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The New Condem Government


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Working on the assumption Osbourne didn't tell his driver to wait in the disabled bay - what is the appropriate response by a politician in this circumstance when he walks outside to find his driver in a disabled bay?


Does he get in and say - "'Kin Hell Drive - you're going to make me look like a right arsehole in the Mirror. Thanks for that" as they drive off?


Does he have a public meltdown at the Driver so people can see his obvious false outrage at the drivers terrible action?


Does he refuse to get in the car until it has moved thus standing there light a spare prick in a knocking shop?


This is such a total non event really. Even Labour as far as I'm aware haven't bothered to even poke fun at him over it. Beat him up over his inability to get the economy growing, beat him up over his "savage" "swinging" "ideological" cuts - **** it, if your sad enough beat him up over the fact he was born into a wealthy family if you like. But seriously? Surely the Mirror and the VT communist party can do better than this? Can't you?

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I see we are reposting our favourite photos's  for the umpteenth time  ,so  here's my entry in the competition of boring repeats  ... cue outrage from the left that distastefully posing as a Nazi officer is not as serious as being born rich  



Again deflection - nothing whatsoever to do with thge subject in hand. Why are you doing this and not discussing the topic. The photo posted was produced in response to the Mail article and the vile antics of Osborne, why not comment on them rather than post random pictures in an attempt to go down the "ahh but Labour ...." or deflect path

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and yet Ender4's post directly above yours shows a total  different and equally plausible scenario

Actually, from what I can see Ender's scenario is pretty much the same as my second one ("Well done to get so close and so on").

None of us know what went on, Tony - so yes what we think may have happened may stem from how we regard the Chancellor and what kind of person we may think him to be.

What we do know is that his official car was parked in a disabled spot (something that really, really irks disabled people up and down the country) and that Osborne claims that he was 'unaware' that this was the case.

...what is the appropriate response by a politician in this circumstance when he walks outside to find his driver in a disabled bay?

Not to try and pass the thing off as being 'unaware' (for 'unaware' a shit load of people are going to read 'unconcerned' and 'unaware of what actually happens in the world' - i.e. that, generally, the bays nearest the doors to a place with extra space around them and with the yellow paint and the picture of someone in a wheelchair are disabled spaces).

Possibly come out and say that his driver should not have done such a thing as he knows how important those bays are to people who need to use them and so on.

This may have been equally as false as the 'unaware' story but it would show a politician with some gumption for a situation.

Edited by snowychap
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The convenient thing that the Tory (and now apparently UKIP) supporters on VT especially would have you believe is that the Osborne thing does not matter. OK it does not matter, or should not matter except for a few things.


Osborne and his pals has sat over some quite savage cuts and attacks on the most vulnerable in society including many disabled. They have shown little in the way of compassion but have shown a callous disregard for considering their actions. In the past few days and weeks we have seen them sink to new lows in the way that they have used the media to peddle out attacks on benefit claimants (note: this is the media that they supported despite leveson etc), so it was natural that people in the media who do not jump around to the Tory tune will take the opportunity to show this and point out that at a time when so many people are being affected, some of the most vulnerable i.e. disabled (ATOS says you are fit for work despite you being terminally ill etc) have a parking spot specifically allocated to them, being taken over by a member of the Gvmt's team. In isolation its trivial, but when you start looking back at this Gvmt and its supporters and the way they act - "don't you know who I am" - train etc, then the way the media works they will "report" it


No doubt we will now see a picture of John Prescott sitting in seat on a bus for pensioners or a comment re the Trades Union act of 1967 as a way of deflection .....

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His driver shouldn't have done it. He should say sorry and then reprimand his driver in quiet. But blimey a picture paints a thousand words, or nearly 10,000 on here. Its like listening to Will Gompertz

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Surely the Mirror and the VT communist party can do better than this? Can't you?

Really? What on earth is the point of that?

 Its a fair cop. Posting for effect mid rant. Apologies.

