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The New Condem Government


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I can just imagine some gullible people sitting watching and nodding their heads in agreement.

45 minutes from doom anyone ,wonder when we find a scientist dead in a field !!



I agree but your back up to your old "ah but Labour did this" bollocks again though I see.



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I can just imagine some gullible people sitting watching and nodding their heads in agreement.

45 minutes from doom anyone ,wonder when we find a scientist dead in a field !!



I agree but your back up to your old "ah but Labour did this" bollocks again though I see.

Well if you took the part I deliberatly took from your post and quoted you on and then took my comment , the intelligent amongst us would have seen a cynical observation rather than a comment about the person(s) that took us into war

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I can just imagine some gullible people sitting watching and nodding their heads in agreement.

45 minutes from doom anyone ,wonder when we find a scientist dead in a field !!



I agree but your back up to your old "ah but Labour did this" bollocks again though I see.



Out of interest what is the more unfitting behaviour for someone in public office , street brawling or having the police fabricate a story about you and leaking it to the press ?

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Why not stick to the subject or cant / wont you debate osborne and cameron? Why deflect to with "ahh but labour..." And then some strange question re the police. I see your personal abuse trigger is working well also.

But anyway ignoring the feeble attempt at deflecting away from cameron and osborne, is the antics of those two and ids recently a prelude to the election? There seems to be a few people who think that the next election will be somewhat nasty

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Eerrm the subject was North Korea and Cameron's comment.... I posted on the subject all be it in a cynical vein

It was others who took the thread in a new direction ... Thus I asked a question based on that new direction

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Zzzzzzz so do you think cameron was silly / stupid /correct re korea?, also do you think that there is any concerted effort to mis inform from this troubled gvmt as we have seen from cameron osborne and ids in the past few days?

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According to the Beeb report, Osborne was 'unaware' that the motor was in a disabled spot.

Yeah, right. Pull the other one, George. No, not that one, that's my false one, you bastard.



Edited by snowychap
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Maybe he could have said "We can't park there, that's a disabled parking space"... oh wait, he didn't see the large bright yellow markings all over it so we'll have to let him off.


Labour are already laughing their way to the polls in 2015.

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Maybe he could have said "We can't park there, that's a disabled parking space"... oh wait, he didn't see the large bright yellow markings all over it so we'll have to let him off.


Labour are already laughing their way to the polls in 2015


And gosh won't we all be better off. Peace will rule, the streets will be lined with gold because remember "Things can only get better"


Welcome Prime Minister Balls.



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I'm quite shocked by the Osbourne story about parking in a disabled parking space being considered newsworthy, When I heard it on the news and the fuss surrounding it, I immediately thought, there is no way he would have been driving (we have people paid for by taxpayers to do things like that) and the buck really does stop with the driver in such things, Also, from what I've seen and heard from Gideon, I've always though he's obviously suffering from some severe mental incapacity which is clearly a major disability in his cognitive powers, I've always believed this is cornerstone behind the reasoning Ian Donkey-smith's persecution of the disabled (well maybe reasoning is giving Donkey a little more credit than he deserves, but I'm sure 'ability to reason' was mentioned on his CV so must be true). After all if a Retard like Gideon can get such a well paid and important Job, then clearly there is no excuse for any other disabled person and anyone claiming benefits must obviously be a work shy skiver.

Edited by mockingbird_franklin
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I see we are reposting our favourite photos's  for the umpteenth time  ,so  here's my entry in the competition of boring repeats  ... cue outrage from the left that distastefully posing as a Nazi officer is not as serious as being born rich  



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I'm quite shocked by the Osbourne story about parking in a disabled parking space being considered newsworthy,

it isn't it's just more desperation from the Mirror  .... thing is had Ed been in the car it would have parked in the middle ,  half in the Disabled bay and half out as Ed wouldn't want to make a an actual decision either way

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Maybe he could have said "We can't park there, that's a disabled parking space"... oh wait, he didn't see the large bright yellow markings all over it so we'll have to let him off.


Labour are already laughing their way to the polls in 2015.


yeah Cameron may as well resign now , I can see the Mirror headline in 2015 already


" It was Osborne's Driver Wot won it "


Mrs H is a bit of a back seat driver , but even she doesn't take note of every parking bay we pull into , to say Osborne should have been aware is really stretching things

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Is it stating the obvious to say that Osborne isn't actually driving the vehicle ... Or does that ruin a good story ?


The actual story is that his driver parked in a normal spot & Osborne got out & went inside.


Whilst Osborne was inside, the driver moved the car to a disabled spot (i presume as it was closer to the door), so when Osborne came out the car was now in a disabled spot.

So nothing Osborne could have done at that point, except for maybe refuse to get in the car, which would have been stupid.


Media story twisted from nothing.

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Is it stating the obvious to say that Osborne isn't actually driving the vehicle ... Or does that ruin a good story ?


It isn't and I don't think it does.

The picture (whether Osborne actually told his driver, "Park in the disableds, I couldn't give a ****." or came out to find the vehicle parked there and said, "Ooh, well done to get so close, that was lucky. Why don't others park here? I wouldn't be wanting to walk too far in this keen wind.") could well be seen as a metaphor for this Tory lot and they way they are governing - having other people (generally minions - Lib Dems, councils, civil servants, &c.) actually take the actions which would receive the stick and making sure they're at arms length and can claim to have no direct responsibility.

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Is it stating the obvious to say that Osborne isn't actually driving the vehicle ... Or does that ruin a good story ?


It isn't and I don't think it does.

The picture (whether Osborne actually told his driver, "Park in the disableds, I couldn't give a ****." or came out to find the vehicle parked there and said, "Ooh, well done to get so close, that was lucky. Why don't others park here? I wouldn't be wanting to walk too far in this keen wind.") could well be seen as a metaphor for this Tory lot and they way they are governing - having other people (generally minions - Lib Dems, councils, civil servants, &c.) actually take the actions which would receive the stick and making sure they're at arms length and can claim to have no direct responsibility.

and yet Ender4's post directly above yours shows a total  different and equally plausible scenario 


As always with these things  I guess it's going to come down to eye of the beholder ... for me it's a non story for Chris it's gonna cost Cameron the election :P  (sorry Chris)

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