during the last Gvmt about Europe, when at that time it was over a completely different thing. It's also very hypocritical of you (and Tony) to now start supporting the Lib Dem's (just seen a banner calling them Tory Lite which I thought was amusing) especially as quick look back during the pre-election phase your support was very much against what they stood for.

One thing that a lot of people, especially those supporting this Gvmt, are trying to say is that these and the many protests that are occurring are solely about the rise from 3k to 9k for fees. There is a whole load more of measures that they are bringing in that will affect the poorer while not hitting the wealthier - sort of pisses on their "we are all in this together" mantra

As a side issue some of the TV pictures are shocking, the police are over stepping the mark on a lot of their so called "policing of the protests". Appreciate that within the protesters there are some who likewise are behaving outside of the law, but some of the force and thuggery that Sky are showing (but not commenting - how convenient eh Rupert?) show innocent protesters being viciously assaulted. Not good at all.

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The IFS says the proposed student thingy is more fair than both the labour implemented current scheme and the browne report commissioned by labour. They say it's fairer and more progressive

...By decile of graduate lifetime earnings, the Government's proposals are more progressive than the current system or that proposed by Lord Browne. The highest earning graduates would pay more on average than both the current system and that proposed by Lord Browne, while lower earning graduates would pay back less. By decile of parental income, graduates from the poorest 30% of households would pay back less than under Lord Browne's proposed system, but more than under the current system. While all graduates from families with incomes above this would pay more, graduates from the 6th and richest (10th) deciles of parental income would pay back the most under the proposed system...
They also say it's flawed in some areas, but IMO you can't really knok either the Tories or Libs for introducing a scheme that is fairer than either the current one, or the one the report set up by labour recommended.

All the shenanigans are about "pledges" that no one is in a position to implement, and about the kind of shameless vote grabbing and opportunism that all the parties get up to.

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Fair play to Clegg putting the countries interest over his party and his own

The country needs more politicians like him

Are you joking? He made key claims about free education before the General Election. Nick is a weak leader and suits the Conservative party perfectly.
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