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What a load of bollocks. Who cares where some toff may have parked. There are important things to debate, you know, like the billions of £££ leaving the country to get stashed away in offshore accounts, £££ which Dave does sod all about yet kicks the poor while they are down.


Sod it, get distracted by this pantomime, just don't act surprised when you get shafted.

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Every time I dip my toe into this thread it is full of the same old bollocks. Rather than discussing/debating the issues of the day, and the actions of the ConDem Government (the title of the thread) we have people referring back to things that happened years ago under previous Governments. The fact  99 times out of a 100 the things they are posting have **** all relevance to the thread title or what is happening under this despicable mob currently running the country sadly doesn't seem to deter some. It is however making a farce of this thread.

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So instead of bitching about it - do something to raise the standards.

Come in, treat us all your wisdom and maybe our efforts will be elevated to your level.

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Who is that?


Really? :D


This car parking thing does seem like a rather desperate (and in some quarters quite hysterical) attempt to "get" Osborne, which given his record of consistent under-achievement as Chancellor seems slightly unnecessary.

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and yet Ender4's post directly above yours shows a total  different and equally plausible scenario

Actually, from what I can see Ender's scenario is pretty much the same as my second one ("Well done to get so close and so on").

None of us know what went on, Tony - so yes what we think may have happened may stem from how we regard the Chancellor and what kind of person we may think him to be.

What we do know is that his official car was parked in a disabled spot (something that really, really irks disabled people up and down the country) and that Osborne claims that he was 'unaware' that this was the case.


I very much doubt Osborne got in the car and said "Good job parking so close " so it isn't really like your second scenario :)



i know only working class folk are aloud to be honest (and hard working)  but here's a strange concept  .... How about when Osborne says he was unaware , he was telling the truth ... see Plebgate for dangers of assuming all Toffs are liars   ...

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- "don't you know who I am" - train etc, then the way the media works they will "report" it


If only it were true (not that the truth ever seems to matter here)   .. it turned out of course  that those words were never uttered   ...

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Every time I dip my toe into this thread it is full of the same old bollocks. Rather than discussing/debating the issues of the day, and the actions of the ConDem Government (the title of the thread) we have people referring back to things that happened years ago under previous Governments. The fact  99 times out of a 100 the things they are posting have **** all relevance to the thread title or what is happening under this despicable mob currently running the country sadly doesn't seem to deter some. It is however making a farce of this thread.


You've got the Hypocrisy nailed ,  you only need the word Deflection for the full set in the game of  VT top Trumps



for the record , it  was you guys ( i.e VillaAjax in this case ) who referred back to the past with the humorous Prescott picture , and then we had the Bullingdon Picture from Drat which he's only posted about 48 times previously (hence the Balls picture for the 47th time)


here's a novelty though , why not post questions without the words "Gideon " "vile" "despicable" "Tory words removed"  etc


then perhaps you might get a civil discussion

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i know only working class folk are aloud to be honest (and hard working)  but here's a strange concept  .... How about when Osborne says he was unaware , he was telling the truth ... see Plebgate for dangers of assuming all Toffs are liars   ...

What has being 'working class' or being a 'toff' got to do with anything? Or 'hard working'?

I disbelieve Osborne's 'unaware' claim for two reasons: that it was Osborne (someone I regard as untrustworthy at best) and that I can't believe that anyone would be 'unaware' that it was a disabled spot.

A bit tetchy, Tony? You waiting for a delayed 'plane again? :P

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i know only working class folk are aloud to be honest (and hard working)  but here's a strange concept  .... How about when Osborne says he was unaware , he was telling the truth ... see Plebgate for dangers of assuming all Toffs are liars   ...

What has being 'working class' or being a 'toff' got to do with anything? Or 'hard working'?

I disbelieve Osborne's 'unaware' claim for two reasons: that it was Osborne (someone I regard as untrustworthy at best) and that I can't believe that anyone would be 'unaware' that it was a disabled spot.

A bit tetchy, Tony? You waiting for a delayed 'plane again? :P

off to Bucharest tomorrow , so just getting it in early :)

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